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` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-06-2018

September 6th, 2018
- Adjusted the 6th axis on prototype 2
- Test run #4

Would this work? Looks like it was time to find out.

❝ Alright, little guy. Do your thing. ❞ With one toe of his paw outstretched to push on a small, joystick contraption, Tadashi watched as his creation—a tiny, bare-bones gadget with two "legs"—began to slowly but surely take steps forward. He watched it like a hawk, noting its every move, searching for any errors, eager to see if it could complete the task of walking around in a circle. Everything was going good so far . . . now to make the turn.

Well, it almost did.

It began to change directions when it short-circuited and collapsed onto the floor. Tadashi now sported a frown, one of disappointment because his hard work of tweaking Axis 6 had proved to have been for naught. His ears quickly dipped against his cranium as a trickle of smoke began to ( l e a k ) out from the wires. Luckily, the tiger had come prepared, and he promptly grabbed the bucket of water beside him and proceeded to dump it directly onto his prototype to extinguish the smoke. It looked like he would have to replace all the wiring . . . bummer.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - rhosmari - 09-06-2018

The warden had never been one for high tech devices. Not robots or even the simplest of things such as doors that opened on their own or any other human like contraption. Perhaps he wasn't interested but then again he just never had the time to actively seek out such things. Not since he incident of his capture and subsequent torture. His body was still healing, wounds festering with pain and some of he large lacerations that were just gaps and cracks in his flesh now had scabs over them. Some that were completely covered and some that were not. But he was alive and that was all that mattered he supposed. Stepping lightly forward the mutated feline concentrated pearl colored eyes upon the once upon a time smoking little contraption. His head tilted and he was actually rather interested in what this could have possibly have been used for. Though he didn't want to seem like he was insulting the other and so he settled down for a greeting first. "Hey there, name's Monroe. I saw ya contraption from across the way and I got curious." He spoke with a light tone, as much of a light tone that he could but there was some edge to his voice. The pain shifting his vocals for just a moment. "What ya gonna use it for if ya get it tae work?"

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Owlie - 09-06-2018

He followed after Monroe, walking on his hind legs and itching behind his ear. He felt very awkward like this, he needed clothes and glasses and he still didn't feel right. Ed looked over Monroes shoulder at the contraption, and a light smile came to his face.
"And what's this beautiful thing?" He asked, falling onto all fours and making his way over to the contraption. "I like it! What is it?" He continued, looking over it, then looking at the ground by it. He was looking at someone who wasn't there, again.
Do you just ever see something like this and wanna- His other self clicked his tongue and mimicked a kicking motion. Wanna destroy it?

No, we're not doing that. Things he would've said out loud but wasn't going to because there were other folks here. He looked at the joiner and tried to snap his fingers. He failed, and grumbled, then shook his head. "Whats walks and talks like a man, but is not?"


Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Tena M. - 09-07-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Tena was a mechanic.  The job she'd been... Forced to do, but she'd gotten good at it.  The petite sand cat hummed softly, brows creased lightly in thought as she crept closer. to the scene.  Her long tail curled up behind her as her head tilted slightly.  Tiny.  Two legs.  How quaint.  How misfortunate too. 

Tena had never worked on small contraptions back home.  It'd been large moisture vaporators.  Nothing but moisture vaporators most of the time really.  Boring work.  Nonetheless, Tena was a tinkerer, and she liked learning how things worked.  Her luminous blue eyes were locked on now, analyzing the small contraction and the sizzling wires.  Where did one even get wires out here?

Finally, her head tilted upwards, curious gleam fixated on the contraption's creator.  "I'm Tena." She offered a small, friendly smile, contrasting with the softness of her voice, traced with a careful distance.  "Do you need help with that?" She sure hoped so.  Genuine hope.  It would be nice to tinker again.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-08-2018

The tiger raised his head, as he was being addressed by someone. His eyes rested on the peculiar creature — a half cat, half shark. Monroe had managed to be a memorable character to him because of his appearance ( and not to mention his thick accent ). He had never formally met Monroe, but he supposed that it was better soon than later. ❝ Hey there, Monroe. I'm Tadashi. ❞ The cap-wearing feline greeted. When he had inquired on the contraption, Tadashi examined the failed experiment and replied, ❝ I'll probably redesign the axis' on its legs. I thought I fixed it, but it still couldn't make the turn. And, well . . . ❞ It had started smoking, and for what reason he didn't know. ❝ Maybe I'll create a new design for it entirely. ❞ Tadashi concluded. Maybe he wouldn't be able to salvage it, but hey, at least he could learn from his mistakes. That was what the process of trial-and-error was all about.

Someone else had come along; this time, a . . . monkey, of some sort. He couldn't place what species it was, seeing as he wasn't exactly an expert on these things. However, his e n t h u s i a s m for his invention was appreciated, at least. Tadashi managed a grin and he explained to Edward, "It's a bipedal bot. It's supposed to walk like a human." In fact, much like a monkey could walk on its hind legs. Maybe he'd have to study Edward's own anatomy when creating future designs, seeing as there wasn't any humans he could observe.

Already, the Gibbon was turning out to be quite a quirky character. He told riddles, which Tadashi didn't see hardly ever. He was willing to attempt and answer, and so Tadashi thought for a moment before guessing, "Hm. I could only assume a robot? If you program it to do those things." Monkeys could walk like humans, though he didn't think that they could communicate like humans did.

And . . . who was this? A kitten? She was awfully cute, he had to admit. Her cheeks were ( fluffy ) and her eyes were ( round ) with curiosity. A soft smile decorated his maw, finding her enthusiasm to help him just plain cute. "Sure, Tena! I'm going to take this back to the lab later and see if I can fix it up." How could he say no to her? Besides, he liked it when others showed interest in his hobbies. There needed to be more inventors in the world. The tiger introduced himself to Tena, "I don't think we've met. I'm Tadashi."

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - Owlie - 09-09-2018

"I was really looking for android, but I'll accept robot as an answer."

"Suppose to walk? Is it going to do anything else?" Ed was very interested in this, head tilted and smirked lightly. "I'm pretty familiar with humans. Can I help you sometime?" After all, I was a human. He bared his fangs in that awkward way, trying to smile but it comes off weird. "You have a lab?"


Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ whistle while you work ﹙ o, intro ﹚ - PIERCE - 09-09-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce had never been too interested in building... anything, really. Oddly enough, out of all his gaps in memory of his old home, he could remember receiving a weekly task that had been to build some bird houses, and god, how horribly it had gone, the finished product having been just two pieces of wood nailed together and a bruised paw. After that whole ordeal, he'd been completely deterred from wanting to try building anything, whether it be work that included carpentry, or more centered around engineering. His brain was just not wired to work that way, and apparently, he couldn't quite make it work with his paws, either.

The serval had been drawn over not by the smell of smoke or the splashing of water, nor by the accumulating group of Sunhaveners, but by the sound of an unfamiliar voice. He'd been trying to keep up as best he could with... well, everything, which included all the new faces coming into the clan, of course.

So, Pierce made a swift approach, sweet smile upon freckled features as he stepped forth. The voice of Ed made his step falter somewhat, smile slipping for just a moment. He couldn't get away from this guy, could he? He didn't necessarily dislike the gibbon, he just made him so angry- he couldn't stand to spend too much time around him at all, much less talk to him. However, he recomposed himself rather quickly and found a place to stand near Monroe, large honey visionaries flitting over the dripping figure of the malfunctioned bot before he looked up to Tadashi. That was a nice name. Speaking of, Tadashi was pretty nice to look at, but Pierce was quick to cast that thought aside. He needn't worry himself with pretty boys, not right now, at least. "It's nice to meet you, Tadashi," spoke Pierce once Edward finished his torrent of questions, tone warm, as usual. "I'm Pierce Parker. I like your hat!"
