Beasts of Beyond
Human Roleplay Removal - Printable Version

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Human Roleplay Removal - Orion - 09-05-2018

Hey BoBCats,

With the failure of our second attempt at human roleplay, we have collectively agreed to de-board human roleplay. Though San Creado has flourished, The Berserkers and Morgan Heights both had their downfalls quickly after launch. Even so, all groups eventually grew inactive after a month of roleplay. Interest ran low in the initial idea also. Thus, in this case, we find it best to remove these boards.

While we do wish to have human roleplay in the future, right now is not the time. Our focus is purely on animal roleplay for now. We apologize greatly.

As a mid-way option to the removal, we will be moving all human threads into a separate board on Sunday, September 9th. By that time, prefixes will be provided to the already existing groups and all threads will be transferred into this board. You may continue roleplay as you wish, but these groups will no longer be considered 'official' aspects of Beasts of Beyond.

If you have any questions or concerns, please bring it up with one of the users on our staff team on-site.

Thank you,
The Beasts of Beyond Staff Team