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ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - Printable Version

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ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - PIERCE - 09-06-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
This was not Pierce’s first meeting with the rest of the Art Guild- he had attended one before, back when Ja’sunna had been Head Impressionist, but with the change and a few ideas he had, he figured it’d be best to gather everyone together again and go over it all. He had scheduled the meeting pretty early in the morning, before most would awaken, since he didn’t want to interfere too much with the café’s hours if he didn’t have to. Despite technically being closed, the Art Café was filled with the mouth-watering smells of fresh-brewed coffee and pastries, which Pierce had apparently gotten some help to make. For, despite how it may seem, he was far from a good chef.

Laid out on a larger table, which was set up for six, was platters of fresh fruit, yogurts, juices, tea and coffee, toast with all sorts of spreads, and some breakfast pastries. Hopefully, that’d all be good to keep everyone happy while the meeting was ongoing. And, now that everything was set up, he was to wait. Ideally, it wouldn’t be too long until most of the Art Guild had arrived.


//mobile & it’s 1:30am im sorry if this is kind of bad )):

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - Ilijas - 09-08-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas was a little shocked that he was the first to arrive. This whole responsibility and showing-up-on-time thing wasn't really his forte, not when there was a whole wilderness for him to be exploring. The art guild was important though, and as he settled before Pierce, he hoped that his fellow impressionist wouldn't hate him for completely falling off the map as of late. It wasn't any excuse, but his prolonged absence had been in the pursuit of art, the photographs from his latest endeavor displayed proudly in the parlor of his shared home with Beverly.

[color=#454843]"How's it hanging?" Ili inquired casually, a rosetted paw extending to steal a piece of fruit. Damn, he loved fruit- Pierce had excellent tastes. [color=#454843]"Make any... uh... Good art lately?" Inquired the Dawnguard, mentally cursing himself for his inability to make small talk effectively. At least he made the effort but still... he sounded like a godforsaken idiot.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - Owlie - 09-08-2018


Pierce didn’t like him. He’d been able to tell that much, but he was much less sure of why. Things he didn’t know bothered him and he wanted to find out.
”So... art program. Mind if I check it out?”
He looked at Pierce about this- since pierce seemed to be the one in charge.

Maybe he’d do a better job because he had hands.


Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - Mama - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Something about craft, allowing material the chance to become something more, had always held interest for Ishayu though her work was more within a specific line, the heat of a forge offering her a comfort little else could. Yet she had proven hesitant to enter her own since her return, unsure on exactly what it was that pushed her back, as though it was no longer her place.

“Greetings Pierce,” soft words escaped her as the serval entered the cafe, one of the few buildings she had yet to explore. Much of her previous days had been spent doing such, making notes of each and their purpose, excluding homes of course for she had no wish to intrude. This would be the first meeting she had attended for the Art Guild, though she was yet to be counted amongst  their numbers, this was more a trial to see if she fit more than anything. "Ilijas, and I am sorry but I do not believe I have met you."

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-10-2018

The last meeting was held by Ja'Sunna, though Gordon didn't remember talking about anything. Luckily though, Quantum had promoted Pierce as the new Head Impressionist and things seemed to be improving now. Not that things were bad before! Gordon just couldn't wait to get things started.

The little Dawnguard quickly mad her way over, her green eyes shining as she entered the cafe. "H-hey, everyone!" Gordon chirped as she came in, holding her tail high.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | art guild meeting - PIERCE - 09-12-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
//i'm sure yall have read this already but juST IN CASE here's a bit about the art guild
also, apologies for the lateness !! i just added two extra classes to my schedule so its been a lil hectic

The arrival of Ilijas brought a kind smile to Pierce's lips as he sat up from his place on a soft cushion to go greet him. "Hey, Ilijas!" he spoke up, rubbing sleepless eyes as he neared. "I, uh, haven't really had much time to do anything lately, actually. You?" He and Ilijas weren't quite friends, not yet, at least, but he really liked the younger tom, so he was glad to have him on the art guild. Then again, he "really liked" most people, so he'd be pretty pleased with pretty much any addition to the guild. That is, except for one, and he had just stepped through that door.

The pinning of his ears to his head had been involuntary, and Pierce quickly forced them forward, dull gaze sweeping over Edward's familiar, though eerily human-like figure. "Can't stop you, can I, hun?" The words were spoken in a light tone, accompanied by a sweet smile, but he was completely serious; if he could stop the other from joining the art guild, he absolutely would, but that just wouldn't be fair, would it? No matter how much he wanted to stay away from the guy, Pierce refused to stoop so low as to exclude him from anything work-related- his personal feelings could not impact his job. However, Pierce couldn't help but wonder, could this Ed guy even do any art? He seemed more into books and shit (not unlike someone else Pierce had known, unsurprisingly), and even with the advantage of apposable thumbs, if one did not have the motivation or personal skill, the advantage meant nothing.

After Edward, who Pierce was trying his best to avoid despite them all being in a rather confined space, entered Ishayu, who Pierce had always liked. She had been around a lot for a long while, and she seemed really nice, at least from what he'd seen of her. "Heya, Ayu," he returned gently, features softening as he addressed her. "How've you been, lovely?" Lastly, Gordon arrived, and once she walked in, Pierce decided it was time to get to business. If anyone else arrived, that would be fine, but he didn't want to waste much time.

Taking a step back and seating himself in a chair which faced two others as well as a couch, which were set up in a semicircle, Pierce gestured for the others to come take a seat as well. Once they were all settled, he began, "Okay, so- hi, guys! I'm really glad to have you all here, first of all, it's really cool that you're all interested in this guild." Not only had he written out and studied a small guideline of ideas to talk about the night before, but Pierce had a feeling he'd done this kind of thing before, so he was doing surprisingly well. "I've gathered you all here today not only to explain the guild, but also to brainstorm a couple ideas for future events possibly run by us, the Impressionists."

Before beginning on anything else, Pierce gave a brief explanation of the guild for anyone who wasn't sure what they had gotten themselves into, which followed directly into the rest of his little speech. "I had some ideas for events and stuff - nothing solid, 'cause I haven't talked to Monroe yet -, but I wanted to get you guys' opinions first." He didn't want anything to be set in stone without discussing it with those that would be making said thing possible. "First off, I thought we could have some sort of paint run, or art festival kind of thing? Essentially, we'd have booths with all sorts of creations - drawings, paintings, carvings, sculptures, you name it - for sale all along the boardwalk, and we could invite allies and stuff, and there'd be fun activities to go with it, like facepainting, maybe pottery classes, or even like the paint run I mentioned. In that we'd race, I don't know, maybe through the mountains, and the bystanders would basically just throw paint at us. Maybe there could even be a prize?" He paused for a moment, both to let the ideas soak in and to catch a breath. It was a lot of ideas at once, and ones that possibly overlapped with ideas of Monroe's, so he wasn't certain about anything quite yet. "I just really want an opportunity for us to put ourselves out there as the art guild of Sunhaven, y'know? So if any of you have good ideas, or anything to add, that'd be awesome." Something original and personalized would be super cool for them- he was sure they could make it possible.
