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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Medicine had never really been his strong suit. Despite all the beatings and bruises he had recieved in his lifetime of fighting and sparring among others, Pincher had never dedicated much time to learn about medicine despite how important it was to keep your health good and not on the verge of dying. Mortality was a fickle thing in his eyes after he had returned from the dead, how time seemed to be too slow for his liking as a demigod. He didn't act godly because he knew what it felt like to be a mortal but at the same time, he felt like he had a greater purpose in life although perhaps it was just his unsatsified hunger for more growing with the idea of immortality. But he preferred to be a mortal than a mixture of mortal and god because he hated how he felt. He hated that the empty feeling in his chest was because of his actual heart organ gone and somewhere in some fucking chest at the bottom of the ocean, the only reason why he wouldn't die if impaled by twenty spears or arrows. It was still fucking painful but it wouldn't lead him to say goodbye to anyone he loved or cared for. But he was trapped, enslaved to be the servant of some mythological creatures that had brought him back to life. He carried no chains but the glowing tattoos that marked his body were in fact the binds that they had placed upon him and when he disobeyed, a searing pain erupted within his body and he felt like he was on the verge of dying.

He had struggled in obeying but ever since Jacob's disappearance in his life, Pincher felt the world become too bleak for him to care and he reluctantly began to obey more. Killed more for their sacrifical likings and all that sort, the taste of blood becoming an old friend at this point in his life. So as a demigod, Pincher held no concern for health but he knew that not everyone was like him. The male was brushing off some sand from his ivory chest as he stalked slowly towards the center of the main base, his half-lidded ghostly glacier blue gaze flickering around with an emptiness that seemed as hollow as his chest. He went to a sitting position, tense and rigid as the male called out "Anyone interested in trying out for a Sage position, bring your ass over here now! I'll be stating once anyone that is interested arrives." Pincher's plush tail curled around his paws and tightened tightly as he waited in a brooding form, appearing almost statue-like as if he was ready to become just another rock for the sea to beat against.

Re: TITANIUM VEINS — SAGE TRYOUTS - no more - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Caught between two, halves left unbalanced for they found no equal ground. It seemed a cruel product left within the wake when hands of a being deemed higher than all curl about mortal frame, mould unwilling flesh into something more akin to it, given a gift within their eyes though such is warped and twisted, a burden they gleefully push upon another dressed up to make it seem sweeter. Yet there is no kindness to any of it, though within tiny cranium swirls thoughts of ever lasting, an eternity before him stretching with no borders, a want given no strings for he had not tasted the pain of it. Within his chest he felt the beat, the thrum of life as blood moved through his veins as it might never within the one deemed his father, taken from him with the promise of something more. In each day he found the promise of more but within the dark ink was also an end, merely waiting, predetermined if not written.

Single dark eye rose, the other had been freed from the bandages but had since been covered, the simple leather of the patch speaking of the empty space beneath, lips twisting as pain curled about his head. Though time had come to heal some of his injuries, still bone was slow to come together though he had learnt to take time to rest, allow himself the necessary breaks to permit it to heal, the headaches simply wouldn't budge. Arising to his paws he moved with a hobbling step, more accustomed now to baring his weight upon his right side though no less awkward for it, drawn by the words rather than the appearance of his father.

It was no secret their team had dwindled greatly, the rest seemed to have disappeared for some unknown reasons, thus placing a greater work load upon the remaining few. Though Silus had not cared to speak such it had worn on him in past days, especially when Junji had been injured and Rosemary tied up with other things, leaving him alone, the one with so little experience. Yet now with both being Soothsayers it seemed a little easier, offering the chance for more to be taught beside him, but he had expected one of them to do this, not Pincher himself.

Settling off to one side the Sage would be present only to watch, curious as to who would try their luck though he held a few names he hoped not to see, not for the fact he thought them incapable but simply because they were the few he actively worried about.

Re: TITANIUM VEINS — SAGE TRYOUTS - the trash man - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]this world was too large, it wasn't something so inherently bad to the naturally curious linux, but this world was too large for the small child to find her footing so easily. too many choices, too many roles to fill linux wasn't ready to pick just one already. what if she picked the wrong one? what if she hated the role that linux put herself into and began to resent her past choices for the rest of her life? how boring that might be. but there was no need for a gaming champion for typhoon's survival; because if linux could just protect her family at the push of a button, lord knows that she wouldn't have been the first to try so. no the typhoon needed real help from real jobs and not children playing their mindless games all day and all night. but what could linux do? she knew nothing - no fighting skills, no social skills and no medical knowledge. linux was a fresh canvas, untouched by paint and ready to be moulded into something worth a show. what kind of things could this unfinished piece produce?

the first thought that came to the kitten's mind was: "well my older cousin seems so cool" - silus coming to the aid of both paper and beck when the two had their respective unfortunate events unfold, when he arrived so calm and collected with his plan of action in mind already linux was in awe of the maturity. then her second thought was more along the lines of what kinds of skills linux could bring to the group; her memory. linux had the knack of just remembering things and whatever the child saw she absorbed like a sponge. could that be useful in medicine? maybe. when it came to practical use linux wasn't quite sure whether she'd be able to be a good medic, but when it came to knowing which herbs did what job - linux was pretty confident she could handle that aspect of the job, no problem.

well the kitten was never gonna' find out if she never gave anything a shot, so here she was in her eager glory all amped-up to listen in on the lesson. finding a seat beside the only other member other than pincher already here, linux looked around, long fluffed milky-white tail twitching ever so slightly as dopamine ran through her veins. "i'm gonna' listen!" linux wondered in anyone else would come quickly so the child wouldn't feel so out of the waters by herself. but the lesson had barely been announced mere moments ago - linux had no patience. that wasn't a good quality of a medic. but oh well, the kitten wasn't even apprentice age yet, she had time to learn.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]junji knew well of the internal struggles, his mortal half constantly in odds against the part of him that was angel. though it had always been his goal to become an angel, a real angel, now that he had the wings he'd yearned for since childhood... he found himself wanting to be rid of them. under the circumstances of which he had been gifted them, he did not want them. they were a burden, physically and emotionally, dragging him down in the sand and killing what freedom he had.

such things were petty, stupid little inconveniences, at least to someone with holy blood coursing through their veins. petty misgivings of mortals, temptations, vices... it was all getting to him. each day he could feel himself stray further and further away from his father, and though he hated it, part of him felt invigorated by that fact. he wanted to rid himself of the archangel's presence. it was clear raphael had no place in his heart for the boy, and though that realization burned and festered, junji could not dwell on it.

all the angel had to hold onto in this world were his friends, and his duty to the typhoon. healing had always been his passion; since the day his mother had taught him little things, the uses of easy herbs like marigold and borage. he adored his mother, and as healing had been her talent, it soon became his. the angel was eager to see more faces join the necro mambas; their ranks were running a bit shorthanded, with rosemary stepping down, as well as fischer gone, beatrice resigning... it was just he and silus now. though the boy was young, he was learning well, and soon enough he would surely join junji as a soothsayer.

the feline approached quietly, moving to take a seat at silus's side. junji created the child with a soft smile and a gentle curl of his wing around him, ocean eyes moving to settle on pincher. he hoped to see at least a few candidates, though he knew not many in the typhoon were incredibly interested in herbs. even so, he watched with interest, tail curling over delicate paws.


Pip wanted to learn how to help people better. It was a simple goal but for the intensity of his desire, the fierceness with which he stood determined to improve and accommodate. Anything he chose to do was done so as a way to...make himself useful, to place himself at their disposal because he felt that was where he needed to be. Not in the fray of battle snarling and lunging, but lending a hand to the people who needed it regardless of origin, of beliefs. Pip wasn't blind to The Typhoon's general morality, but personally, he was fascinated by life -all of it- and wanted to preserve the wonder that was existence. Here they all were, a collection of cells and organs complex enough for thought and feeling, for elaborate relationships and behavior, for mistakes and redemption. Yes, the stars and the planets were interesting, but Pip loved life down here. He knew not everyone did.

As beautiful as life was, it could be terrifying, desolate, painful. When people loved they lost, too, in a never-ending cycle. It was easy when he wasn't so close to it, when objectivity became subjectivity and he found himself longing for a person, for his father. For Pincher, too, because his hurt changed him and Pip didn't know how to help. He didn't think a physical remedy would do it -unless the remedy was Jacob- but maybe he could learn how to help someone. Pip disliked feeling purposeless.

The pup glanced at those present, most notable among them his brother, and Pip made a beeline for Silus, pausing beside him. "Are you feeling better?"

Re: TITANIUM VEINS — SAGE TRYOUTS - no more - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The period of childhood, one may think touched with a sense of wonder for all was new to one who bore fresh eyes, barely tempered curiosity driving many to seek avenues in which they might fit. Yet it is a time when the mind struggles, attentions to put reason to what is truly little more than a beat with no rhythm, confusion mistook for something more and thus pushed until it grew to fit the mould put about it. He had grown weary of it all, found thoughts grown sluggish as they moved through his head, encased within a pain he could never shift entirely as it threaded about his temples, sought an end to the pain of it all. And yet was this not what he had wanted, some sense of purpose beyond himself, where his talents might be put to some use.

What exactly those proved to be Silus was not entirely sure, though he had proven himself adept at healing, his mind an odd cage able to contain within it a multitude of information but he needed to hold some interest within the subject for such, anything he found of little value or was not quite able to capture him was pushed aside. Such had lead to sleepless nights in the first few weeks, time he had spent sitting at one of the various tables studying each herb and barely able to read the notes Rosemary had given him, the excitement yet to wear away. It had been a bit over a month since then, when he had allowed himself to find some ounce of hope that he might have a true place, some sense of fitting when he had lacked it before, time enough he had grown spiteful.

Dark eye rose from where it had settled upon the ground, having drifted there as the seconds wore on, slowly working through his thoughts as he found his interest in this waning, finding a familiar stark figure. They were alike in stature which eased him some, undersized for one of his age Silus had grown to despise the fact he had been one of the smaller of his litter, but then Linux had appeared. He knew of their connection through Roxanne, though such had been news to him for he knew only of two of his aunts, and thought rather highly of the other child because of it, yet something about her intrigued him in a way few others did.

A question formed upon his lips, seeking an answer which would not come for a familiar weight settled over him, engulfing his small frame for it was large upon the other, small in his own right. Unconscious was his shift of weight, leaning into Junji enjoying his presence. It might have been a side effect of being angelic in origin, something Silus had taken rather well for Jun seemed strange from the beginning, given a presence which seemed bright and calming, homey in a way that confused yet drew him in, but he enjoyed being around him. Gentle sigh escaped him and he enjoyed the heavy blanket of feathers about him, gentle for the weight of it, radiating a gentle warmth quick to leave him seeking sleep.

Peppino. Ears drew forward as the voice rose, a question not expected and given no response for a short time, seemingly mulled over for a few beats. Sil had made few attempts to grow close with any of his younger siblings, they seemed capable of caring for themself and even within his current state Pincher had taken up the care of them quickly, unwilling to allow another to take his place. In truth the sage understood the want to be present in their lives, the family they had was broken, many of his own siblings gone though they appeared every now and then, Goldie left in a state where she was of little use but refused to see such, and Jacob... he had gone missing. Or at least such was what he had come to believe, swallowing the sugar pill Goldie spoke constantly, easing her own pain, and what of him. There was nothing present in the broken, exhausted medic for any of them, his heart left bleeding until it seemed an empty husk incapable of allowing another in.

“Am fine, s'okay Peppino,” a hushed murmur, strained as he lifted himself once more yet didn't move to shrug off the wing about him, the sensation of it was pleasant and he had no wish for it to end so soon, offering his brother a smile. It mattered not how many times he said it, how often he forced himself to push them aside, something within him longed to learn more of the pups, Pip's presence here one he looked upon kindly. Had he not been the same age as he was now, striving to find some meaning outside of the act of war, though his own had been rooted in different grounds for he cared not for morals, his own lacking, such leading him onto the path of healing. No matter what came of things he would be here for Pip and Linux, be they apart of the team by him or not, two his heart longed to bring into the small few he cared for, family no matter how hard it was to admit such to even himself.