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YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - Printable Version

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YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - PEYTRIVING P. - 09-05-2018

there really was no excuse for peytriviing's absence. it was sudden, and they weren't quite sure what had brought it on. the feeling of doubt had grown too heavy in their chest, and everything was catching up with them. the disappearance of cain so soon after reuniting. sola leaving. finn going on with cain and their nieces and nephews disappearing alongside them. there used to be mortems within five meters of everyone, and now they were alone here.

it had taken some time. motivation. most of all faith, to come back to the rosebloods. they hadn't left the territory for more than a week, simply to clear their head after spending so many weeks alone in their bedroom. they had a duty to attend to. they were a guard, it was time to shape up and start acting like one.

"sorry for disappearing on everyone... had to run some errands." they mumbled through the fur of a buck, dragging to the center of the garden and dropping it at their paws. "got dinner, though. anyone care to update me on what I've missed?"

Re: YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - sephiroth - 09-06-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]A ghostly gray pelt slipped from the shady forest, accompanied by a pair of sharp blue-green eyes and soundless breath.  Sephiroth didn’t know Pey all that well compared to some others, but they were still a member of the group that had a high rank so clearly they were important.  And they brought food; that was always appreciated.  The silver lion wouldn’t have any though; he could hunt for himself fine enough.

”The Pitt raided us and we’ve had one or two joiners.”  Sephiroth would recap quickly and formally.  Really nothing much had happened; maybe he would have to try and do something about it.  Maybe start something to get his groupmates working.  He tried his hardest and he knew a lot of his fellows did too, but it was rather dull with nothing really to do.  He needed to work, he felt it in his bones.  Hm.  Maybe he’d try and pay back the Pitt somehow, perhaps discretely and by himself to avoid complications.

Re: YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Oh, Peytriviing! They'd been the first Roseblood to greet Lydia when she had gracelessly wandered onto the territory. They'd also been the first one to instill some bizarre primal fear into her regarding large wildcats. Although these days, that fear seemed to be dwindling and Lydia had come to appreciate her tiny frame in comparison to her larger fellow Rosebloods.

It was definitely good to see her again, though the tabby felt the need to add onto Sephiroth's blunt explanation of events "Its been hot as fuck." She emphasized this by faux-fanning herself with one paw and being overdramatic with a pant "And all of our joiners have been big wildcats or whatever like you and Sephi."

Re: YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-08-2018

She was nowhere near happy with her fellow guard, she didn't show any care outwardly, but inwardly she had for a little now been upset he never seemed to be around. Accepting to be a guard? Was no joke for the calico, it was a serious oath to become the first line of defense for both the high power and the group itself. Heck, she felt bad for the few days to week she had to vanish in order to hunt sometimes, but at least she went to Pey and let him know that he would have some extra slack to pick up for! Slender paws carried her forward as she leaped onto the buck he was dragging, looking up at the larger but younger manticore with her empty gaze from the side. "Next time you decide to leave without telling the only other guard in the entire group for some errands, think about how many animals could get hurt if this place isn't protected properly." the raid could have gone a lot worse than it had if she, for example, had needed to hunt while Pey was gone and had not been there. Luckily nothing super bad had happened, but they could have lost animals due to his childish selfishness.

"You're a guard, it's just not your game anymore, your part of a team and we have Prestige and our whole group relying on us to make sure they safe, you completely neglected that." she did not often speak much, but when she decided to let words flow freely they damn sure had some reasoning. Chewing out her fellow Guard in the most nonchalant voice in the world? Was an accurate usage of her imperfect social skills. "So bother thinking of the animals relying on you next time you decide to go run some errands without telling anyone or making any plan for someone to manage your duties, what you did was beyond irresponsible." and she had no desire to fake choking down parts of deer just to appease him right now, so she leaped off the prey item, and turned her back, heading anywhere that was not directly around someone who had decided that the title of guard was something that could just be walked away from whenever they wanted with no comment. He was just lucky that she was too much of a workaholic to be personally attacked by him leaving everything on her.

Re: YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - PEYTRIVING P. - 09-08-2018

seeing some familiar faces cheered them up a bit. good to know there were still some he knew that stuck around while they were gone. the news of the pitt raiding wasn't a surprise. all that tension when they had gone to get their food back was thicker than butter. though it didn't appear to be any bad news by his tone. not to mention no serious injuries seemed to be present on anyone. the manticore nodded their head slowly, pawing over the buck's hoof before deciding to sit down.

"gods, it is hot." they chuckled with lydia. "big wildcats aren't so bad. sometimes it's real hard to move around, though. our fat asses can't fit through most of these manmade structures." they continue with a smirk, only to visibly stiffen when jiyu approaches. they expect the beratement from her. of course. the calico takes the position much more seriously than they do, as she's had more experience with it and seen more in her life than them. they don't appreciate the condescending words she says, though. their scorpion tail uncoils and they begin to grimace.

"pres was well aware of my situation. he was the first and only one i told, because he's the only one i need to report to." that's all that needs to be said. if jiyu didn't care to ask him herself about their whereabouts, and felt comfortable assuming they would leave without a word, that wasn't their problem. it wasn't her business to know peytriviing's personal issues, and they certainly weren't up for sharing them with her any time soon.

"anyway." they look back to the other to with a dismissive glance to jiyu. "is everyone alright? did they steal anything else during the raid?"

Re: YOU GOTTA BE SO COLD ;; open - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the incarnation of the RED HERALD of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of past lives.
"you remind me of Rizer" a new voice cut in mildly, the owner being the only recent joiner that wasn't a feline of some description.

War padded forward, rising from the half crouch he sometimes took to when out hunting or otherwise being much more quieter or if he needed the boost in speed and glancing towards each gathered - noting the conflictions between this one and Jiyu before he gave his name.


[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh