Beasts of Beyond
DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - Printable Version

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DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - EROS - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He hoped and he prayed to whatever deity that would listen to him that they had not noticed his prolonged absence. But then again he didn't have much hope that they wouldn't. A slave would always be noticed when they were present, they were property that couldn't be allowed to have too many freedoms. The canine like beast lifted his head, long limbered form shifting over the expanse of the desert as he walked through the sands. It was much hotter than Tanglewood and something he noticed right away though he easily became used once again to the environment that he had once lived in. His ears pulled forward slightly as he listened for the steps of his authority, shoulders hunched a bit. Maybe if he got to the jungle and to one of the homes quicker he could claim he had been stuck trying to clean up a particularly tough mess. Or, maybe someone had needed him for the day. Either way,  paws touched the humid coolness of the jungle ads he made his way toward the home he had known since he was little. Carefully he picked his path, easily avoiding patrols and the like as he went because he didn't want to be caught out here and when he reached the Ancient City he paused there, taking in a light breath. Though relaxing wasn't part of his conscious being, instead he kept himself tense, coiled like a spring ready to leap.

He was fighting his consciousness all the while so that it didn't drive him into a panick. He knew what he had done was wrong but he just couldn't stomach it and no one knew he had abilities. These powers he had developed over time. Swallowing a bit he slowly made his way to a home and slipped inside, shivering just a little. He hadn't even thought about getting rid of the scent of Tanglewood, although faint from the long travel was still there upon his void colored pelt.

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - TSUYU. - 09-06-2018

Oh, the pest was back. How.. Delicious.

Tsuyu found herself stalking the boy while he rushed into a home, a grin on her face despite the still aching headache that made her head spin. He had ruined her torture session, and she wanted revenge. Revenge on the one who had taken her catch from her, stopped her from taking what she wanted.

She deactivated her wall-walking ability, using her cats reflex to land on her paws once she let herself fall from the tree. She followed Valkyr's footprints to the house, her bobbed tail twitching in sadistic excitement as she slightly pushed a paw to the bottom of the door, freezing it so it jammed closed, before she attempted to let frost thinly coat the door. He would probably notice it, but she didn't care. If she wanted revenge, she was going to torture him slowly.

Tsuyu said nothing, merely settling on the walls outside, using wall-walker to help her sticky paws glue to the wall sideways.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - EROS - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]A soft yawn left the throat of the mythic beast as he tried to keep himself alert. Though tired he knew he had things to do or things he needed to catch up on since his absence and the fact that he had slacked off a bit. Flicking his forked tail the large creature would make his way to the side of the room for a short moment only to pause as he heard and odd sound. Head craning to the side he eyes the door in which he had just entered through. It was shut and he was not the one to close it. Nor could he miss the thin veil of ice that was along the door. Gently he walked up and put a paw against the door, pushing lightly to feel that it was jammed shut by the ice. Although this wasn’t worrying to him because of the heat and humidity of the jungle, it would melt but what worried him was who had done it. Stepping back he spread out his sense and listened, scents and sounds flooding him. There was the sound of breathing close by and a scent he recognized. He recoiled immediately and withdrew, making his way further into the home and into a small side closet where he hunkered down in a corner. His jaw clenched as he remained quiet, gaze half closed and on the ground in front of him.

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - Luciferr - 09-06-2018

//throws in a spooky boy.

he'd found the house-dwelling of prey-slave not that long ago, after following the smells to it - Blacktide was still hungry after all and prey-slave had taken what could have been good food when green-drone was done playing with it.

unfortunate that prey-slave had squirrelled the enticing prey away - spotted-queen would be displeased for what good was a prey-slave who turned away captured prey? this one was a defective slave to strange-hive.

and defectives - aberrations to the order of hive were eliminated.

so it had been that the pitch dark form of the predator had simply scuttled inside lying flat to the ceiling with its innate wall walking and so well camouflaged that not even green-drone had seen it yet it seemed, for now he maintained a silent shadow in the dark crevices of the ceiling corners.


Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - EROS - 09-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Gently he was counting numbers in his head. One. Two. Five. Seven. Never in order as they should be. He was just easing his mind and waiting for that moment when something would happen. It was simple and he understood what was happening as the slow thought dawned on him. His long ears shifted as a new scent entered the area and though he had never encountered the creature before he had heard about it. In the darkness of the small closeted area adjacent to the room he had previous been in the tiger sized canine waited, carefully. His nose twitched, toes wiggling to lightly press blunted claws against the ground yet they were still dangerous with enough pressure. His pink marble eyes were slightly open though the pupil had become a narrowed slit thanks to his enhanced senses being triggered. When would it happen? And what was going to happen? Regardless he wasn’t going to let fear over rule his train of thought as he still bounced numbers around in his head. If he had to defend himself he would and swallowing thickly the sha creature moved slowly, eyes looking up to a window.

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - melantha - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]Muted pawsteps announce the arrival of another although, unlike the others, she does not even attempt to conceal her presence. Melantha is confident enough in her hierarchical status that no one would make the mistake of messing with her. Mel is generally a passive creature who minds her own business unless provoked, which is not recommended. She isn't above murder in self-defense. Or beating someone into submission. The reason for her interest in Valkyr is that she spotted the male returning from gods only know where during one of her usual patrols. In spite of her indifference towards slavery as a whole, she could not deny the unusual circumstances surrounding the sha creature. As far as she can tell, he is not the sort to go around breaking rules.

Although the strong arm does not witness Tsuyu freeze the door shut, she does spot the nasty little pest sitting on the wall. Melantha does not bother to conceal her disgust at the sight of the slave, for she has deemed the hybrid disagreeable irregardless of Tsuyu's slave status.

"Valkyr?" she calls in a crisp, clear voice. Melantha does not bust down the door, and instead chooses to stand patiently beyond the threshold. "I need your assistance with something." Something about the situation makes the young huntress suspicious. The layer of frost on the door, Tsuyu sitting on the wall, the eerie quiet of the night...

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

and in the still alien darkness, a shadow moves

A sudden shift and with no warning, a creature of pitch void springs from the hidden crevices and straight for the pink-eyed-drone-slave - claws out and aiming to plunge them into the soft fur of its chest silver teeth glinting in the darkness.

This one had betrayed hive - this one was effective, aberration to hive in tandem

Aberrations were eliminated,

/this all IC, he's attacking Valkyr, again semi-feral weird alien view Oof.


Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - TSUYU. - 09-08-2018

Tsuyu seemed to light up with happiness as she heard Melantha speak, a disgusted look on her face. Tsu didn't know what was happening on the inside of the house, but something felt off, and it sent shivers down her spine.

"You might want to check on your precious Valkyr.." She croaked out, and with a flick of her paw, all of the ice on the door melted into water, coming back to her and returning to the bottle on her side. She didn't know what was going on, but she liked seeing others struggle. Melantha was one of the people she wanted to watch struggle.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: DON'T MAKE IT WORSE - open; return - melantha - 09-10-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]The crusader senses the change before Tsuyu speaks, though the annoying little frog does assist in convincing her that she needs to step in. Were she not concerned for the safety of Valkyr, she might have scoffed at the presumption that the sha creature is anything close to "precious" to her. Melantha simply decided that he was worthy of her kindness, unlike a lot of people in this gods-forsaken desert. The puma does not waste anymore time, and barges into the small rickety shack which Valkyr calls home. Just in time to see Esklav's feral experiment attempt to sink its claws into the slave. An infuriated hiss escapes her maw from behind bared teeth and she rushes forward and attempts to swat away Blacktide with unsheathed claws. "Back. Off," Melantha demands in a powerful voice. She might be smaller physically than this monstrosity, but it should know better than to touch her less it is fine with the repercussions. "I need this slave alive, so run home to Mommy." For some reason, the beast views Esklav as a parental figure, which is strange but not unsurprising. Her superior tends to get himself involved in the strangest of things.