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THE SHARPEST LIVES ARE THE DEADLIEST TO LEAD - o, joining - rushy - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana; color: black;"](i'm so sleepy i'm sorry in advance ik this is in no way going to be coherent or capture ringo's personality appropriately lmaoo)

Ringo was by no means a people person. But that didn't exactly write him off as antisocial either. He was like a perfect balance of the two. He could be aware and social when it was required, but it would never kill him to be alone and sometimes he even needed it. Although his adventurous spirit had gotten ahold of him a couple of years ago, causing him to become akin to a voyager or a hitchhiker. At least, that's what his excuse was.

The truth was that he'd been the head of a small group. They had lived and gotten on together, even built a tradition of communing with ghosts and spirits of that nature. They were solid, almost like teflon. But they had crumbled, collapsed under Ringo's unwatchful eye. He could still remember the sounds of their home collapsing- how could he forget when they lingered in his dreams? When the ghosts they'd once called their friends now permanently trailed on his heels. Invisible, but always present.

It had shaken Ringo to the core. In a sense, he believed it had been a sign from the universe that he belonged anywhere that wasn't within a group.

But Ringo wasn't as young as he used to be. Sometimes if he got up too quickly, he'd black out, and his lungs betrayed him if he tried to travel too short of a distance too quick. He'd have bought of unexplainable pain, radiating from different parts of his body. He wasn't quite old, per se, but he was getting there. As bitter as he was about his lengthening age, Ringo did have a sense of pride about how long he'd been harbored in this body though. He hated to admit that if he wanted to keep it any longer, he'd need to settle down somewhere.

Ringo had spent some time scouting around for a group that would suit his personality and needs, and after asking a large number of other loners and simply eavesdropping he'd decided The Ascendants seemed to be similar to his own home. Not in appearance, of course- no one chose to live in a sanatorium- but in beliefs and practices. Ringo had always fancied more spiritual and astral-based beliefs; maybe they could even get rid of his ghost issue.

No matter how familiar he was with interrelations and meeting strangers, Ringo still felt unsure of himself as he stood at the edge of The Ascendants' territory. He shifted from foot to foot nervously and his gaze occasionally swung to try and see if he could catch anything in his vision he hadn't heard. Anxiety had got the best of him, but he'd just have to wait and see where it went from here.


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Bastille had spent the vast majority of his relatively short life traveling. He supposed that might sound borderline glamorous and interesting to some, but the reality of it was dry and devoid of life: he had traveled because he did not have the personality to settle in any one place, could not stand to be in such proximity of others. He traveled because he was full of anger and bitterness and chaos, incapable of working past the turmoil of his souls screaming at him; because he could not and would not subject others to himself, equal portions angry that he knew they were scorn him for his nature and miserable knowing that no amount of effort could ever save him — that he might, one day, decide to stay somewhere and find that they would all fall around him, victims to Echo's curse; or maybe they would grow to hate him, would see the truth of his souls and turn him away; or worse yet, even, he would be given the chance to grow accustomed to them and then he would deteriorate into failure like all the rest. So no, his first 9 months of life spent traveling and avoiding all signs of life had not been much of anything; just empty forests and the outskirts of foreign territories and the dragging silence of weeks without speaking.

He rarely, however, looked at his childhood with any significance. He did not carry it with him like baggage he could not drop; rather, it was simply fact. He felt nothing for it, and could not even bring himself to feel that he had missed out on something by not living a normal life in a group. He was still trying to determine if joining one at last had been a mistake or not, and while he was struggling to convince himself that it was a good thing — as he had promised Margy and Suite — there were days when he woke up and was surprised to find that it was all real and not a truly confusing dream. Those mornings, like now, he walked the borders and looked out across foreign land and wondered what it would be like to leave now, to go back to those days. Could he resume the silence?

His pale blue stare fell on a stranger as he walked, and Bast neither slowed or increased his pace. He instead just regarded this guy idly as he eventually reached him, drawling out a languid, [b]"Yo. You're on Ascendants territory. What'd'ya need?" A pause. The sudden remembrance of his manners. "I'm Bastille."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: THE SHARPEST LIVES ARE THE DEADLIEST TO LEAD - o, joining - rushy - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana; color: black;"]Like previously stated, Ringo wasn't antisocial, but he was never quite comfortable around strangers. It was a vice he'd have to get over pretty quick if he ever wanted to make any sort of headway here. This was his new home... Or it was about to be at least, and he wasn't too keen on making an ass of himself just yet. Regardless, the skinny feline did flinch once the bengal came into view, watching him carefully through yarrow eyes.

Ringo snuffled quietly as the Astral Seraph took his sweet time in approaching him, almost tempted to make some quip about how Bast was much younger, but Ringo could move twice as fast. Before he could properly gather himself to do so, the leader was standing before him and addressing him. "I'm Ringo Candela," he rasped in turn, maybe a little alarmed at the condition of his own voice "I'd like to join The Ascendants."

Re: THE SHARPEST LIVES ARE THE DEADLIEST TO LEAD - o, joining - MirrorEdge - 09-05-2018

It wasn't common to see somebody in the Ascendents, hell, anywhere, who was older than a few years. Most of them weren't blessed with long and happy lives. Thea was fully aware of that, and constantly reminded of it during her time here, as the young leopard approached, offering a bright grin to the older male. "Hi! I'm Thea! Welcome to the Ascendents!"

The words were genuine, if not a bit too cheerful, like how she was most of the time, as she settled down near Bast, tail wrapping around her front paws.
Template by Quill


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Small wonder, what humor could do to break Bast's generally terrible manners; he probably would have laughed to hear the quip, but as it was he just found himself eyeing this stranger with vague curiosity. So stiff and formal, if you asked him, but then again there were probably many out there who would consider Bast's nonchalance and colloquial manner to be rude in comparison. Whatever. He spoke the same as he always had, to everyone in his life, and had yet to feel sorry about it.

[b]"Works for me," he returned, shrugging after a sideways glance at Thea, "Thea here can give you a tour, if you want, or we can just find you a room and let you explore on your own." Did he seem sorry about signing the Fireball up for it? Nope.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST