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START AGAIN && o, joining - Printable Version

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START AGAIN && o, joining - charrie graveyard - 09-05-2018

God, he was so fucking sick of walking. It seemed like he had been travelling for years, ever since his mum had... no, no, he wasn't about to go into that fucking mess. His father was a fucking prick, and yet, his old man's words still stung every time he thought about them. Even now, from miles and miles away, the motherfucker still had a hold on his mental state, and it had almost driven him over the edge once. Australianpaw wasn't saying that just figuratively either... he really had almost driven the tom over an edge.

But Aussie was better than that- or rather, he wanted to be better than that, to get better and not have such self-loathing thoughts. Of course, that was what he always told himself.

The ivory tom cat made his way up to a water covered path, a slight buzzing in his brain as he put one paw gently into the warm water. He may have had just a bit to drink earlier, an awful habit of his he always wanted to kick, but could never shake for the life of him. Drinking was what had led him to this mysterious place, curiosity ultimately bringing him to where he was now.That aside, however, Aussie would now make his way across, wading through the water with a slight smile on his face. He was at home here, in the water. Even if he wasn't completely submerged, only his paws getting wet currently, the water was like an old friend to him, or a second home. Christ, he sounded so fuckin' cheesy, but it was true. He loved water.

Once across, he began to pick up on the scent of what could only be other animals, mingled with the smell of sea salt. What the fuck was going on here? Walking further, he finally came across the massive gate, the bells ultimately catching his eye. "Tha' fuck are these?" The tom muttered, imaginary brows furrowing as he gazed upon them. His instincts told him not to pull the rope hanging down from the bells but... how could he resist? Tugging on it, the bells would ring out loudly in response, and holy shit, was this satisfying for Aussie. Not really getting that "ringing them once is enough", he kept on tugging at the rope, a stupid grin on his face as he did so. What could he say? When he was this buzzed, he was a simple cat to please.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #7EB6FF; font-size: 24px;"]— AUSSIE

Re: START AGAIN && o, joining - no more - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“I wouldn' if I were ya,” from dark lips left in a rather bad state, too many hours left chewing upon them and the lower healed from a recent bite that had gone almost through, the words arose within a tone speaking touched with annoyance. It had become common to hear the sound, a song he had grown accustomed to and found easier to tune out, nothing more than background noise he would ignore when it suited him, but this was different. He couldn't recall another who had set about with glee, finding pulling the rope enjoyable to a degree they did so without care to the threat beneath.

Paw rose, flicking towards the bundle of mambas in their holding set beneath the bell, grown agitated at the repeated sound for they had a purpose and seemed almost prepared to go about their work, words a little lighter now though still an edge was present. “Dey don' like it when ya pull da bell more den unce.” A few short seconds passed, time in which the bengal thought upon his next words, knowing he should question the other but it seemed more appropriate to wait, see if he was reckless enough to continue and get bitten, treatable but such didn't speak of what anti venom Silus had for he worked off demand when it came to that, or had some sense and would stop.

Re: START AGAIN && o, joining - Luca - 09-06-2018

The familiar thud of wing beats was a telltale indicator of Luca's arrival. At first he had promised himself that he'd ignore the bell and continued with his work, but the repeated ringing had made that all but impossible. Now as he arrived, he did so with the pure intent of scalping the one responsible for his misfortune. His ears, ever burdened by his enhanced senses, buzzed with white noise brought on by the repeated high pitched sound. Luca landed rather clumsily, folding his sharp wings by his sides and looking Australianpaw over with a critical eye. At least Silus had already come forwards to stop the feline's incessant rope tugging. He seemed to relax a bit once the noise died down a little, the fur alone his spine flattening slightly. He shook out his windswept pelt and shot the young sage a smile, finally turning his (now significantly less pissed) gaze back in Aussie's direction.

"No one likes it when you ring it more than once," he added, giving his pink painted claws a little flex for emphasis. "What're you here for, mon chéri?" he continued without much of a pause, his voice becoming softer and smoother as he talked and the rest of his irritation slowly filtered from his system. By the time he spat out the pet name he was completely relaxed again, his eyelashes half lidded over irises of fuchsia. It was easy to forgive foolishness if it wasn't done on purpose, but the intensity of Luca's stare indicated that he wouldn't be so quick to let bygones be bygones next time the pale feline upset him.

Re: START AGAIN && o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-06-2018

As usual, Caesar was here with a sour look on his face. The demon had, of course, been brought over here by the sound of those damn bells and he let out a grunt of agreement at Luca's words as he glared at Australianpaw (whose name he didn't know) and awaited the kid to answer Luca's question.