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BAD DREAM - open; searching father - Printable Version

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BAD DREAM - open; searching father - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

A large form was coming and it was certainly hard to miss. A massive image of darkness till the form was seen up close and the sunlight bounced off of the white, grey and blue tones of thick scales. Some were transparent and jagged with the appearance akin to diamond. But the creature did not look too happy. Large bat like wings were parallel with the water that he skimmed over in quick flight, speeds sending the water rising up because of the pressure his mass put down against the ocean tides itself. One large down stroke pushed up water in a flurry of mist as the creature hovered for a sharp moment and landed upon the sands of the beach with a hard bearing down of muscle that was pulled taunt at the sudden impact. His gaze rested on nothing and everything as his muzzle curled slowly, nostrils flaring to take in the scent of the area before he allowed a low huff to escape his jaws and smoke to trail up from in between thick sword like teeth. Curling his wings against his sides the dragon would lift his head up, breathing in once more before he started to walk forward. Indeed there was some kind of civilization here and he could smell the underlying scent of his son. Perhaps they would know of his whereabouts and he allowed his spiked tail to settle as one pair of eyes looked around and the other stayed focused on the area in front of him. "Kolos los hi?" He breathed out with ease before he lowered his head to look toward the jungle area.

translation: Kolos los hi? - Where are you?

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - Luciferr - 09-03-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Wo Dreh Hi Tovit Fa?" a voice like the slow curl of shadows yet jagged at the edges spoke in the same tongue as a form as pitch as the great celestial spaces above - nay darker almost, seeming to absorb light into its scales unlike the faux darkness of the dragon opposite - edged at the webbing of wings and frills in thin white light with speckled distant stars,

nay the only thing to mar this darkness was the livid red that cut through half it's face in an ever bleeding wound of brightest red light fragmented.

Lucifer's mercurial eye narrowed, the scent of snowbound reeking off the other even if it was not as entrenched as a longtime joiner - but he held no Ill will towards non for sure enemies even if they did turn to raiding neutrals or once neutrals.

the dark god had lived a very very long time - but it had indeed been sometime since he'd heard one speak the dragon tongue, almost nostalgic - he remembered the name he'd once been gifted by old friends in that tongue, hm.

but no clearly there was a line for tension and slight frantic-ness to the dragon before him - clearly this one had lost something important or someone to be exact - tw sets of wings twitched, folding from where they'd been splayed half open as that horned cranium inclined it's head.

//translation = who do you search for? (Wo Dreh Hi Tovit Fa?)


Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - rhosmari - 09-04-2018

It had been a long time since he had encountered a dragon that wasn't of his family. But then again the lands he had held from were not the best host to their kind anymore and so he had moved his family to more distant and different lands. It would serve to expand their horizons and their own knowledge of the smaller and sometimes even lesser lifeforms that existed in these realms. So when the elder beast noticed the thick black hide coming his direction his four eyes shifted to focus solely on the beast who spoke his native tongue with ease. Head craning to the side he allowed his form to relax just marginally as he took in the form of the male dragon. There was no need for any type of dominant display as that was not how their ilk worked and instead he dipped his head in greeting before he spread out his bat like wings just a little bit more, talons breaking into the soil slowly. "Dii kul, rok osostiid rovaan." The beast easily spoke as he lifted his gaze to look about the territory. Concern glancing over crystal blue eyes before he allowed a rumble to leave his throat after a short moment.

His son enjoyed to travel but he did not like it when he traveled so far and on his own. He would have to teach the boy soon about the borders and boundaries as these lands worked differently then their own. Shaking his head a little he turned to look back to the other dragon. Curling his wings once more before he allowed his nostrils to flare and pull in the salty smells of this place around him. They had an ocean, volcanic rock he could detect and the back too pair of eyes shifted to look up toward the mountain. Curious. "Lost hi seen rok?"

translation: Dii kul, rok osostiid rovaan. - My son, he sometimes wanders.
Lost hi seen rok? - have you seen him?

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

If somebody didn't notice the dragon flying towards them, Caesar would honestly be surprised. Although he supposed the dragon could have been Lucifer, but the structure of this person didn't look to be the same as his fellow Crewmate. It took some time for Caesar to get here, but he eventually did and let out a groan upon realizing they were speaking in whatever fucking language they spoke in. "English, you fucking ingrates." He snarled, standing to stand next to Lucifer and glare up at Valinor. Although he did attack the guy's child just for being a Snowbounder and has attacked raptors before, Caesar wasn't a complete idiot. He knew attempting to do so with this guy would end up with him either squished between the guy's talons or sent flinging into the ocean.

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - OWEN. - 09-04-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
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His raptors were his children, his girls, but they weren't around right now. Owen had to figure out what the hell was going on, especially with the tension high in the air as it was right now. Like holy shit, man. The black and brown german shepherd rushed through the territory, his knives rattling at his legs as he made his way over to the sight of the two dragons and of course Caesar.

"Woah, dude.. Who did you piss off this time?" Owen grumbled towards Caesar, knowing full well that he had fought his raptors once. After all, it wasn't exactly a secret when the girls showed bias aggression towards a certain someone. Like the creatures who wore helmets in the Ascendants, the raptors absolutely fucking hated Washington and his friends.

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - guts - 09-04-2018

She was somewhat late, trailing in after Valinor. She had gone to look elsewhere for the lost Tama, but when her search turned up nothing, she had decided to come and see if he had had any luck. Evidently not, with these strangers blocking their way. Although it was somewhat nice to have others around to speak to, she found the whole clan arrangement somewhat irritating--she almost found herself wishing they were on their own again. All this warfare and bloodshed was not the way she wanted to live, nor raise her brother in law's son. He was too young for any of this.

Still, she didn't question Val's thinking, only following him and hoping things would turn out alright like he always said. No matter how it was, she would stick by her family. The grey dragon cast a long shadow against the ground, her talons kicking up the sand as she landed near the other beast, regarding this group's members with a somewhat hard stare. Her warm demeanor had quickly dissipated, replaced by a guarded expression as she listened to the two other dragons speak. Though her eyes landed down on Caesar as he broke in, eyes narrowing and nostrils flaring as she huffed in aggravation, but she managed to hold her tongue. They weren't here to cause trouble.

"His son--my nephew--have you seen him? He's somewhat of a wanderer, as Valinor puts it," she explained as he had requested. Haishe was more familiar with Chinese and English than she was the dragon tongue, so it was easy for her to slip in and out. As she spoke, she glanced around, studying the place they lived in. Too much water and sand for her tastes.

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

Caesar groaned inwardly upon hearing the noise of Owen's knives that signaled the raptor's owner was nearing. Which... usually meant they weren't too far away, but that was an issue he'd deal with if he had to. "For once, nothing." He responded to the shepherd with a gruff tone, although his words were technically a lie (though unlike usual, he didn't mean to). When Valinor's son came here, Caesar had attempted to attack the kid, although luckily Lucifer had been able to block the attack. Still, the point was that he still attempted to hurt the child.

At the sound of wings beating in the air, Caesar looked up to see yet another dragon come over and his ears flicked. "And what if I say we haven't?" He replied with a shrug. There were plenty of dragons around, who's to say the kid that recently visited was Valinor's?

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - COSMIIX - 09-04-2018

Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
a glance back at Ceasar and if only for the benefit of the non-draconic speakers did he speak once more in english "we have in fact-" and was then cut off when said young dragon bounded in - an amused smile playing on the elder dragon's face and he inclined his head "and here he is"

though he snorted at Owen's words "for once indeed" as a rebuttal to Ceasar's own words - yes indeed thankfully he'd stopped the dream demon - or else said father over there might've tried to make said officer into swiss cheese.

he shifted on his haunches "He's been no trouble though I'd advise you to leave - snowbound are not current allies nor enemies true but our last talks with your leader were rather bitter" and there was the slight note of disdain - mostly for atbash and her strange choices but alas what was past was past.

"I'd also advise to make sure he doesn't wander into less savoury places" the pitt would love to enslave a dragon child no doubt - and while he had his own disdain for snowbound's upper echelons his disdain for the pitt was far greater.


Re: BAD DREAM - open; searching father - rhosmari - 09-05-2018

He wasn't pleased by the way the smaller creature addressed him and it showed on his facial features as his nostrils flared up. But he chose to ignore the other for the mere fact that others were gathering around. His gaze swept over the grouping of creatures and he tilted his head a bit. Deeply he let out a sigh before Haishe appeared and landed beside him, offering to speak in their common language what he had said but he was no more pleased with the small feline's words than he was before. "Then I would have to say that you are lying. His scent has led me to this place and he is most certainly here." He spoke with ease, not allowing his anger to show and soon enough his son came forward speaking about how this one before him had been a threat to his well being. His jaws parted and a puff of smoke filtered from throat, white as the clouds above but holding a certain amount of heat to them. "Tama, dreh ni rovaan. Daar golt los ni un." He began simply as he looked at his son before his gaze landed upon the creature that seemed to have been a problem for his child. "Fod rok haalvut hi, rok fen ag ko yol."

His gaze flicked way then and he allowed himself to relax as he looked at the shells that his son had found. One holding the sound of the ocean and he allowed an easier smile to flick across scaled lips before he beckoned with his tail to Tama. "Rinik brit nuz mu fen bo nu." Turning from his child he would then tilt his head a bit as the other dragon began to speak about their political standings to which he merely nodded his head. Though as any parent he didn't appreciate being given advice on how to teach his child he still kept a level head and accepted it all the same. He already planned on having a talk with Tama and Dahaka upon their return home. "Indeed, I shall. Thank you for keeping him safe from weak individuals. Come Tama." With that the beast spread his wings and gave a hard downstroke, not much caring if the rather strong downstroke possibly knocked Caesar off of his paws and across the ground as he turned to leave, making sure that Tama was close behind him.

translation - Tama, dreh ni rovaan. Daar golt los ni un. - tama do not wander. these lands are not ours.
Fod rok haalvut hi, rok fen ag ko yol. - if he touched you, he will burn in fire
Rinik brit nuz mu fen bo nu. - very beautiful but we must go now

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR