Beasts of Beyond
Shop/Power suggestion - Printable Version

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Shop/Power suggestion - tikki - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]Hello!
I am unsure as to if this has been suggested yet or not, but I was thinking today about some of the powers, and how they could potentially be grouped together. I was curious as to if it would be a possibility in the future to have some of the powers that go together ( such as the elementals, or even the mythical/extinct creatures, etc. ) go together in a pack option in the store as well, with a small discount on it. Not something huge to make it so that it wasn't saving up for some of them, but something to 'reward' buying multiple powers at once. ( As there are five elementals, each costing 100000, maybe making the pack cost something like 450000 or 475000 instead of 500000? )

Re: Shop/Power suggestion - Orion - 09-05-2018

That's a really neat idea actually! <333