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RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Printable Version

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RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - NUI HARIME - 09-03-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

the call for retribution and dignity and a claim to retake what was once theirs was signaled not by an anguished, enraged cry, but by simple lyric

"do not gentle into that good night,"

her voice was a low drawn out hum. loud enough to be heard. quiet enough to pass off as anything other than a code written for the makings of a bloody battle. a tinkling chime. a harmless psalm cloyed with sentiment and a quiet grace of an oblivious singer with no ulterior motives.

but that was sincerely wrong.

nui enjoyed playing the part of the harmless bystander, or the innocent and oblivious pacifist. she did it well, and her ploy would work-- for anyone who had the pleasure of not being acquainted enough with her to become familiar of her underlying knack for battle, and even further still: unadulterated bloodshed.

today, her song was a code. prior to this evening, the day before, nui had gone through the patient care of relaying vital information to the snowbounders, periodically out of the eye and ear range of the pittians. she could never be sure who was watching or when. but with her instructions, a plan kicked into motion.

'be ready by tomorrow evening, and be alert. a rebellion is coming. speak of this plan only to the snowbounders, and be sure to listen for my voice,' her message was the same to all those whom she spoke to: when the first verse of her song came humming through the air like the gentle breeze, it was imperative that whoever was nearest to the healing den, and those who were willing, to swarm around atbash in a defensive circle. stryker's foolish dismissal of the weak leader and lack of scrutiny towards her would be his last mistake, and nui would be sure of it.

stryker had been like a noose. tightening a rope around the leader that was the cause of so many refusing to fight back against the invaders for fear of further injury or death. but there could be no death without the noose's victim, and without stryker's claws forming a metaphorical tightening, threatening ring around atbash, he had no leverage over them, and snowbound could fight unabated.

"old age should burn and rave at close of day,"

the second verse was an order to let all hell loose, and something of relief came upon her when the lyric loosed from her lips like the trickle of a waterfall. she was starving; ached something fierce for the blood she had so viciously denied herself those harrowing weeks, and now she could finally get to it. what a blessing. her heart palpated underneath her ribcage with frenzied elation, and the beast inside her raged, though the battle had hardly begun yet. the idea of fighting always got her worked up into a frenzied mess, and she had to force the throbbing exhilaration down. not yet. stay calm.

'drag the pittians from their dens and their hiding places,' she had told them with a fiendish glint in her eyes and fire in her blood-starved soul. 'use the cold to your advantage. lead them into the snowdrifts where they will struggle to lift their limbs. guide them over stretches of thin ice where they'll be sure to trip; or even better still, crack the ice and fall below. there is no honor in battle. anything goes here, and you must do anything to win.'

and then a wicked grin flicked across her face and stretched her plump cheeks as she remembered her last words to them that day.

'but most importantly of all. remember to have fun!'

// permission given to post the thread. tldr; the rebellion has started, and nui has issued a code for the surrounding snowbounders to both protect atbash and fight the pittians. feel free to have your characters do either Tongue
[member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member]


Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - guts - 09-03-2018

Fighting was not something she did for now reason. She was not quite a pacifist, as she believed some things did call for brute force--but if there was a way to avoid bloodshed, then she would take such a route. However, it seemed it wouldn't be the case this time around. She and her family had only arrived a little while ago and already there was some sort of conflict going on. She had been looking forward to some peace, but from the sounds of the Snowbounders' situation, it sounded like it wouldn't be happening unless they did this: freed themselves from the clutches of whoever these tyrants were. She didn't know much about them, but she had heard enough.

With Nui's message circulating around their camp, it was hard not for Haishe to hear about it. She was somewhat nervous, like their arrival in new territory hadn't been enough. There just had to be some fight soon after they came. But she tried to look at it in a positive light. They would be helping them, proving that they could be useful if there had even been any doubt. Besides, a little excitement might be good for her, all hope for some quiet aside. Seeing how they were living twisted her heart and it would make her a lot happier to see them thrive.

The dragon stepped forward, red eyes scanning the terrain ahead of them. Were they waiting for someone to come? She wasn't sure how things worked here, so she planned on waiting and figuring it out, her talons clicking on the dirt. Her body was taut and ready. She wasn't sure how rusty her skills were, but there wasn't much time to find out.

//i can remove this post if needed

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - rushy - 09-03-2018

/quick track, i'll actully respond once i get my the world history lecture reading i've been procrastinating on done

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - MirrorEdge - 09-04-2018

//tracking for later!

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Dimitri - 09-04-2018

// yeets track

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - arcy - 09-04-2018

Unlike some of his clanmates, Izuku was not a pacifist, not in the least. Granted .. Snowbound wasn't made up of nearly as many pacifists these days, huh? In the early days it was full of people unwilling to fight, Izuku included. Now, though .. well. There were a lot more people willing to fight these days, huh? Than again, it could be a thing about being cornered. It probably was. But it was better to fight back like the cornered animals they were than to just sit, complacent.
... Better to kill than let themselves be killed. He wouldn't ask any of his clanmates to do that, but ... well. Nobody said Izuku wouldn't do that himself. So it wasn't heroic or good of him in any way, shape, or form, but what did Izuku care about heroics anymore? He wasn't a hero anymore, and none of the people in his immediate circle were heroes because they were all gone, and his clanmates were being hurt and so there was nothing holding him back anymore. Nothing except his own fucked up morals, and there weren't a lot of those right now.
.. He's itching for a fight. He wants nothing more than to make the Pittians hurt, sink his teeth into their flesh. But, first and foremost, Izuku's plan is to protect Atbash. Defense, and then switch to offense the instant somebody steps one step too close. His body is low to the ground and defensive, pupils in slits and eyes narrowed. He's ready. Teeth bared and sharp, electricity skittering across his scales. It feels like the calm before the storm. Before the fight actually begins and hell breaks loose. His tail sweeps. He's impatient for it to start, but he remains in place. Because of Atbash. For Atbash.
... Soon. Soon they'd chase the Pitt off. And then they'd be free.
He can't fucking wait.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - rhosmari - 09-04-2018

Careful observation let him know that these aggressive creatures that were supposedly residents here were not friends of the Snowbounders. They were invaders from a different land that had put this group in iron chains They seemed to be having fun torturing and starving the denizens and the dragon decided that he would help his new home. His jaws parted on a low breath that billowed out clouds of thick white smoke but only for a moment as he snapped shut once more. Though he had heard of plans to overthrow their rule and it as intriguing, the use of lyrics in order to thrust forth an assault on the ones that didn't know that their death would surely arrive. Flexing his wings the beast waited, listening intently for the lyrics to come and when the first line lifted up into the air the beast gave a heavy down stroke of wings that thrust his form into the air so that he could over look the surrounding area. His large talons were slightly curled as he watched the Pitt members who seemed unconcerned about his presence and then the second lyric lifted up into the air. At first his jaws parted, the flicker of pure white flames bubbling in the back of his throat before suddenly he was diving down with one outstretched paw.

His form spun as he neared the ground, snatching up a Pitt member who began to scream. He disliked when they screamed and he threw him up into the air, surging up with a sharp down stroke of black edged wings before his jaws snapped over the body and crushed it with ease to silence the pitiful fool. That started the panic of the other creatures and those running out of the village met a horrible end as he turned sharply and flew low and fast, letting loose a torrential downpour of those white and intense flames over their bodies, and turning them to burnt shells of what they used to be. The snow helped to mitigate the damage of the flames, putting them out with the amount of water provided.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - COSMIIX - 09-04-2018

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash knew of Nui's plans. Of course she did, not only because she was Snowbound's leader, but because she had been the one to ask Nui to start it. It was about time for Snowbound to take back control and Atbash was fully ready... somewhat. She still had to figure out things with having only one eye, but she was going to fight back control for Snowbound even if it killed her. Atbash was tired of being used as a toy, being pushed around like she was a useless pacifist who didn't have a backbone. While yes, she would always be a pacifist, this takeover proved that despite that, fighting was necessary in order to protect her tribe, especially if they were threatened.

For years, Atbash had been a pushover. She had let people do whatever they wanted with her and order her around, though this was more prevalent in the Seventh Tier back home than it was here on Earth. But that didn't mean that was completely empty here; Caesar and Stryker were proof that she would still let herself be ordered around, and she has had enough. The Pitt had their fun here and now it was time that they paid for what they had done to her - to Snowbound.

Atbash was ready for Nui's message to be sent throughout the tribe and the Hailcaller awaited for the sign the Polarheart. Once she saw her tribemates running out from their cabins, Atbash made her way out of the medical cabin and stood next to Izuku, her head held high. "Stryker!" She called out, forcing her voice not to quiver as she yelled out to the Pittian. "Show yourself. You and your friends are no longer welcome here." Her words came out in a hiss as she got into a defensive position, waiting for the lion to pop up.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - TSUYU. - 09-04-2018

"Ah, ah.. Master, they're rebelling, how cute!" Tsuyu's unusually high-pitched voice rang out from her place in a tree nearby, where she had been sleeping and keeping an eye on Blacktide to make sure he didn't go too far. 'too far', as in killing fellow Pittians.

But, it seemed the little useless cockroaches were making their rebellion known. Yelling, shouting. Her head hurt just from the sound of Atbash's yowl, and the frog-like hybrid hopped down from her branch and onto another one, charcoal eyes focusing on the dragons which rampaged around, roasting pittians left and right. They had dragons with fire? Noted.

"Can I fight 'em, Master? Can I, ribbit?" Tsuyu called out to Stryker, her bobbed tail twitching slightly. She made no move towards Izuku, no move to her previous friend. She was useless here, she held no attachment to the cold snow which made her sleepy most of the time.

Her wall-walking ability kept her balanced on her branch, her ear twitching as she listened for a command. She wouldn't attack without being told to, she could care less if they took back their lands. She knew better than to disobey an order.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★