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STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - Printable Version

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STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

A dark ink lot stained the pale sands - the sun shining off an eyeless carapiece and the slow cooking stench of a body wafting from the viscera scattered around the pitch dark creature.

For here did BlackTide sit, absentmindedly gnawing through the carcass of a deceased slave while the days were slow - he had yet to venture out and cause trouble amongst their enemies, content to sit back home after the violence inflicted on enemy-snow-hive - it had taken its fill and scarred its enemies, so he was content.

The first signs of ridges along its form was the telltale indicator the beast would soon obscure itself away in the deep unreachable recesses of the pyramids only to resurface larger than before - soon it would shed its juvenile skin.


But for now the juvenile apex creature was content gnawing the last dregs of meat from the bone before inevitably demolishing that too - for hungry were those about to evolve.

A noise to the side caused dark ears to prick up and the unseen eyes to glance in that direction - which strange-hive was disturbing its meal today?


Re: STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-05-2018

Blacktide was a strange creature to Dante. The being in of itself looked odd but of course, Dante himself shouldn't be one to judge considering how he was a hybrid of two different animals. No, Blacktide was strange in the fact the being didn't appear to be smart; at least not in the sense that he and the other members of The Pitt was. So Dante had taken it upon himself to spy on the strange creature, although his dumbass hadn't really been paying attention where he placed his paws.

Realizing Blacktide had noticed his presence, Dante let out a cough, as if acting like he wasn't here the entire time. "Shouldn't you be bringing that back to Yes Man?" The hybrid suggested, his torn ear flicking as he stared at Blacktide.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - TSUYU. - 09-06-2018

"Ah, the damn slave got itself killed.. It doesn't even have enough meat to feed off of." Tsuyu's voice muttered as she hung upside down from a tree next to Dante, using wall-walker to make this possible. She had previously been resting not far off, but had heard Dante's voice and skittered over curiously. Blacktide, or Blackie, as Tsu called the xenopanther, had been chewing on a slave's bones, picking the last of the meat from the appendages.

While Tsuyu didn't care who Blacktide ate, she was still worried a bit about whether or not he was getting enough to eat. Should she have killed something for him? No, he wasn't incapable of hunting. It was obvious.

Her charcoal gaze turned to Dante, as she have the feline-hybrid a grin in greeting. "Hiya, sir. Ribbit. Hiya, Blackie!" She called out to the xenomorph, remaining in her spot.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"] The serval had seen some freaky shit in his time on earth. Everything from fires to cannibalism to even people doing weird decapitation rituals. But he had to admit, Blacktide took the cake. He was freaky. Nevertheless, Gabriel liked him, unlike Dante, who seemed to appear any time a member of The Pitt was enjoying themselves even the slightest amount. "Shouldn't you chill out for maybe five seconds?" Gabriel rebutted Dante, a grin forming on his face and his tongue rasping over his exposed teeth where his cheek had been ripped away awhile ago.

Re: STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

if he had visible eyes they'd be burning holes through shark-cat-praetorian's head.

Instead the eyeless beast merely turned to the shark-cat and stared for a full minute before pointedly turning away to continue munching on the dead prey-slave - praetorian shark-cat might be but BlackTide thought him a poor one,

Praetorians were to guard the queens and higher castes yet this one bothered him over a dead prey - trivial matter - if it were dead it would be eaten, if it were lame or ill then it became useless as its function and thus culled - it kept slave-prey from trying to attack hive and kept the hive culled of useless wastes that had more usability dead than alive.

And since no hosts were currently needed - they were only good for food for now.

Green-drone joined them and the alien creatures ears flickered at the high voice - sparing a low rumble for green's enthusiastic greeting, recognising the prey-tongue's word in reference to him, though he had no words on the little left - green-drone simply suffered of lack of timing, if she were here earlier green would have found more to chew on.

Half-jaw joined them, BlackTide rumbling in his direction - an amused note almost to the quality of the vibrating sound at the visible taunting - half-jaw had scars, therefor half-jaw had proven himself of some quality, he was a good strange-hive.

Green had brought prey had come to strange-hive from enemy-prey yet had proven to be of hive after all - he'd yet to see what any quality other than bothersome shark-cat was so far.

Idly he wondered where pale-mother was - were their more siblings with strange void skin yet?


Re: STRANGER SHADOWS | open. - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-09-2018

Dante's ears flicked to show he heard Tsuyu, though it was clear that the hybrid wasn't going to pay much attention to her. Hell, his gaze hardly changed from looking at Blacktide to her, though it did travel to Gabriel as the serval spoke to him. "If you think this isn't chill, you haven't met me." He mused, his tail flicking idly before realizing that Blacktide was just staring at him.

"Ya got a staring problem?" Dante hissed to the xenomorph, lips peeling back in a snarl. He didn't like the feeling the semi-feral creature gave him; it made his fur stand on end and his feathers ruffled. He didn't like it.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE