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so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - Printable Version

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so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - no more - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Upon dark features masks have come to settle, given a number too high to count. Each is different yet those fine details are minute, mere shift of small things, a new secret hidden behind a quirk of lip, the narrow of the eye he is left, or the furrow of his brow. What lingers within that head, words murmured around the faint pulse of pain within its center, seem never to touch the lips, a cage gilded and given a pretty gloss to distract.

Behind it all there is a war. Once there might have been a time when the words lingering upon the tip of the tongue may have found flight, given a murmured breath to rise upon, speak freely of the things caught in his chest, seemingly claws wracking his heart, tearing it apart until nothing lingers. Yet such had been lost, gone before he had learnt of the mere possibility. Might things have proven different, walked a path given to light rather than shadowed by doubt and fear, if he had forced aside the impulse of action, a want swirling about his mind seeking to be heard. Maybe he might have been enough once, accepted his place and given himself time to grow rather than force himself into a mould he didn't fit, forced to stretch himself thin to prove to himself he held any worth.

“Fuck...” strained breath escaped lips bubbling with blood, skin torn where teeth had closed about it, ripped though when things had grown too much. More dripped down his face, rivets of crimson, ears which seemed less so now lowered against his head. Before them sat not the curve of dark bone but rather broken, jagged fragments the skin around both left a mess. He had been careless in his want, gone at it with no care to his personal health, and such showed.

Down into the sand the dark frame collapsed and upon the edge of the bay he could only draw himself close, lip stinging as once more teeth closed about it, a weak attempt to stifle shuddering breath.

[ he poorly cut his horns off and in the process shredded both ears and badly damaged the skin around where the horns were ]

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - Luca - 09-05-2018

Luca had once worn a variety of masks, some more literal than others. When he was younger he used to hide all his emotions behind an apathetic facade, although it was more subconscious than it was an attempt to seal away what he was feeling. He just hadn't been a very expressive child, and all emotions were more internal than external. However, as he grew this became less and less the truth, and his emotions slowly began seeping onto the outside. He hadn't become any more emotional than before (he was always sensitive and quick to anger) he had just gotten used to wearing his heart on his sleeve. Nowadays the only time he hid his emotions was during spy work or one of his rare regression periods, where he adopted the personality of his younger self and brooded in his house for days at a time. There was a freedom that came with being vulnerable sometimes; he preferred to be honest about what he was feeling.

One thing that he could never show openly, however, were the intrusive thoughts that haunted him every second of every day. It was always some twisted thought or another, internal commands to poison or mutilate or kill. Whether said thoughts were focused on himself or others varied, but he tried his best to fight them off with equal ferocity. For a time he had thought that it was something that came with being a demon, something that couldn't be helped, but he had learned over time that those thoughts were a very mortal condition. His deal wasn't the reason he suffered them, it was all the fault of his own stupid brain. He was sure that his goddess helped them out at least a little, though, being the cruel mistress that she was.

It was the smell of blood that freed him from his most recent thoughts, his mind breaking from fantasies of flames and smoke to focus fully on the scent. He frowned and headed towards it, for it was rare that he wasn't enticed by the familiar metallic smell. Although the scenes themselves stressed him out if there was too much yelling and running around, they were more often than not a pretty sight to see. He couldn't quite decide if blood was less or more pretty when staining the pelts of people he liked. Sure it was distressing to know they were hurting, but there was a beauty in that suffering. Pain brought people closer to divinity, after all, and divinity was the prettiest thing of all.

Perhaps that's why he was so conflicted when he finally came upon the scene of Silus on the shore. Children didn't quite need to cleanse themselves of sin, especially Silus, who had already gone though so much. There was no need for him to be in pain, for in Luca's eyes he had nothing to repent for. At least that erased the short-lived conflict that had been brewing in his chest, allowing worry to take over him fully. He rushed to the side of the striped feline, reaching a paw towards him before retracting it back, thoughts of disturbing the sage getting the better of him. "Silus? What happened!?" Luca asked, the smoke from his lungs catching in his throat and causing his voice to crackle with the subtle hiss of a fire pit. He swallowed away the accidental harshness, and his voice was its usual husky drawl when he continued. "Are you okay?" It was a stupid question, because Silus was quite obviously not okay. Perhaps something adjacent to alright, but most definitely not okay. He glanced around for a medic, but didn't want to run away to grab one if it meant leaving the kid alone.

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - no more - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The mind is a funny thing, acting in ways one may never want it to, speaking out of turn with no care as to what arises for what good were wayward thoughts if they were not to be shared. The child knew the presence of such, intrusive a rather fitting word for they seemed as such, breaking into the steady flow, stilling his paws when he was meant to be working for each was unwelcome. Given to a darkness they seemed so strange to find, lingering in a dark corner he had hoped they might stay, swept back when one arose. But some were hard to ignore for they arose in moments of weakness, when he was meant to care and not allow such to taint his mind, too important.

When he had a patient under his care, when he felt the slickness of blood as he made attempts to do anything he could, they arose like dark birds upon heavy wings. Oh how they called to him, beckoning him to end the suffering, caught in the guise of assistance. Allow this person the chance to pass on, begin again as so many seemed to, feel their blood as his claws found their throat. Such had dissuaded him from a life made within malice, learning to fight and kill, have another beneath him at his full mercy, the thought turned his stomach. Yet was this any better when each day it seemed another was there, left damaged, broken and seeking him to make them whole once more.

Was he truly suited to be anything more than a killer as his thoughts had come to whisper to him.

“Gotta stop... meetin like dis,” faint is the chuckle arising with those words, light hearted for he wasn't worthy of this worry. Though the hound might see no sin upon the child he felt it as though it proved a slimy thing, a creature scuttling along his body, curling about him until it closed around his throat, invisible but always there. Ignoring the second question posed – indeed it seemed somewhat redundant to speak such – he found himself swallowing, features contouring at the taste of his own blood. “Bad... needed em gone...” Head twists until muzzle finds the sand, an act seemingly meant to bury it within. Speaking aloud, letting those words finally leave his lips, he felt how wrong it truly was, the idiotic action made by simple impulse for he cared not to think in that moment, acting for the sake of it.

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-06-2018

Caesar currently wore a mask over his true personality, although he believed he was doing it to protect himself. Like Luca, the demon often fought back thoughts, though they were of regret rather than wanting to do harm to himself or others and lied to himself constantly (and others, by extension) about how happy he was with his actions. Unfortunately for him, burying those emotions and putting on a facade such as his would cause his body to Corrupt, a state in which ultimately will end up with him dead. And yet despite knowing that, the Officer still did such things. Perhaps he wanted to die?

"You'd think you would know better than that," Caesar commented with a frown as he came to stand next to Luca, staring down at his grandson. His frown wasn't of concern, but rather disappointment. Which shouldn't be that much of a surprise, but still... Caesar was disappointed in Silus. How many times would the kid disappoint him? He didn't know, but Caesar was definitely getting upset with how many times Silus was letting him down. He needed to just... not care, like he did with Silus's littermates. "Considering you're a medic." He added quickly with a shrug. Seriously, what was Silus thinking, doing this? Surely he realized that it would possibly cause an infection?

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - bubblegum - 09-08-2018

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - PINCHER - 09-10-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher hated not being there for his children when they needed him the most. How sometimes, being the captain became more of a burden than an empowering ability to do changes that he wished for. But the thing with children was that they didn't go according to his plans, how he imagined them to be. They blossomed and grew in their own pace and he adored every little change he created for themselves, that they were given the freedom as a child that had been stripped away from him by his loveless father. But the problem was that because of the freedom he gave them, they were unpredictable in their ways of developing who they wished to be as grown ups. What if they went down a harmful dangerous pathway, one where he would not be able to protect them and make sure they were alright, that they were safe. His family came first above all, they were all he had left to care for besides his crewmates. Was it wrong that he wished he could tweak their impulsiveness? That he desired to be able to be a voice of consciousness that they would listen to? Coldblue despised him, Goldie put him on a pedestal that he wished to not be in due to his many flaws, and some of his children already begun to see him as just a ghost of a father, a towering shadow that held no physical warmth. He wanted to change that. He wanted to be there for them in every possible way.

The immortal was trapped within Capricorn Tavern, his attention honed on a member speaking about some complaints of stealing, one he hardly paid attention to. They were fucking pirates, it wasn't surprising when one back-stabbed another and stole their prized possessions. Pincher's half-lidded glowing ice blue gaze looked absent and dazed off as the other male rambled until the heightened sense of Pincher caught the scent of blood alongside the scent that it clung to. Silus. Pincher's thin black needles for pupils snapped towards the direction of the window before the male rose to his standing position and rushed out the door, ignoring the cursing rambling from the crewmate. His pace was rushed and hurried, his ears pricked as the jaguar caught the outline of figures in the distance. He began teleporting, swirls of nicotine smoke dancing around him everytime he teleported until he reached the outskirt of the small crowd that surrounded his son. Silus." Pincher breathed, deep voice cracking as his eyes widened with horror at the sigh of his son's horns destroyed alongside his ears and the skin around them. He went to down in a sitting position beside the charcoal bengal, using his water elementals to bring some salt water and gently press against the injured skin while flashing a sharp glare at Caesar.

"Just go find Junji and bring medicine." Pincher's upper lip curled with anger as he forced himself to turn back to Silus, trying to make sure the salt water would wash the blood to show where the cuts were located at. Part of him wanted to question his small son onto why he had done it but he remained silent, stress beginning to cause frost to slightly form behind the back of his neck as his fur bristled with worry and shame. He really was a shit father.

Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - Grey - 09-13-2018

Bakugou has a knack for remembering the strangest of things. Some words to him are simply triggers that recalled literature, music, art or something else that humans only ever learnt specifically through school. Sigmund Freud. Bakugou had always thought the man to be a complete nutcase, blabbering on about all sorts of heinous human nature. He's never liked it when people speak as though they knew humanity, understood the genetic condition they were all supposedly bound to. Fate isn't something he likes to talk about because if fate were real, then fate was a truly biased and unloving thing. But there was something that Freud talked about that Bakugou subconsciously held onto. To hold in all those emotions, thoughts and memories was a bad idea for they always sought a way out, often seeping out in strange and unusual ways. Bakugou can, reluctantly enough, agree with this idea, or at least that was what Bakugou associates with his fire. It was a beautiful display of his emotions, burning away the same way his soul did.

And as of this moment, there are embers about his emotions. He is unsure how he feels because he feels only the numbness on his paws, drugged to try and relieve the stresses of his confused and flickering body. Bakugou was like candlelight. Weak with an intangible form, shifting from one plane of existence to another. Even now he can feel the motions of his body, a great ship unable to stay still for it was the waters that dominated its gleam. At least he doesn't feel the pain, he thinks. But even now he knows that the more he tries to hold it down, the longer it will take for Bakugou to understand the roots of what is causing his agony. There is a misery about him, a dead air. Bakugou is the coals of a fire that used to be, a restless pile of ash. As of late, he hasn't been as rowdy or even passionate about anything. Only unimpressed and disinterested by the events that revolve around his bored cognition. He's become trapped within the depths of his mind, refusing to come out because he liked what he could imagine far more than what was presented before him. It...frustrates him to know and understand that, but it frustrates him even more that he can't do anything about it. Or at least...he won't do anything about it. There's no motivation, no fire to get him going.

It's then that Luca's voice catches his attention before he recognises the metallic scent of blood, too much blood for him to see when he turns around. The scarlet which dresses the sage's face, a bright contrast which leaks between cracks of fur like the stretching shadow of fingers. Pain. He can only imagine how it must have stung, burned along the bottom lip as he then turns his buzzing attention towards Luca. He can't seem to decipher what they are saying. He's paying attention but also paying too little, as if he mind can't focus as a side-effect of his cowardice to pain. Bakugou comes closer, realising the shape of stubs upon Silus' head and remembering the male had ram-like horns. Gone, discarded. The reaver winces a little at the words which envelop his brain, embracing him against his will. Bakugou feels himself shudder and become displaced once more by a sea of thoughts and words and images, all overwhelming him because his mind has become spastic, chasing all sorts of loose ends and strands of memories he doesn't want to reopen.

Caesar's voice is inaudible. His brain has pressed mute, hushing his cords when Bakugou tries to speak. The male holds himself back from trying again. It'll probably sound like a croak - a choke in the atmosphere that no one wants to hear. Bakugou's fur bristles at Goldenluxury's appearance, still unable to hear or recognise any of the words which left her lips. He sees only her mouth shaping whatever stammers she usually released, could even swear that he could read the Dealer say 'fuckin'. The words are matched with that was distaste, perhaps perfectly laced by the words which she spoke of but Bakugou failed to hear. He wonders by now if he is even there. Maybe he's in two places at once, still dreaming and only watching over a strange event that wasn't actually happening. If he opens his eyes and leaves to see Silus, he will see that the male is fine. He wants the sage to be fine, after all. It seems like their healers are suddenly in shortage, all dropping like poisoned fish that have been intoxicated by the work of mankind.

Water. Bakugou sees the way the seawater is maneuvered by the Captain, a figure that seems to have materialised into his distracted perspective. Anger, more anger directed to Caesar. He doesn't feel particularly sorry for the male but he wonders if everyone else will now turn to him when the Officer leaves or snaps back, growl and yell at him to move and find Junji. The reaver freezes. Cold hands grip at his organs, wishing to rearrange them once again that his teeth press hard against each other until his cheeks begun to bleed on the inside. He can taste his own blood, the sweetness which begins to line his mouth. Like a record, reeling back to the words before, sound suddenly comes alive. His brain rewinds on all the words, revisiting the moments he had missed after becoming prisoner of a foggy dreamscape. Junji. The angel soothsayer, the one who can control water. Medicine. Bakugou winces, he's never liked the idea of hospitals or being healed to begin with. It means he's failed at something but seeing as Caesar hasn't moved, Bakugou begins to move himself. "I'll," he can feel the words form at his throat before he's had the chance to consider them, almost scaring himself because he doesn't recognise the sound of his own voice. "I'll go get Junji."

With a heaviness about his steps, the reaver turns to go find the water bender.


Re: so i loosen my heartstrings ✨ injury - JUNJI - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]in some ways, junji could sympathize with silus; the young child cursed with twisting horns, curled around his face in a way that made him look devilish, whereas the soothsayer had been "blessed" with wings far too heavy to fly, wings that accentuated his angelic features. he did not want them, not under the circumstances of which they had been given to him. at times he too wished that he could tear them off, rip them clean from his back and simply be done with it.

junji's ears turned up in surprise when bakugou came looking for him, the lovely soothsayer rushing quickly to the ragdoll to figure out what had happened. his fur bristled upon learning what silus had done to himself, and without a word to bakugou otherwise, he rushed with his satchel of herbs and waterskin to find his sage.

ocean eyes locked onto pincher bent over his child's form in the distance, and with his wings spread slightly, junji bounded to them. he wove his way through the small crowd gathered about silus, and with an almost annoyed huff, he stretched his wings to push them all back. what was with his crewmates and crowding the injured? did they not know the stress it could cause? the small white feline edged closer to the captain and sage, carefully reaching a paw out to settle it upon the former's arm. he was using salt water to clean the wounds... junji attempted to gently push the male back and move the salt water away. "pinch," he said softly. "that'll only irritate his wounds. i'll help him, nolite ergo solliciti esse."

uncapping his waterskin, the angel moved closer to silus, dipping the pure water over the boy's wounds and holding it there with his elementals. he hoped to sooth the pain and remove any bacteria or sand that may have seeped in, and after ensuring that, junji curled a wing beneath his apprentice's head so it did not fall back into the sand. from his satchel he took marigold and chewed it to a pulp; all the while he watched silus with worried eyes, gently brushing a paw over his fur to comfort. upon settling the poultice on his wounds, junji took bandages from his satchel next, moving to wrap them over the child's head and cover the wounds. he hummed softly to sil as he worked, remembering how the boy loved to hear his voice, cooing to him a latin hymn.

"you'll be okay," junji murmured. he turned to peer over his shoulder at pincher, offering a short nod to him. if he wished to, the captain could take his place, hold his child; the angel turned his head back down to silus and breathed a sigh.