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PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - Printable Version

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PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

Since being dumped onto the territory dead and having to be resuscitated and brought back from the dead the mutated creature had not been seen since. His wounded form was so cracked and so split that he was in constant pain from trying to move so he just never came out of his home. He was supposed to try and at least take care of himself while he was trapped in his house but he couldn't find the will to move or to do anything at all. He just felt empty and it showed in the deadness of his gaze as he watched the sky through the window of his room. Blood had long since spread over his sheets and blankets of his bed and he didn't bother to clean it up. That process would most likely be too painful for him to do and it was also something he wasn't even thinking about anyway. All he was thinking about was who had done this to him. Why they had done this to him. His gaze slowly wandered away though not seeing the world around him. And instead he was seeing that Pitt member, his sneer as he left him to burn and dry out in the desert. The way he didn't seem to care at all that he was suffering under his paws.

Shoulders sagged as he pulled himself up from the bed, face twisting and contorting in pain. Cloth stuck to his wounds from dried in blood and yet he simply stepped forward, fumbling from his bed. He needed fresh air or he thought he might vomit. Crossing the floor at a snail's pace he managed to get to the front door and he pushed it open, cracked lips wincing as the sunlight funneled in to meet him. The roar of the ocean was like a sweet call but he refused it. The salt in the water would only serve to harm him more. He'd gotten thinner considering he hadn't eaten during his torture and he hadn't since he had been back. Sitting down the Goldenblood looked at the water, looking much like the dead thing he had once been. But on the inside there was a sharp hatred growing and one that would be difficult for him to contain. Aimed at the Pitt, aimed at any clan that had a similar mindset as they did.

Re: PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

Gordon had a tendency to hide in her room and be to herself for a couple of days just to recharge and relax and calm her nerves, but whenever she heard about Monroe showing up at the border injured made her much more wary about going outside of her home, especially by herself. Although she knew the camp was safe, she felt like she had to stay in her room and just... tell herself that everything was going to be fine and that there weren't any enemies in camp.

Eventually Gordon convinced herself to venture out of her home onto the beach and lo and behold, the first person she saw was Monroe. "Monroe...?" The little Dawnguard called out to him softly, frowning at him in concern. She stood a few paces behind him, as if afraid of getting close to him (mostly out of fear of being lashed out at). "Are you doing okay?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - rhosmari - 09-06-2018

He didn't enjoy lying and he didn't understand why she would ask him that question in the first place. Really, did he look okay? His body looked like he had become a lion's chew toy and frankly he felt that way. He was oozing blood from different parts of him and he was not too happy about the circumstances but he kept his pain and his feelings to himself. What was the point in complaining? There hadn't been a soul to help him besides himself and even he couldn't help himself. His gaze kept their focus on the water and he felt like such an utter fool, trying to be kind to others. Justifying that maybe there was a good idea with being friends with them. A sigh broke open his cracked lips finally as he turned to look over to Gordon. It wasn't her fault and he shouldn't be thinking like that but he couldn't help it now a days. Pearl colored gaze shifted away from the other and he forced himself to relax, even though his movements pushed and twisted his wounds. Everything was going to be fine and he at least hoped they would be in the end. "I've been better, lass. But don't ya worry about me. I'm healin' even if it is slowly."

Re: PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-07-2018

It was a stupid question, though if Monroe had voiced that thought allowed, Gordon likely would have been taken aback by it. She knew it was an idiotic question as Monroe clearly wasn't alright, but she had to show concern somehow, right? Luckily the strange feline didn't voice his thoughts allowed and she couldn't read them, and instead answered her question. Gordon frowned as his answer, though she did slowly walk closer to him upon realizing he wouldn't be lashing out at her. "M-maybe I can get you something?" She asked. "Like w-water, maybe?" Drinking the ocean definitely wasn't going to help, unless Monroe somehow had a filtering ability inside his body.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - rhosmari - 09-07-2018

"Water?" His voice was questioning, tone lifting up as if he didn't understand what she could have possibly been saying to him. The idea of water made his heart ache and perhaps that was why he was looking at the ocean waters now. He hadn't been able to get into the water for days now for fear of the pain that the salt water would bring him because of his open wounds. Blinking back the stinging tears that threatened to over take him the shark creature turned his head stiffly to look at Gordon. She was only trying to help and it wasn't her fault that he was so emotional after what had happened to him. He was sure that anyone would be and he swallowed thickly before turning to look back at the environment in front of him. Just breathe and everything would be okay. But even breathing and taking his time nothing seemed to be okay and everything seemed to be against him. Like a clock that just wouldn't stop ticking down the seconds until something else bad happened. Shaking his head a bit he dug his claws into the ground after a moment. "Water would be nice. I haven't had a proper soak since I been back here. Ya know where we can fill up a tub or maybe a stream or a lake?" He asked with a more gentle tone then he had before.

Re: PAIN IS ENOUGH - open; hurting - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-09-2018

"Oh, I-I, um... meant as in s-something to drink?" Gordon replied while blinking for a couple of seconds. She supposed she should have worded things more carefully, and Monroe had a right to assume she meant a bath or something, especially considering his wounds. "B-but um... I-I could probably find one nearby! I-I'm sure there's a pond s-somewhere."
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━