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MAD HATTER / joining - Printable Version

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MAD HATTER / joining - Shigaraki. - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]It's been a couple of weeks since he had awoken in this world and paid a visit to Snowbound, where the bothersome former UA students were and All Might had also been there. Killing them once wasn't enough, he wanted to kill them one more time. Tch. If he had his quirk in this new world, he would've been able to bring down a few of the Snowbounders. He had managed to get away from Snowbound without any harm, and he still had the hand he normally wore over his face. Then he had discovered a new power. The ability to make fire come out of his paws. A wonderful replacement for his quirk in the old world. Sanguine-eyes narrowed, the male would sit down at the border, a frown plastered on his maw. He didn't like the idea of joining a group, as he would probably have to swear loyalty to them.

"My name is Tomura Shigaraki." The feline would say. "I'm here to join."

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - GRIMNYTE - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]"Welcome to The Pitt. My name is Esklav, second in command to our leader, Yes Man - but you may address me as the warpriest." the leopon that walked forward was nothing less than straight-forward with his introductions. They had many joiners, it seemed, yet little to do; a shame, with their troublesome rivalries with Rosebloods and now The Typhoon. Perhaps it was... unbecoming of them to not accept allies and go directly for business deals instead, but would one blame them for skirting around the prospect of drama and the tiresome expectations to cater to another group? The Pitt had more important things to deal with. Esklav's cool-blue eyes held a demure hint in them as he fleetingly measured up the new recruit. "Do you have any questions? Would you like a tour of the place, perhaps?"

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - ; albion - 09-04-2018

benny began to notice the growing similarities between some of the more reoccurring types. tsuyu, bakugou, and that weird bird guy tsuyu killed. they all seemed to know each other, and they were all equally weird and annoying as all hell. it appeared another would be amongst them now.

"well, tommy, you sure are one fuckin' weirdo. perfect for the desert, yeah?" the fox smirked as he looked between him and esklav. he would agree, the pitt was becoming quite active with more members around. it was nice not to b in a snooze-town, even with the creeps and freaks that roamed here already.

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - COSMIIX - 09-04-2018

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - TSUYU. - 09-04-2018

Maybe at one point in her lifetime in this world, Tsuyu would have killed Shigaraki if she saw him again. Times were different now, she wasn't the same. So much had happened, she wasn't stable enough to care about how the Snowbounders saw her now. They didn't care anyways.

Still, Shigaraki had triggered her into unlocking her water manipulation. Mentioning how she killed her childhood crush in her past life.

So, when she heard the spine-churning voice of Shigaraki, the frog hybrid hopped over, dull charcoal eyes focusing on the feline. "Welcome, then, Shigaraki-san. Ribbit." She croaked out, her long tongue coming out to wipe remnants of dried blood from her jaws. At one point, she would have attacked him. But she wasn't a hero anymore. She was a villain, and the circles under her eyes as well as the creepy smile gracing her face proved such things.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - Shigaraki. - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Shigaraki's sanguine eyes start to slightly flicker as the Pitt members showed up, as excepted. He runs his gaze over all of them, one by one. Analyzing them. None of them really seemed to catch his interest, aside from the former UA student. He watches her wipe away the dried blood from her jaws and he takes note of the rather creepy smile that was plastered on her maw. Ah. She reminded him of the murderous brat. Himiko Toga. A shame that none of the other villains were here in this new world with him. They would all be useful.

A manic smile forms on the hand-wearing feline's maw as he turns his attention to Esklav, Benny, and Quill. He steadily watches Esklav with intrigue. Second-in-command, huh? Interesting. He lifts a paw to quickly scratch at the side of his neck, drawing some blood as he does this. He ignores the feeling of the crimson liquid running down his neck and he stares at the Warpriest, listening as the other male spoke. "I do not have questions. As for a tour, I suppose you wouldn't mind give me one?" Shigaraki says, pointing one of his forepaws towards Tsuyu. As for the other two- Benny and Quill, he simply gives them both a brief nod of his head, as he did not have much to say to either of them.

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - TSUYU. - 09-06-2018

Of course the male would ask her, Tsu hadn't expected less from Shigaraki. The green hybrid stood up, eyes flicking to the others present before she smiled, maybe a bit too innocently to Tomura. "It'd be a pleasure, Shigaraki. Don't let the hand fall off again, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked to the male, bobbed tail shaking in excitement before she moved to stand beside him, dipping her head to the higher ranked members.

"I'll be touring him, then, Masters." Tsuyu meowed, bowing her head to the others before she let her tongue flick once more over her gums to clear it of blood.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: MAD HATTER / joining - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Ah, Gabriel was pleased to see another fresh face. Well, any face was fresher than his at least. It had been a long time since the serval had been fresh by any means, mostly because half of his face, as well as a good third of his fur was gone, torn up and replaced by silvery-pink scars. He looked badass, but not in a cool and pretty way. In more of a "look i'm made of elastic, come punch me as hard as you can and I won't die" type of way.

"Welcome to The Pitt," He rasped finally, after taking a short moment to snort at Quill's 'Armpitt' comment and stocking that one in his brain for later. Probably to piss Dante off with. Yeah, that sounded good. "I'm Gabriel Harbringer, pleasure to meet you, Shigaraki."