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ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - Printable Version

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ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

the soft shades of twilight gave way to the deep black of night and a solid spines form stood in stark contrast to the large fire sat in front of her - casting bright orange flickers against golden highlights.

Eternal had sort of disappeared slightly but hey she often did that when clues surfaced - only she hadn't expected to find another old friend dead and gone - fuck,moot even a good death when it was a murder.

A frown tugs at her lips slightly but she merely throws more tinder on the fire and snaps idly at the embers - and fuck she'd had to do it manually, she missed Her fuckin fire powers, uh fuckin her luck that something knocks her powers out as soon as she gains a new form.

Typical, she had the worst luck.

Great spines shifted slightly from where she rested close to the fire, several round puffs of white crimping along each spine before she shifted away and stood - twisting her form to pluck em off and pop em on plates.

"EY! ANYONE WANT SMORES ? OR MORE DELIGHTFUL CONVERSATION, WHATEVER" since talking was the main past time of everyone here - other than various people getting near almost constantly hurt or otherwise in some angsty situation - see this is why she didn't let life get her down, there was already too much depression in the everyday.


Re: ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - ★ HAZEL - 09-05-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel had, once again, succeeded in dragging herself out of her room, and managed to find a small inkling of pride in it. The soft shades of dusk hid her haunted expression in its grainy resolution, though it did not hide the dim glow of her golden optics. Like dull metal, they rusted, her grieving emotions producing lackluster sapphires and lapis lazuli under her paws.

Her sense of pride didn't last long - the moment she noticed Etty's campfire, her spark vanished. Margy and Suite would have loved this... she lamented silently. The family aspect, the comfort - all the elements it took to draw Margy and Suite to a scene. She was ready to sit by the fireside with her family, with her friends and her lifelines - of course, none of that was possible, as all that remained of them were phantoms. Ghosts that would haunt her until the end of her days.

Exhaustion, heavy and dragging, slammed into her bones, and Hazel all but stumbled into a sitting position, tucking her legs under her to get more comfortable. The heat of the flames almost felt like body heat, and she regretted the fact that it wasn't. Seconds passed while she collected herself, putting on a facade and smiling at Etty. "This is wonderful, Etty." The cocoa feline murmured. "Thank you for the offer of a s'more, but...I'm full." Liar; she wasn't. Hazel had hardly touched a piece of food in days, but her mind had no appetite. She felt no need to eat when there was no reason.

Re: ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - MOONMADE - 09-06-2018

[size=9pt]"Full of shit."

Moon loved Hazel. She was witty and kind, she scared him in all the right ways, and he commended her for putting up with Bast's bullshit. But that didn't mean he was gonna' put up with hers. He could see it in her-- the drag of her paws, the airiness to her voice, how she sunk in on herself. And he got it; Marg and Suite passing had hit them all hard, Hazel especially. He wasn't going to force her to act like she wasn't grieving. But it wasn't like him to stand by and watch someone crumble without interruption. "Have a smore, Nuts." He says, voice having softened as opposed to his introductory words as he settles down beside her. He had the same heaviness to him that she did, just worn differently. "I know Bast kicked me out off the Medic team but-- Doctor's orders."

Re: ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - BUGSY - 09-06-2018

Bugsy was taking the whole "settling in" situation quite well. This was a new place for him, with new sights and faces to see. Being, well, himself, he had no problem with talking with others and introducing himself. He had acquainted himself with lots of people, even as a kid. It was in his nature to be able to talk with strangers. What was there to be scared of? Besides, he might as well kick his stay off to a good start. What better way to do so than to potentially make a friend? That is . . . if these people could stand him ( and vice versa ). He had been told before that he was quite a nuisance.

At the offer, Bugsy was eager to take up either. A conversation, he could handle. But s'mores? He had only had one in his life, maybe, but he remembered the treat being damn good. It was a good thing that these ferals still managed to get their paws on human food out here. After growing up in the city, he was so used to eating out of trash cans that actually hunting for his food was pretty much a last resort. There was nothing like a lukewarm, half-empty beer bottle and pizza crusts in the afternoon.

The Beauceron padded over, only recognizing one out of the three gathered so far. No problem, he was sure that he'd learn their names eventually. Bugsy took a seat and chimed in, "I'll take both; how's about that?"

Re: ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - ★ HAZEL - 09-06-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Dull optics flickered to Moon as he graced them with his presence. Hazel could feel similar waves of grief radiating from the lion, but they must have been fainter than the ones she emitted, for he was walking and talking with little trouble. For a moment, she held his gaze, her own blank and unaffected by his statement. Once she might have scoffed and rolled her eyes at his antics, but now the girl only felt irritation where affection might be. Hazel didn't want food, she wanted her family.

"I'm not hungry," She stated, voice empty and quiet. She refocused on the flames, on their flicker and glow, wanting so badly to share their warmth. Bugsy, although new, was hardly given a second glance, though it wasn’t personal.

Re: ALWAYS A KILLER IN THE DAWN LIGHT | open, smores - Grimm - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Within recent days there had been little of the child, kept at bay for he struggled once more with grief, found it clutching at him, seeking to draw everything out into the light until nothing was left. He would not speak of the nights he had found himself curled in the rose garden, a small patch cleared so he might not feel thorns upon him, stifling sobs with shaky paws, not wanting others to see him in such a state. Yet the days spoke little of such for he seemed chipper, though his mood proved somewhat dampened and he was less prone to wandering and laughing, found words harder to form, given to his grief in the darkness of night.

It was as such a strange sight to see him, tiny paws taking time to lift from the ground, each step a struggle as he drew closer. Though curiosity about the s'mores was present, for he had never really had such foods having kept to a rather limited diet in the past based on availability, it was the company. He too chose to settle by Hazel, offering a soft, shaky smile to Moon before he was moving to her unoccupied side. There was unease in Harland in those moments, unsure before he was leaning closer, reaching up to gently press his nose against her cheek.