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CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - Printable Version

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CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - Brynhild - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][tldr at the bottom!]

Brynhild wasn’t entirely sure what shook her from her sleep. One moment, the young warrior girl had been dreaming of playing with her siblings, and in the next moment, she was startled awake by a presence of some sort. It was not a wraith or apparition of any kind. No. No, this was a feeling, a change in the atmosphere. Blinking sleep from her eyes, Bryn sat up.

She had never been in tune with her spiritual connections, which was her one vice as a witch. Feyre was in tune with the ancients and with practically every deceased individual. That fact had burned Bryn the wrong way, but it wasn’t something she could just fix on her own. She had practiced and practiced and practiced. The closest she had ever gotten to the afterlife was sensing miniscule changes in her environment – and even then, there was no way of being certain it was spiritual in nature; the world around her was constantly shifting and changes were natural.

Still, something about this seemed different. More important. Vital.

The Norwegian Forest Cat sleepily wandered over to the pail of water she kept in her room. Bryn had been practicing scrying for a few days now and had yet to receive any results. She tried to tell herself this would be different… It felt different. Inhaling gently through parted lips, she peered into the water. The only image she saw was hers reflected, and a deep sigh escaped her. Brynhild began to pull back when she finally realized something: her forest green eyes had morphed into a bright shade of blue. However, when she blinked, all was normal again, but the formerly still water was now rippling.

“Please return to me, spirit,” the Valkyrie whispered though she was not met with a verbal answer. The Dwarf Star turned away from the bucket, frustration piled upon her face. As she moved towards the door, there was a knock. Confusion lit up her eyes and the expression magnified when she opened the door to no one. ”Oh, how amusing! Refrain from bothering me again, Feyre.” Her tone was final, venomous, as she made the assumption it was Fey who was tormenting her.

A series of knocks sounded down the hallway in reply. Slowly, the witch moved from the threshold of her door. A picture that lined the wall was thrown from its perch. Brynhild tilted her head but did not question the act. Instead, the girl followed the knocking sounds. It did not take long for her to happen upon a closed door. The door radiated with some mysterious energy, and when Bryn placed her paw against the material, it felt like it was humming. Without word or thought, she shoved her way into the room.

The area was dimmed – light of any kind did not reach this room. Stumbling forward in darkness, Bryn made her way to the nearest table. A picture rested there. Two individuals stared back at her in the gloom, one was a chocolate point and the other a solid white feline. As soon as Bryn spotted the color of the ivory fae’s eyes, sparks of electricity poured from her own eyes. And all at once, the room was extremely bright.

An odd feeling had welled up in Brynhild’s chest, causing her powers to surge. Tearing her eyes from the picture to the now-lit up room, she noticed various pictures sat everywhere. Countless photographs lined the area. Most of them featured the white cat and/or the chocolate point. She couldn’t understand who the women were, but some of the other faces in the photos she knew… Practically the entire group was captured in picture form here.

The tuxedo wanted to speak, but she was unable to form coherent sentences. She was overwhelmed. The strangest part about all of this was that these images brought out a kind of happiness in her. The kitten remained rooted in place, but her forest-hued eyes gained a faraway look. Sparks of electricity bounced from her paws and eyes - a physical response to where there was no verbal one. She couldn’t make heads of tails of any of this, so she stood still and waited.

For who?

She wasn’t sure.

[tldr; brynhild was essentially guided by suiteheart to a room where she had all of her pictures with her friends and family stored! tiny notes are written on the back of each picture from suite to whoever is in the picture with her, and everyone is encouraged to have their character take a picture. bryn will serve as a finder for your character's pictures, and she will read the message on the back!!]

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - MirrorEdge - 09-05-2018

"What're you doing?" Thea's cheery tone had a bit of curiousity laced into it, as the leopard padded forward, looking down at the pile of photos, a pang of... well, something, hitting her heart as she spotted the white feline that had been her mentor in many of them.

Her next question held less cheer, more of a neutral tone if anything, eyes turning a bit hard in an unconscious attempt to keep the wall up in her mind, the one that prevented unneeded emotions such as sadness and grief from affecting her. "Where'd you find these?"

If Thea could, she'd miss Suite dearly. But she just wasn't capable of that kind of emotion, for the most part. To her, Suite was gone, and would stay gone, as far as she was concerned.

So why did her mentor still pop up in her mind every now and then, when she should've just forgotten about her by now?
Template by Quill

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - MOONMADE - 09-05-2018

[size=9pt]A glow from under the door is what drew him in. The dim hallways lit up with it, the same hallway that Moon walked on nights that proved too insufferable to stay within the confines of his room. His restless paws led him to the door, and curiosity got the better of him, as it always did. He walked in.

What he found was an electric kitten, and, at this point, that sort of thing didn't take him by surprise. The Ascendants was home to creatures bizarre and varied, and the jolts that shook the unfamiliar youth before him may as well have been tabby markings. Still, it didn't necessarily mean it was a good thing, so he opened his mouth to ask if she was alright, if she needed him to do something, even though he didn't know what. But images on the table grabbed his attention and it was with that that he forgot Pikachu even existed.

Suite and Marg. Seeing them, now, they looked so fucking beautiful it hurt to look. It made him feel as sick as it did warm to see the picture, because he hadn't found any, before now. He'd looked, but it'd been in vain, and so he'd assumed pictures of them didn't exist. Since their passing, all that lingered in his brain were snapshots of Suite's grin, of Marg's lovely smile and her secret wit, and, on days when the night blended into the day and into the night again, all his brain offered him were faded voices. It was good to see them. He missed them.

He lifted a paw to the picture before he could help himself, and only stalled a moment before touching it. "Fangs and her ball-and-chain." He finally said, voice milky, even though his throat felt tighter the more he looked. Somehow, he smiled, an exhausted, fond thing. "Dunno' how we're still fuckin' functioning without them."

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - ONISION. - 09-05-2018




♦ -
"You guys are so fuckin' loud, it's annoy-" Onision was entering the room after Moonmade had just in time to see the pictures laid out, his single eye focusing on what was in front of him. He was confused, and maybe a little enraged. "Where the Hell did you find any of this? Did you fuckin' steal shit, Bryn?" Growled Oni, narrowing a single, cold blue eye towards the femme in question. Pictures, and notes. Huh.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - ★ HAZEL - 09-05-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
"She loved photography."

Hazel's voice floated from the doorway on which she leaned, all her weight pressed against the framework. The pulse of electricity that made the lights flicker had the girl on the move, too accepting of the distraction. Her paws shook as she followed the spiral of constellations down the hall, meager from fatigue and lack of sleep. Her mind argued at the thought of entering Suiteheart and Margy's room, putting that on the list of things she wouldn't be able to do for a long, long time.

Still, she rested against the door frame, avoiding as much eye contact as possible. She wanted nothing to do with the mementos in this room; with the ukulele resting in the corner, with the gemstones and geodes scattered in various bowls, or the photographs lying around the perimeter. Hazel part Or, at least, she wasn't ready for it.

With a dull golden gaze cast heavily in Moon's direction, she dropped her fleeting attention to the unfamiliar dwarf star and felt the need to elaborate on her words. However, she made no move or sound to do so, for the fear that she might cry.

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - Feyre - 09-06-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
The only picture that Feyre had ever bothered to care about was the one she had stumbled upon in Oni's room. It had been practically burned into her memory by this point, her parents the picture of happiness as they gazed amiably at the camera, her relative of sorts - Oni's mother - present as well. She hadn't asked to take the picture with her when she left him that evening, but it did cross her mind often, the last reminder of her parents that perhaps she'd ever have. Maybe one day she'd finally take it into her possession, careful not to reduce it to ash as she looked upon it again and again. Or maybe she wouldn't do that. Her parents were nothing more to her than strangers who had given her life and then handed her off to the witches. She didn't know them. She wasn't attached to them.

By that logic, that godforsaken picture should have meant nothing to her, a mere image captured by luck for her to cross paths with and never encounter or think about again. Things weren't easy like that though- even Feyre knew that. Thoughts of the picture were precisely why the fluffy ragdoll heaved a rather loud sigh as she rounded a corner, tufted ears perking as they heard the faintest sounds of conversation. Perfect! An excuse to preoccupy herself with something other than that snapshot with her parents.

Quickening her pace, she easily found the others, lavender eyes narrowing the moment they fell upon Bryn. [color=#3f5351]"Yeah," Fey began pointedly, not quite understanding the importance of these pictures but intelligent enough to know that they meant something to those who had gathered, [color=#3f5351]"Did you fucking steal shit?" A rather smug grin would spread across speckled lips at that statement, the little witch practically glowing with pride as she emulated her cousin's eloquent manner of speaking. By the way she delivered the words, it was hard to tell who's side she was on.

Her attitude faltered as she sensed the solemness that had fallen over the room though, neck craning as she eventually caught sight of the image of Margaery and Suiteheart. Weird. It made her feel weird. [color=#3f5351]"Fangs?" Feyre finally echoed, shooting a glance in Moon's direction, [color=#3f5351]"That's my uh.... Aunt? Cousin? Who knows."

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - Brynhild - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][the notes will be rewritten at the bottom!!]

Thea's voice prompted her to retrieve herself from her immobile state. She was no longer tongue-tied, and as soon as her brain processed the leopard's words, she opened her mouth to respond. However, Thea was quicker, beating her with another question. "These pictures were all just... here," Brynhild answered, emerald eyes peeling away from the older female to move to a random location within the room. As if guided by a mysterious force, she plucked up a single picture.

"I believe this is for you," she murmured, returning to Thea. The photograph was of the girl and her mentor. Though unbeknownst to Bryn, this picture was taken about the time Thea became Suiteheart's mentor. Thea was grinning, and Suiteheart was in the middle of a laugh. As she handed the picture over, she said, "'Y-You're str-stron-ger than you think, ki-ddo, but do-do-N-tuh forg-forget to ta-take it - easy! L-l-love, Su-Sui-...Suite!'" Brynhild had not mastered reading yet, and she did stumble over her words, but the meaning was there: Thea was stronger than she believed herself to be, but she did need to rest from time to time.

Brynhild hadn't noticed Moonmade when he entered - surprising given the fact that he towered over her. The large kitten did titled her head to the left as she gazed up at him. "I do not know Fangs or Her Ballin' Chain, but I do know you have a picture here too." Her face contorted in mild confusion at the curious names Moon threw at her, but she chose not to question it. Removing the puzzlement from her bi-colored features, the child moved to another stack of photographs and grabbed one of Margaery and Moonmade, sitting side-by-side and smiling. "This one says, 'Tha-nk you f-for a-all-always making me sm-smile. I l-love you-you... You are? H-Hum-Hum or? Do-N-tuh t-tell anyone, bu-but you we-were on-E of M-Marg-e's f-ay-favorite. Love, T-Tux-E-doh-l-lung a.k.a Su-Suite.'" She offered the picture to Moonmade. "That one was very difficult to read... I apologize."

For the first time, she noted his bittersweet emotions. "Why are you upset?" She was only a child, and she had not been around long enough to know about what happened with Suiteheart and Margaery. Had she, her reaction might not have been too different.

Onision's voice moved her eyes from Moonmade. She arched a fictional eyebrow at his sudden onslaught of emotion. She couldn't fathom why he was so angry. She also couldn't understand why he was accusing her of stealing. "Pardon me?" she snapped in a growl, electricity sparking from her paws. "If I stole them, as you claim, why would I be returning these photographs to their rightful owners? Are you in your correct mind?" She exhaled deeply, flicking her tail. He was lucky he had a picture.

It took only seconds for her to retrieve a picture for him. It was a group photograph: he and the white feline and the chocolate point were all gathered together. Each of them was smiling. Suite's was lopsided, Margy's was full of laughter, and Oni's was begrudging as if he was trying to pretend he didn't like the family photo. "'R-re-m-mem-buh-er: you c-can tou-touch the S-Sun. You j-jus-t ha-have to a-ay-mm h-high e-e-n-nuff. A-all my lo-love, Mom.'"

Brynhild's ears twitched as Hazel's soft voice gently wrapped around her. The kitten had seen her around camp a few times, and like so many others, Bryn was drawn to her. The Norwegian Forest Cat noted the cocoa feline's sadness, but it just confused her. Emotions were never her strong suit. Green gaze lingered on Hazel for a brief moment before she moved to the ukulele. A single picture rested there, and Bryn hurriedly brought to back to Haze.

"'N-n-ne-v-er f-for-get yo-you-R w-wor-th. You are p-pow-er-full. Do-N-tuh gi-vuh up. K-Keep m-making art and m-mu-s-sic, G-Gol-den G-ir-L. L-love, Suite.'" The witch smiled gently as she finished reading up the little note. She then handed the picture to Hazel. Two individuals stared back, each grinning brightly, each holding a ukulele. Sheets of music lined the floor.

Feyre's entrance made Brynhild's skin crawl. She could feel her powers threatening to spill over, and tiny sparks of electricity bounced from her eyes. The sparks grew in intensity when Fey parroted Oni. "I do not have time for your petty accusations, Feyre Josephine. You are not welcomed in this room. You should leave now; you are making things un-"

Her voice was stolen from her as she heard something fall to the floor. The noise was gentle, almost unnoticeable among Feyre's words. A picture had fallen to the ground. It was a picture of Margaery, sat next to a campfire, smiling softly. Brynhild could feel that strange presence wrap around her again, the one that had guided her to this place. Her face screwed up in confusion, and the lights flickered for a moment (a side effect of her powers). Shaking her head, she moved closer to Fey. "I suppose you can have this one since you are not pictured in anything here. My Disir-" she paused. "Never mind. I do not believe this one serves as a use to anyone, so it is a perfect match for someone like you." She didn't bother to read the note on the back as she handed it to the ragdoll.

[To Thea: You're stronger than you think, kiddo, but don't forget to take it easy. Love, Suite.
To Moonmade: Thank you for always making me smile. I love your humor. Don't tell anyone, but were one of Margy's favorites. Love, Tuxedolung a.k.a. Suiteheart.
To Onision: Remember: you can touch the Sun - you just have to aim high enough. All my love, Mom.
To Hazel: Never forget your worth. You are powerful. Don't give up. Keep making art and music, Golden Girl. Love, Suite.
Fey're Picture: Always and forever. Love, Suite.]

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - ONISION. - 09-06-2018




♦ -
Onision seemed to tense when Brynhild snapped back at him, before giving him a note and a picture frame. Unlike Bryn, Oni was taught to read at a young age by his mothers. His paw grazed over the picture frame, a ghost of a smile showing up at the corners of his mouth as he brushed dust off of the picture of his family. Margaery and Suiteheart were so beautiful in this picture, so pure. He was a mere asshole of a young child here, one who tried to fight the sun and lost.

Little Icarus, he always was.

His soft voice spoke not long after, a certain warmness to it that he rarely ever seemed to show as gentle Latin was spoken from his lips. "Mors nox perpetua est; mori proinde. Non suadet sibi nyctalops Morachus, In solis titubans ne eat tenebris." His voice cracked as he spoke the rather dark poetry, laughing softly at how stupid he sounded reciting the only latin poetry he had ever read. How pitiful of him.

"Thank you, mom." He whispered softly under his breath, shivers running up his spine. "
Et accidit quadam die ut sol capere, et ad te et ad totius mundi."

1. Death is perpetual night; half blind
Morachus is thus disinclined
To die, in lonely shadows twined.

2. One day I'll catch the sun, and give the whole world to you both.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - Grimm - 09-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Though they tried as best they could there was little within slumber for them, the few hours they found their mind quiet enough to permit sleep touched with fragments of memory and dream, drawn together until it seemed little more than nightmares, ever shifting and changing, pulling forth anything it could until it all fell away. They had grown accustomed to not sleeping, preferring instead to wander until something had drawn them to the garden where a place amongst the flowers had been made, enough room for them to curl into, the only place they found any sense of peace and comfort. Yet this night it was more than nightmares, though such was present, rather it seemed more a restless energy. It left them with the want to move about, never quite settling for all that long, and it was as such they found themself moving through the halls.

It was a want for company which drew the small child through the halls, listening to the echo of each step, the only sound for some time before the silence was broken more thoroughly. Only a few murmured words, strings a conversation they were not apart of and thus intruding gave them brief pause, but enough. Interest arose and a slow pace was quickened, thinking less of the situation which may draw so many, for voices became easier to distinguish as they came to move closer speaking of the number of those present, and more of not being alone.

“Margy...” Strangled whisper parted pale lips and for a time it seemed Harland was like to turn, run from this place, yet something kept them present, unease settling into their muscles, clear as steps grew hesitant. Gentle was the gesture of head bumping against Moon's leg, though it seemed they were unwilling to move and instead slumped, falling heavily into a seated position. Greatly were the two missed, to so many family who gave love and kind words so easily, given to smiles and laughter, remembered fondly by all. There was no exception of the child though they seemed practised at hiding it all, accustomed to such lose, yet this seemed different. Heavier was this grief then it had been before, when no chance to help them had been offered, torn from them with no warning.

Re: CITY IN A GARDEN | pictures found - trojan g. - 09-07-2018

The sounds that came from a particular room in the Observatory caused Roman pause at first, though in the end he came forward towards the room, ears pricked slightly as he tried to listen what was going on, eyes flicking through each member, watching their reactions as they each held a picture, or had a picture near them. It was something odd, though Roman was interested.

He and Suite had never really spoken, and if anything, she might have been iffy of him due to what he felt Margy's opinion of him was. Roman was, after all, Margaery's mother's secret, a lover she had never spoken about, only simply written about, and even then she hadn't written everything. Padding forward, Roman would look down quickly at the pictures, ears pinning to his head before he looked away. "I didn't even know that she had all of these." He would speak.