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teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - Printable Version

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teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - calliope - 09-07-2018

【☆】 There'd been too much bullshit in her life to even put up with at this point. She already learned how to put up with as much of it as possible growing up. Harper was from a sink or swim family, and there was no way in hell that she'd let herself sink. Running away was only one of the things that would help her cope with everything. Family wasn't something that she cared about anymore. They set her up for the world, but at the same time, tried to drag her down into the abyss that they thrived in.

Weeks of running and breaking down passed since she left. She couldn't say that she changed all that much, but her environment sure did. First came the ghost. Harper didn't have a name for it. They never exchanged any words, with her only catching a glimpse of the thing staring at her from the shadows every so often. Second, she was alone. For once in her life, she didn't have many familiar faces milling about, and she'd only exchanged a word or two with a couple of passerbys. Her little follower wasn't exactly company either. Finally, she was standing at the gates of an unfamiliar territory. She was ready to stop being alone, ready to force people back into her life, ready to push back everything from her past. She was so fucking ready for this.

Without much hesitation, Harper rung the bells, hoping to draw any attention. "Hey assholes! I'm here to join!" she shouted in addition to the ringing, already growing impatient. Someone better show up quickly. It was rude to leave guests waiting.

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - Grey - 09-07-2018

He's not the proudest person out there but there is certainly a narcissism which envelops him. He'd like to think he is beyond the troubles of life, that the world was trying to steal his fire and beat him in this game by changing and reforming the rules which confined him. Bakugou can never imagine himself intentionally running away from a situation unless it were part of a winning plan itself. It was a desire for accomplishment, a sense of pride. All he really wants is the acknowledgement of his crewmates, for them to believe in his strength and anger. When it comes to this idea of homelessness, all he can remember was his first weeks in this wretched landscape. He felt lost with no ambition, only nightmares of a past he felt embarrassed to have even remembered. His flaw was that he didn't trust easily but when he dared to trust others, his guard went down miles away that any act of betrayal hits him like a truck. He has to remind himself, however, that it wasn't Kirishima's fault. No, he shouldn't have let his friend ever be alone. None of them would have died. Would he have preferred to live in a world without him? His selfish side says yes, his selfish side knew just how gifted he was.

He rolls his eyes when he hears the irritating ringing of bells but grows immediately annoyed at the voice of a female shouting among the metal clangs, rudely and obnoxiously calling through the blare of noise. "Oh look, an impatient bitch," the ragdoll would snide at the feline, rumbling a growl from his throat. When he sees her, she looks similar to him. They were both cream-furred ragdolls. The only difference, however, were their eyes. His were sanguine, a deep red. Hers were green, an earthly tone. Still, the male doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with anyone should they piss him off on first impression. "It's pretty fuckin' redundant to ring the bell and shout over it at the same time - bloody stupid. I'm surprised your dumb luck even led you to ring the bell that doesn't trigger the black mambas to maul you." Well, as much as he wished his high position would allow him to yell and verbally abuse anyone he came across, he still had to fulfill his job. "Well, this is The Typhoon - blah, blah, blah. The fuck do you want here?"

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - the trash man - 09-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]what kind of family was linux born into? she supposed it was a powerful one, a relatively nice one, even if the stark differences between linux and the rest of the rouxs were painfully obvious and hard to ignore. linux guessed she'd never really complain though, would never run away from what she had been born into and abandon everything she'd known. but if pushed enough - the snow-white child wouldn't have a second thought to do exactly what harper had done. did that make the two cowards? maybe. but alive cowards were better than dead heroes.

hot on the heels of baku, linux had a problem with the way that the foreign girl spoke so rudely and lowly of everyone in typhoon - but she had a bigger problem with the boy who was first to greet harper. at least harper's insults felt impersonal and vague enough that linux could let her hot-headed nature ease enough to take her side on the brewing argument. "oi! show her some respect asshat! if you make enemies with everyone you meet you're gonna' live a lonely life baku." sniding at the boy, linux's dusty pink gaze narrowed at bakugou's form haughtily, ivory ears lain flat uon the child's head before linux gave the respect she spoke so highly of and gave her attention to harper. "sorry about him, bit of a airhead, if you want to join typhoon then i'm sure pinch will be happy to have you around. so welcome!" beaming a soft smile, linux felt suitably satisfied with her hypocritical statements as long as she made it seem as if she were in the right. even if in reality that wasn't necessarily the case. "got any questions about the place?"

(welcome to typhoon!!)

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - Character Graveyard. - 09-07-2018

Kirishima hadn't been a very happy child, though he could remember his parents very well. He had cherished them and he couldn't even imagine how they felt because he had been killed and reborn in this new world. Surprisingly, he didn't really mention his parents at all, nor did anyone else from UA in the old world. Not too long after Bakugou and Linux had arrived on the scene, the Striker found himself following them, a invisible brow raised as the three of them made their way to the border. Another new person, and she reminded him of Bakugou in so many ways. The lack of patience, her hotheadedness and the mouth of a sailor.

Kirishima would find himself at the other male's side as he eyed Harper in his own curiosity before he decided to introduce himself. "Eijirou Kirishima, but Kirishima is fine."
tags :: updated 9/07:

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - Grey - 09-08-2018

His fur bristles, irritated by the pitched voice of the kitten trying to lecture the reaver for his rude behaviour. "I'd rather be lonely than have to put up with your whiny, high-and-mighty existence. I ain't an airhead, I'm a piece of shit. At least I ain't lickin' her feet like you are," the reaver growls at the kitten. He hates it when children don't realise their place. That being said, Bakugou himself counts as a minor but he still always finds himself bickering with little girls and boys who thought they knew everything. Some days he can just breathe and they'll take it aggressively. He's never understood why there's always been this sudden telepathic knowing of Bakugou's crude personality. Perhaps it's because children have always had a way of knowing but regardless, Linux pissed him off. To be lectured by her for his bad attitude made him want to burn her to a crisp. She was lucky she was still a child.

His ears twitch at the girl's words about the fem wishing to join. Hmph, well he hadn't managed to properly decipher the joiner's words over all the ringing. Like he had said, it was redundant to ring a bell and scream atop it. They were both loud, they both became meshed into noise. Still, Linux and Kirishima had heard the ragdoll just fine. Maybe it was Bakugou's own problem to deal with, having worked in the forges nightly and daily hearing the constant clang of metal and stone ringing against his ears. The sanguine-eyed male, seeing little point in wasting his existence in front of these two, turns around to walk past Eijirou. He doesn't stop to greet his redfurred friend. As there is no longer any real reason for him to stick around other than introduce himself, he decides it's best to retract.

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - Luca - 09-08-2018

Luca had already gone on and on about how much he hated his family. He hated the strict rules, the pressure to fit in. He envied the Rouxs and their rather positive relationships as a whole, and had found himself wishing on more than one occasion that his father had been more like Pincher or Jacob. Maybe then his mother wouldn't have been struggling to support all her children, and maybe then Luca wouldn't have been sent of to fend for himself. He should have run away, like Harper did. He had always been good at running away from his problems- he should have ran and never looked back. But then again, he wondered if he even could have. Maybe it was predetermined that he would stay and meet the two that his souls had been entwined with. Fate, or something of the sorts. He found himself scoffing at the thought, his single healthy eye trained intensely on the ground in front of him. There was no use in worrying about fate and all the things it entailed. As long as he had the illusion of freedom, he could live peacefully.

It was the brewing argument that caught the hellhound's attention, bringing him over to the small group. His eyes moved from Bakugou to Linux. 'Bickering children,' he thought with mild amusement, as if he were any better than them when it came to pointless arguments. "Paws," he gently corrected Bakugou, a smugness lacing his low voice. "Technically she's licking her paws." Did he gain anything from being an asshole? Not really, nothing aside from the satisfaction he wore on his face like a badge. Paw licking was serious business, after all, and he wouldn't stand idly by why Bakugou disrespected the practice. The smirk on his maw was gone when he turned his gaze to the unfamiliar feline, though, the one that half resembled the spitfire reaver than had been insulting he earlier. "What's going on here anyway?" He asked after a brief pause. A joining, he assumed, but he could never be too sure.

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - crownedprince - 09-08-2018

{ .:*・° } i had been close with my mother back in korea. we were very close until she... until the lung cancer got to her and she passed away. the thought of it made my heart sink, and i could feel the tears welling in my eyes. but i knew i had to push it aside, to get over myself about it. it was easier said than done, as the death still took a toll on me after about two months, but that was alright. i knew i'd get used to it eventually.

but with pincher, i didn't know how to describe our relationship. were we close? possibly, but i didn't exactly know. i'd like to say we were pretty decent, but maybe we weren't. i don't know. shrugging my broad shoulders, i was sitting in my hut, humming to myself as i read the book i had just found out sugar gliders. they were pretty interesting; they were omnivores, and they ate lots of insects, while also having a love for sweet things, like in their name. after setting out some fresh vegetables and fruits for odeng and gookmal, i watched, satisfied, as they began to eat happily. it warmed my heart to see them so happy and adorable; they truly made my life better.

soon enough, i heard some ruckus outside. what was going on? going over to odeng and gookmal, i reached out my paw, and they scrambled up it and onto my shoulder after many annoyed chirps since being disrupted from their meal. sighing quietly, i headed outside, following the noise until i came across the form of four people. one i knew, the other three... not so much. smiling it linux, i looked at luca with slight disgust at the comment, but found myself looking at harper, who had said she wanted to join. turning back to the other three, i sighed in annoyance, my voice matching it. "meongcheong-i deul-a, show some respect!" i said, exasperated at the fact that they, mostly bakugou, would think it would be alright to act this way in front of a joiner. shaking my head in disbelief, i bowed quickly towards harper, a forced smile on my handsome features. "joesonghabnida- sorry- about them, they have no respect. i'm dessie roux, and you're looking to join you said?"

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - PINCHER - 09-10-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had grown in an infamous family, one mixed with what many called "crime royalty". Gangsters. Killers. Thieves. Mixed with "witches" and creatures of mystery. It was the perfect mixture of what Pincher now was and frankly, it hung in the air like his cigarette smoke that would dance out of his lips. Mysterious. Deadly. In the beginning, he had not felt any pride for his roots. They were ruthless monsters that did not believe in "children", simply saw Pincher as just another family member that would carry on the traditions on fucking up the world in the same way it fucked them. In a sense, he could understand their ideals and their perspectives. The world was cruel and ruthless, it wasn't a world meant for the soft-hearted and innocent so one shouldn't behave the same way unless they wanted to get torn to shreds by it.

The storm colored figure of Pincher was trekking through the rich jungle vegetation, his forked pale tongue dancing around his black cigarette as he smoked it softly, taking a break from all the paperwork he had waiting back in his subarmine quarters. Work was a pain in the ass but he knew he should get back to it soon since it was better to be efficient leader than a piece of lazy shit with power. With a soft exhale of exhaustion rumbling out of his empty chest, the male was ready to turn away but his attention was grabbed by the explosive sound of the bells and the distant yelling of a voice he did not recognize. He raised a fictional eyebrow with curious wonder as the muscular male headed over, chewing his lit cigarette with his canines. He ignored the burning sensation as he crushed the cigarette and swallowed it, his cool gaze locked onto the figures of his crewmates as he arrived to halt beside them, hearing their bickering with a deadpanned expression. "Nice first impressions, everyone." He stated flatly with a slight trace of sarcastic icy humor before the dark wildcat focused his hypnotic gaze onto Harper. "So got a name or what? Name's Pincher, captain of the Typhoon. Welcome to this lovely crew we got here."

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - FELIKS - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Ever a sucker for pushing the boundaries of the norm, the male had quite the spring in his step as he approached not too long after Pincher, despite all the faults of the Captain (well there was only one fault and it was that he was well... a Captain) Feliks had grown a bit of a fondness for the jaguar for reasons beyond justifying. There was just something about cooler, calmer figures that made the gryphon giddy with anticipation - he was gonna be the one to make them come out of their iron shells, whether they agreed or not. A smirk faintly lined on his dark beak, the hybrid would flash his typical self-serving look towards the newcomer, offering a nod in greetings. "Well you gotta be honest with the new lil' pumpkin, if we're a bunch of rowdy drunk pirates who want to fight each other then to hell with manners am I right!? Hey, newbie uh... whatever the hell your name is,". She'd called them assholes, it didn't seem unjustified to go along the same route of namecalling. "Assclown. You, uh, wanna fight? I'll go easy on ya, I'll even tie me own legs together so you stand a chance,". That very last phrase sent a nervous chill down his spine, perhaps evidence that he was just jesting about with the other if the smarmy look wasn't a big enough clue. Feliks wasn't going to take sides in the arguments of youngsters, especially two that he didn't have any issues with. Clashing personalities was the only reasoning for the spat, both of them had their points. "Name's Feliks by the way, I'm the Typhoon's Ligma so I'm a pretty big deal around here,". Probably not the best joke to try and make in front of aforementioned youngsters, but oh well.

Re: teen angst bullshit【☆】joiner - calliope - 09-14-2018

【☆】 Well, this was certainly an interesting array of people. The first one was a major fucking asshole, and clearly just about as impatient as she was. It looked like she had a new victim to throw all of her bullshit onto. After all, she enjoyed pissing people off a bit too much for her own good. The smaller child had shown up before she could tell him off. Though, there was some satisfaction with the young one telling him off for her.

  Asides from the one other friendly guy, the conversation seemed to derail quickly. Arguments, mentions of paws, and all that other junk were on topic. Apparently, she was going to be stuck with a bunch of bickering children. How fun. "Geez. Didn't know a bunch of pirates would be so sensitive," she commented. Her voice had been indecipherable for the most part; serious enough that it could be a genuine comment, and joking enough that she could just be messing with them. Someone else stepped in, speaking partially in a different language. She only nodded at his question, not wanting to repeat herself.

  The leader as next to show up. Damn, she almost felt bad for him. It must be hell to have to run a group like this. "My name's Harper," she finally introduced herself. "Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. It means so much to me," she added on, voice dripping with sarcasm. She seemed completely ignorant of the fact that she wasn't any more mature than the rest. Ah well, ignorance was bliss.

  "Let's fucking go! I'll fight you," she snapped at the one that mentioned a fight. Was he joking? Probably, but one could never be too careful. Besides, she wasn't one to turn down a fight if someone actually meant it. The attitude shifted a bit after he introduced himself. The rank name was questionable. What did it even mean? "What were you guys even thinking when making a name like that? Ligma; Really?" she couldn't help but comment on the stupid little name. Well, stupid or not, this place was at least shaping up to be quite interesting.

ahh, this is all over the place, sorry