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CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - Printable Version

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Bastille had not intended, originally, to let his relatively "scandalous" overhaul to drag on for as long as it had, but he was hard pressed to feel too bad about it. He was tired. Something new and ridiculously tedious seemed to crop up every day, which warranted enough to reconsider every time he thought he knew what he needed from them. Perhaps he was simply giving himself excuses, and he was not afraid to admit that he was, but it would take a truly foolish individual indeed to think that Bastille cared if they called him out on it. At this point, criticizing his leadership only proved him right; he had literally nothing to lose by being called a bad leader, because he in fact got the opportunity to say I told you so.

He was trying to be good, he reminded himself idly as he took his usual meeting spot, looking momentarily dreadfully bored before he exhaled noisily and it became more apparent that he was just tired. Hazel's exhaustion weighed in his bones heavier than their bond had ever touched him before, and maybe he was just tried himself, too. [b]"Meeting time," he said, tone even and not very raised for shouting; it was lazy, really, the manner in which he called them.

There was a pause. He arched a brow. "I did demote myself from this god-awful job, technically, so if there are any objections to me hosting said meeting..." A longer pause. The horribly unimpressed and disinterested look on his face said that he was going to be quite, quite exasperated if someone actually posed a complaint. Hell, he didn't even know if he would just step down or simply stare at them until they stopped speaking at this point: his level of disdain and exhaustion was at a precarious peak in which he might take either road in terms of being Done™.

"Anyway," he said, with the air of someone moving on from something awfully stupid they had just overheard and was determined to ignore, "Promotions. Moon, Cosmic General — I assume you'll specialize in Clan Welfare." He didn't really sound like he cared, though it was hard to say if he didn't care about what Moon chose or if he didn't care if Moon wanted a different specialization because he was getting that one, or both. He didn't really waste time in seeing what he said, either. "Peri, I'm putting you at Halo for now. Dory, Fey, Zjarr — Starstruck Guardians." A pause. He looked entirely unapologetic as he said, "Oni, Thea, while you two have been around quite a bit, I'm putting you both on a week's probation. Oni, because it might be the wolf, but we don't kill Clanmates. Thea, for attacking Oni, because again: we don't kill or harm Clanmates. Got it, kiddos? Great."

He scowled slightly as he continued, "As I'm sure you all know, we lost Clanmates this week. The investigation into Roy's murder is ongoing, so for the time being, travel in pairs outside of the Observatory and particularly near the borders. Thea, we're visiting the neighbors after this." A pause. It seemed like an afterthought as he said, "Someone who wants to host weekly tasks, go for it. We'll also need someone to run the ambassador program." He didn't mention that it was because Margy had offered. No need. [b]"Meeting dismissed, otherwise."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - MirrorEdge - 09-04-2018

It seemed Thea was one of the first few to arrive, eyes narrowing ever-so-slightly at the news of the probabtion she and Oni had been put on, but nodded anyways. "Got it! I'll do my best to help find the person who killed him, Bast!" It's a bit ironic though, you're asking the very person who did it to help you solve it. The voices in her head had been quieter, making less appearances, and in general, it had been helping a lot. That, and the new arrivals to the clan intrigued her. Bryn seemed interesting, something about her almost familiar, but for now, she remained there.
Template by Quill

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - trojan g. - 09-04-2018

//retro to injuries

Roman pad over to the meeting, ears pricked as he listened to what was happening, head nodding slightly as he did so. There were a lot of things that needed to be done here, other than promotions towards others - of which was things such as the medical crew, though for now the shiba would say nothing - and finding out who did what in terms of deaths. It had been a stressful week all in all, others dying and more showing up and some just disappearing. "I can hold the ambassador program if wanted, Bast." Ro would call out, ears flicking once as soon as he had done so.

//rushed as I am currently sitting in the hallway on my laptop, lol

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - Zjarr - 09-04-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]His being promoted had never felt so bland and usual. For once he really didn't give a shit—it was just a fancy name at this point, along with something to do outside of his regular tasks. In all honesty he could be considered a greedy man when it came to power and dominance; once he started to acquire it over his Clanmates, it could just as easily get to his head and drive him to the edge, only to have him precariously hang over it, neither to climb back up nor to collapse. He felt that he could keep himself in check, but only for so long. Yet in this case, he was barely amused or delighted upon hearing his name. Maybe ol' Bastille just wasn't setting the mood, what with his apathetic, droning voice and a sheer lack of interest in running the whole operation. Zjarr didn't blame him. Everyone thought being a leader was fun and exciting, but it only raised one's anxiety and reduced them to a shell of their former selves.

"Hrmph, noted, congrats, 'n' thank ya," the canine drawled with a soft huff. Hey, an ambassador gig? Now that was something that could keep him occupied and maybe further away from the edge of sanity. "Throw my hat in for that ambassador program, too." His hues shifted towards Romanempire, who seemed to pipe up just before he could about the program. Well, he could work with others, right?

As for Roy's murder investigation? The demon was quite confident that he expressed his position on the matter—he wanted in. Nothing more to be said on that.

[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —





♦ -
To be quite honest, Oni wasn't happy about his weeks probation at all. What did that even mean? Did he have to stay in the territory now? A grunt left the chocolate feline as Bast finished his announcements, tail lashing side to side in obvious annoyance. How come Thea got to leave the territory on her probation? Well, who cares. She saw the guy who killed Roy after all. "Yeah, yeah. Congratulations to everyone. I'm going home." Grumbled the male, dipping his head to Bast momentarily before he left.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh


[size=9pt]If fucking anything, he was expecting to get his Halo title handed to him once the next meeting rolled around and Bast realized he needed to appreciate a good medic when he saw one, but life seemed to like shoving its fist up Moon's ladyparts, lately, so he wasn't getting that. No-- Instead, Bast stood up and called the meeting with his typically zero fucks to give attitude and promoted Moon to Cosmic General. Moon, himself, was about as stable as a badly built donkey stable post-Hurricane Katrina, at that moment, so he had no biting remark or quip to send the Astral Seraph's way.

Instead, the lion met Bast's eye as he made his announcement, let the pause drag on as his face slumped in a thoroughly unimpressed expression, and said, in the tone of someone who knew this was bullshit and knew that the other person knew that this was bullshit, "... Right."

As soon as the meeting came to an end, he gave his congratulations to the others who were promoted, accepted the congratulations that were sent his way, and promptly left the Observatory to go sit in a field for a while and wonder what, exactly, this new position entailed, without making any effort in the slightest to actually find out. It was one of those days. He was pulling a Bast.

/psa its two hours later and i have come to the conclusion that this makes moon seem like an asshole. that being said i cannot find the will to edit this so take it

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - imperia - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]It feels as if it has been ages since the last meeting. Eons have passed, kingdoms have risen and fallen, time has erased all progress. Exaggerations, all of them, but accurate descriptions of how time seems to both rocket past and slow to a crawl. The young she-wolf is silent as she approaches, as usual. Imperia does not expect much out this meeting more than public reprimanding of some of the bad behavior their younger members have been exhibiting. She is not surprised, however, when she hears her name called. A halo, huh? Perhaps some would be bothered by being placed a position lower than what she used to be, Imperia is not. She plans on healing people even if she does not possess an official title, anyways. "Merci beaucoup," the silver canine says with a faint smile.

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - Feyre - 09-04-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
What the heck was a meeting and why was her newly-appointed dad, of all people, holding it?

Feyre's obvious confusion towards the situation was conveyed rather openly upon her expression, lips twisting into a frown as metaphorical brows knitted together. She really didn't know what was going on, now that she thought about it, but decided to simply take a seat, keep her mouth shut, and see what Bast had to say. Obviously he was important in this group, sort of like a coven leader or something like that. Or maybe not a coven leader... but a leader all the same- oh! Was that her name being called?

[color=#3f5351]"What's that?" Feyre inquired loudly, lavender eyes blinking up at the bengal. Starstruck Guardian? That certainly sounded interesting, and up her ally too! She was starstruck, at least she liked to think she was, and she couldn't help but puff her chest out a bit as she realized that Bast had to have noticed her dedication to tracking and appreciating the night sky. Wait! Wait! That had to mean that she was a guardian of the night sky now! She was probably like... the most important person in the clan now, next to Zjarr and Dory, of course. This was good. Really good.

That'll show that valkyrie girl... She'll be so jealous of me... It'll be great!

(this post is all over the place bc i've been applying to jobs for the past two hours and my brain hurts)

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - Brynhild - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Jealous? Unlikely.

Brynhild was still under the assumption that her parents would be along any minute to pick her up from this place so nothing here truly mattered. When Warringkingdoms had offered her a place to rest her head, she took the offer, but she made no move to assimilate. The Ascendants, while a place full of kind smiles and powerful magic, was not her home. She wanted so badly to return to where she originated from - or to find her family at least -, but she was all turned around. Bryn couldn't recall which direction her family had been traveling, and the rain storm she had created washed away all scents. That didn't stop the child from returning to the border every day to just sit and wait. Surely they would arrive any moment...

Leaf-green eyes shimmered with electrical sparks as she was yanked back into reality by Bastilleprisoner's call. She had never attended a meeting before. Back home, she was too young to participate in town meetings, so she often remained at home while her parents and eldest siblings joined the assembly. They always carried word back to her, but it seemed this time, she would have to carry word back to them! ... When they made it back, that was.

The witch shifted uncomfortably from where she sat as she listened to Bast speak. Her mind wandered, however, and didn't register anything the Astral Seraph was saying. Adjusting the winged arm bands she wore, the young Valkyrie simply pursed her lips and pretended she knew exactly what was happening.

Re: CHEAT DEATH IF YOU WANT TO | MEETING 9.3 - Zjarr - 09-05-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The job was to be a glorified tour guide in his eyes, only with a more badass name. He had to make people feel welcome and answer their questions, maybe give them a tour around the place if they wanted. Sure, he had some authority over everyone else, but it was more or less...nothing. Nothing worth getting to his head. A tour guide couldn't dominate others and force them to do as he pleased left and right. So why not strive for leader? In all honesty, most of his being despised leadership, particularly in the form of an entire Clan. Taking control of patrols or activities or little groups was no problem, but whole factions were just an infuriating hassle. So many eyes watching your every move, so many ears listening to every word you say, so many mouths to feed...

Zjarr's first question came from his fellow Starstruck Guardian, ironically. "What's that?" Feyre had inquired. Hmm, maybe he could use what little authority he had to answer that. "It's, um, like a welcoming committee," the canine murmured softly to the witch as he leaned over in her direction. "Y'know, answer questions 'bout the group, give tours, help newcomers settle in, stuff like that." Jesus, that was boring. But it was a start. Something to stack onto his regular observer duties of patrolling and hunting, and to perform outside of his blacksmithing practice.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —