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IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - Printable Version

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IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 09-03-2018

Crowe — Female — The Pitt — Slave
She's been here for most of her life. She had been six months old when they had found her and taken her in as a slave. A prisoner used for the personal entertainment of others. Disgusting. Now she was almost two years old and nothing had changed, aside from her being full-grown now. For a majority of her life, she had done a lot of work when she was young, but she didn't like to do it as much now, though she supposed she didn't have a choice.

The she-wolf would sit down in the shade of the oasis, a frown plastered on her maw and a somewhat tired expression on her delicate facial features.

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - EROS - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]His story was much the same as this ones. Taken away from his home after it was destroyed and his parents as far as he knew likely killed in action defending it. He was only five months old when they had strapped a collar around his neck and proceeded to bend and mold his mind to be the slave that they wanted. It was easy, children were impressionable and he took to the new life in order to not be hurt anymore. To not feel the burns of lashes against his skin or the echoing pain of bruises. So life went on and he obeyed and he worked as the world wanted him too. Worse things happened and he was no longer able to reproduce which he didn't really acknowledge because it wasn't important to what he needed to do. His jobs, his work, taking orders was all that mattered in the end. His gaze swept over the area as he carried a bucket in his jaws, squeezing the handle a little bit too tightly when he spotted the female. Pausing he shuffled his paws a little as he watched her but after a moment he slowly put the bucket of dirty water down to approach her.

He made sure to hold himself as he normally should. It was just so others didn't get made at him, after all if he oozed his status there would be nothing to be upset about. His pink marble hues shifted over the canine almost hesitantly as his tucked in tail gave a gently wave, knocking against lanky limbs. Though he was bigger than she was he was most assuredly skinnier as his body didn't seem to want to retain any muscle or fat build. "Are you okay?" He asked the other slave with a light tone of concern in his voice.

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-04-2018

Unlike Valkyr, Dante never had been a slave. Not in a traditional sense, that is; the hybrid had been, however, an experiment to human scientists and they treated him as if he was, well, an animal. Just an animal that they could make do whatever the hell they wanted. It's why the hybrid was so gruff, though maybe you would expect him to be more nicer to slaves but no, it was the exact opposite. Dante quite liked being higher than everybody else (for the most part) and he definitely abused that fact. Coming across Valkyr and Crowe, the hybrid let out a growl whenever he passed them. He stopped upon realizing they were talking to each other (or, rather, Valkyr was initiating a conversation) and turned to glare at them. "Who told you that you're allowed to fuckin' talk?" He snapped, narrowing his eyes at the two slaves.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - COSMIIX - 09-04-2018

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - Stryker - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  Unlike Stardust, the male hadn't had a family within the Pitt, but instead he was coaxed into joining them after Snowbound's troublesome opinions. Stryker would say it was for the better. After all, the environment was pleasant. "My, my," he spoke up as he wandered over with a sly smirk on his maw, "Seems like we've got a predicament over here." Truthfully, he had little opinion on slaves. That crazed Tsuyu girl was always on his tail and was practically his slave, so he couldn't exactly speak. "Though, perhaps, how about we drop it?" His head craned off to the side. A dark gaze looked in the direction of Dante but also glanced over at Quill. Controversy was never fun. If they wanted to discuss the civil rights of the slaves, they could do it on their own time and not in public.

"I haven't seen you before," Stryker finally noted in the direction of Stardust. Truly, he wasn't sure where she lied on the hierarchy but that didn't matter so much to him. "The name is Stryker. It's a pleasure to meet you, sweets." The she-wolf was indeed a sight to see also.

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-05-2018

A hiss escaped Dante's lips as Quill spoke to him and the hybrid turned his cold gaze towards the other male, clear rage showing in his eyes. Although Dante acted like he was much higher to everyone - and technically he was, in a sense - he couldn't outright say that. No, to everyone else, he was just your average Pitt member. Even so, regardless if he held the rank of Strong Arm, it was likely he would still the exact same. "They are slaves." Dante growled in reply to Quill, digging his claws into the sand. "They are not to speak unless spoken to." That's what he believed, anyway.

Dante briefly took note of Stryker as the male came over and heard the guy's words but of course, simply choose to ignore him. His focus was on Quill right now and the burning hatred he felt for the guy. 'Dropping it', as Stryker put it, wasn't something the hybrid did often, if at all.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - Cosmic - 09-05-2018

"Says you, self-entitled prick." Halo's words were laced with venom as she approached, her words aimed directly towards Dante. The mutant feline's light green-gray eyes gave him a glare, narrowing into slits. The odd nature of the Erudite's eyes was quite new- she didn't know if anyone else had them. They were goat eyes. And they were accompanied by karp whiskers and a lion's tail. She gave said leonine tail a lash in irritation, quickly changing her focus to Valkyr and Crowe.

Halo appreciated Stryker and Quill's presence in this moment, glad that they shared the same perspective. For the most part.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you two. I'm Halo."

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - guts - 09-06-2018

It seemed she was the only one who didn't have much of an opinion on the clan's use of slaves. Being a former one herself, you would think she would be against it, having first-hand experience of how awful it was. But that wasn't quite the case. She still believed the philosophy that people weren't equal, and that some were made to serve others. Hell, she still believed she was lesser than her clan-mates, she just had the luxury of choosing when she joined. Still, even with her ways of thinking, it didn't mean she didn't feel a bit bad for them. She did, really--especially with how Dante seemed to treat them.

Cosette pads up onto the scene, looking a bit uncomfortable with all the tension in the air. Still, she offers a smile to Crowe, nodding softly. "Hello. I'm Cosette," she kept it simple and sweet. With the introduction done, she settled back on her haunches and waited for...something else to happen.

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 09-06-2018

Crowe — Female — The Pitt — Slave
As other Pitt members started to show up on the scene, Crowe started to feel a sudden surge of anger rush through her veins. She would grimace, before icy eyes landed on Valkyr. She studied the other slave's figure, a soft frown tugging at the corners of her maw and a somber look grew in her dark hues. She felt pity for him. He was awfully skinny. "Suppose I'm good, but the question is, how are you doin'? You're awfully skinny if you don't mind me saying."

However, the somber expression on her facial features would disappear as soon as Dante walked up and Crowe would scowl in her disgust- moving in front of Valkyr in a defensive manner. "Leave him alone. He ain't doing nothing wrong. If one's gotta take punishment for talkin', I'll gladly take it." The female would pause before adding. "You sure are a small one, ya self-entitled bastard."

Releasing a huff, she would let her dark brown eyes focus on Quill, Hope and Stryker, a hint of distrust in her eyes. Crowe was only trying to defend the other slave, despite not knowing him on a personal level. "M'names Crowe. S'pleasure to meet y'all." Then she would let out an annoyed huff upon hearing Dante speak again. "We slaves have the right to talk to one another. Don't see a reason why we ain't allowed to talk to each other during work."

Crowe's facial expression would become more gentle as she eyed Cosette, hoping to remove any signs of tension from her body by lowering her shoulders and stopping her own tail from wagging from her anger towards Dante. "Hey there, sweetpea, s'pleasure. M'names Crowe."

Re: IT'S QUIET UPTOWN / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-07-2018

"I own him." Dante hissed in response to Hope, his shark-shaped tail flicking towards Valkyr. His eyes were cold as he gazed upon his slave before it turned back to Crowe as she spoke to him. The neck on the hybrid's fur bristled and he gritted his teeth together. He had to remind himself that, to everyone else, he was just a normal-ranking member and was no different than anybody else (other than the slaves, obviously). "You are a slave." Dante growled. "And you dare speak to me in such a way?" Obviously he ignored the fact that Crowe pointed out that they technically had a right to speak to one another, and sure... they did. But to call him a self-entitled bastard? That was absolutely going too far and Dante had half the mind to hit Crowe right then and there.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE