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AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Printable Version

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AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Leigh - 04-06-2018

The sun was bright and hung high in the sky. Today was a good day for a meeting- things had been easy going up until now. Today was the big one; promotions, news, and other exciting announcements. Needless to say, Leigh had grown much more confident in himself the past two weeks. It showed as he stood tall on the icy balcony looking out over the main chamber of Snowbound’s camp. “SNOWBOUND, GATHER FOR A MEETING!” the unicorn would call after a few moments of quiet. He would watch and wait as a few npc’s approached and looked up at him, expectant and eager. It was a welcoming sight in comparison to his first attempt. “I got a lot of things to go other with you all today so get comfy. Firstly, you all must’ve noticed my brief absence. I’ve attended a meeting with three other new leaders who have established their own groups a few miles out from Snowbound’s territory, so we got some new neighbors. First off, we have The Typhoon, who allowed us to meet on their island. They’ve labeled themselves as warbound, but until we see them as enemies- if at all-, I better not see anyone harassing them for any dumbass reason. They’re pretty cool- pirates I think they call themselves. Next is The Ascendants, a peaceful group, so we shouldn’t have any issues with them. Lastly is Tanglewood- also warbound. Same rules apply to them- in fact, just don’t be dicks to anyone unless there’s a good reason, yeah? The last thing we need is trouble. But all in all, everyone seemed pretty cool. ” Cool indeed. Two of them almost ripping out each other’s throats at first sight was definitely not cool, but there wasn’t any reason to get involved in other clan’s problems so he’d leave that part out. “So right now, everyone’s a neutral. Moving on, I’m gonne set up a little all-day camping trip for everyone. There’s gonna be games and food and tents and stuff. It’ll be better than what I’m saying right now I swear. ” He paused. “Next up is promotions to fill up our new ranks which you can read about in the guide, so stay tuned.


Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - cry - 04-06-2018

Mobile track! C:

Super excited to see promotions

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - jacob w.c. - 04-06-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
//retro to capture

A meeting? Jacob perked his ears and began to make his way over, barely suppressing a wince as he moved. Today definitely fell into the category of 'bad days'. His legs had been giving him trouble all day, even with taking a walk and taking an extra dose of his usual herbs (of course, all the ones that were non-habit forming and were safe to take. He made sure to be careful about how he treated himself, just as he would if he was treating someone else). Still, he supposed a meeting would be a good distraction and it'd be good for him to spend some time with his clanmates to get out of his bad mood. He listened as all the news was listed off and found it especially interesting the Typhoon would still be neutrals. Perhaps Leigh was counting on the fact the attack with London was a solitary event and there hadn't been anymore displays of aggression since. He listened quietly, nodding along to show comprehension of what was said. When Leigh paused, he stayed silent. There wasn't much for him to add right now.


Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Ivylee - 04-06-2018

Ivylee perked up at the leader's call, pausing her play to wander over to the meeting place, plopping herself down next to Jacob. She smiled brightly, happy to be able to gather with all her clanmates again for another one of these meeting things. The little pup gleamed up at Leigh, her sapphire eyes opened up wide and ears pricked, prepared to listen and focus on Leigh's words. No, these meeting things seemed far too important to get distracted during. Ivy, being such a young child, didn't have the largest attention span, but she sure would try to stay focused during meetings. Still, as she listened, she couldn't help but wiggle and move around, but at least she was listening. So there were more groups? And Leigh wanted them to be nice to all of the groups so they could be friends? Yes, friends! More friends was always a good thing. Ivy didn't quite understand the term 'neutral', but she understood enough to know that they were't supposed to cause trouble with these other groups, and to the kid that sounded like enough for her to translate it as making friends. The other thing that was announced was the camping trip, which caused the samoyed to bounce up and down excitedly. Camping sounded so fun! "Okay!" She woofed cheerfully, though tried to settle herself down once again so she can focus on the rest of the announcements.

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - melantha - 04-06-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]melantha is fairly confident that none of the topics to be discussed within the meeting hold any relevance to her person. given her recent arrival, the young wildcat's knowledge of inter-clan workings is next to none. but that does not mean she should not attend. in fact, mel is quite interested in hearing the announcements, as it is a wonderful opportunity to start learning some important information about her new home. hopefully she won't have to stay long--not that there's anything wrong with these people, she just wants to find her family--but it never hurts to learn about one's surroundings. only fools  and the desperate go into a new situation without taking the time to learn how things work. okay, so maybe she is feeling a bit desperate to return home, but mel is not foolish. the wilds have cultivated her young mind to be cautious and calculating, planning out every step so she can proceed with minimal obstacles. survivors quickly learn how to be efficient. thankfully, snowbound is peaceful enough that melantha no longer has to simultaneously watch her back while trying to sustain herself and teach herself new skills. here, she can just focus on learning and bettering herself. she smiles at the thought of how proud her parents will be when they see how mature she's become. her heart aches at the thought. already, their faces are growing distorted within her mind's eye, and she can longer longer remember their scent. what's next? will she forget their names, too? or maybe just forget them altogether? mel quickly ends that train of thought, refocusing on the present task.

large paws guide the graceful wildcat silently across the terrain, stalking through the shadows and the people, avoiding congested areas and places where she could be easily noticed. while mel does not fear for her life in this place, she still distrusts everyone who lives here. they might be allies, but they are strangers too. the girl is too paranoid to allow herself to let her guard down. that's how people are betrayed and taken by surprise. eventually she finds a place towards the back, rolling back onto her haunches while she listens to the leader's words. what's his name? leigh? she cannot decide what's stranger: his name or the fact that he is some strange equine with a spiral horn. she's discomforted by the knowledge that the person in charge is in the shape of a creature which she has feasted upon several times before. feral horse is always a good substitute when deer is nowhere to be found. enough about that-- tanglewood, the ascendants, and the typhoon. she files away those names for later. thus far, the meeting has been interesting, although she is not quite sure how she feels about a camping event. mel does not exactly trust any of these people to spend the night in the same area. there's a reason why her den is outside of camp.

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - london r. - 04-06-2018

The term "meeting" was not foreign to the young girl, but in this context it was. London had no idea what was going on as more and more people came to gather around this lovely creature, one she had yet to ever see around before. Then again, she hadn't seen too many creatures at all in her lifetime anyway, and especially none as strange and alluring as a unicorn, only in storybooks. Taking a tentative seat among the crowd, the clouded leopard remained silent as the announcements were made.

London would begin to form an understanding for this new kind of meeting, it was basically just a time when everyone gathered to hear announcements by what she could only assume was their leader. At the mention of the typhoon, the girl's optics would travel down to the bandages on her chest, wondering if that incident may have a reason to "see them as enemies." Although, perhaps it was better that the unicorn hadn't written them off like that just yet, perhaps it was a misunderstanding. That woman probably wouldn't have hurt her if she knew that she was jeopardizing a future alliance. Surely that was it. The idea of camping was an interesting one, and London knew she wouldn't be opposed to it, in fact, the youthful clouded leopard was rather excited for it.

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - PIERCE - 04-06-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
Pierce felt like he was finally settling into this place. His family had yet to arrive, but he refused to lose hope, certain that Riddler wouldn't just leave him like that, especially not when he'd left him in charge of caring for his daughter. He would never just keep her from Pierce, right? No, of course not. Besides, Pierce couldn't imagine never seeing either of them again. They were coming, it just took time, and patience on his half- for now, he'd try to calm down and settle into his new home so they'd have a nice place to stay when they got here.

It'd been a while since the serval had attended a real meeting, not like the little intro one Leigh had held in Pierce's first week in Snowbound. This was gonna be one with news of politics and rankings and a ton of things that were a sort of comfort to the dappled tom, familiar. He'd attended dozens of these in the past, he knew, under many different leaders. It would take some getting used to, seeing Leigh up there, but it was no big deal. Instinctively, amber visionaries swept the crowd, as if looking for his friends or family to sit with. He spotted Mike almost immediately, and began taking half a step toward him before he remembered- they weren't friends here. Everything they'd been through, everything they'd done for each other, Mike had forgotten. Biting his lip, Pierce took a seat at the edge of the crowd instead, tail curling tightly around his paws as he listened to what the equine had to say. Don't be dicks to anyone? That wouldn't be too difficult for Pierce, though he wasn't sure how he felt about "mean clans". He was familiar with them, he was sure, and some people from them had to be nice, but the thought of a clan existing just to be bad kind of rubbed him the wrong way. It was whatever, though. A camping trip sounded fun, though he doubted he'd go unless his family had arrived by then- he was kind of terrified of getting lost and them showing up after. You know, normal stuff. Oh, and promotions, too?  He had a feeling he'd held some sort of ranking in his old clan, though he had no idea what it was. Nodding along with the announcements, he muttered a soft, instinctual, [color=#F5CA72]"Noted."





Meetings were all the same when it came to Killua's experience. He had been in the clans long enough to figure out the pattern that they always had with each other and that eventually they would continue that pattern without anyone trying to spice things up. But meetings were supposed to be this way, such as had been the way the conferences were held in his family. they would go over the same thing and it would have the exact same format over and over again. Killua usually found them boring because half the time there was nothing that really interested him. Sure there were promotions, but when he didn't already care about ranks there wasn't really any need to pay attention to them. What kind of promotions would there be anyway? Killua had bbeen the one to go around and make sure to look at every joiner that came into the clan for his own reasons. Nowadays though, he was twitchy thanks to what had happened when he had visited the Typhoon. The assassin silently made his way over toward the crowd, his large ears listening to what the horse had to say. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed though, and his claws slightly unsheathed themselves as he lashed his tail. Killua moved himself so that he was in the front of the group. Did this guy have no idea what had happened when he had disappeared? Killua clenched his jaw as a scowl formed across his facial features. "I don't think the Typhoon is as nice as you think geezer. Did you not know what they did to London? They nearly killed her!" Killua hissed as he gestured toward the albino leopard. It was obvious that the other had been out of the loop, but now Killua wanted to see. He wanted to see whether or not they would be willing to try and take revenge or at least figure out why something like that had been done in the first place. The other of course could question how he knew it was a Typhoon member. He wouldn't go into details about how he could have killed the caracal in a matter of a couple seconds. The assassin usually didn't like thinking that others were weak, especially when other clans were evolved. So what would the Unicorn decide to do about something like this. Killua wasn't looking for any sort of fight with the other, he was just seeing where the other was going to stand when it came to violence. London did almost die thanks to her hemophilia. If Killua hadn't been there, he was pretty certain that the other would died from blood loss. Something that could have been easily fixed if a animal had the right tools for the job.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Leigh - 04-07-2018

His stomach lurched as Killua spoke out in protest against the recent attacks. Leigh was fully aware of the attack on London. He had been wanting to save this talk for after everything was out of the way, but seeing as it had been brought up early it would be easier to go through with it instead. His ears flattened once the young male had finished speaking, and he cast a sorrowful glance towards London. "I am aware of the recent attack and I'm sorry..." he began. "But we can't jump to conclusions and retaliate. I'll be damned if I risk any of you on the possibility Typhoon had purposefully attacked us. I'm already preparing to visit them and hopefully speak with their leader and get things cleared up. Whether or not we may be facing a to-be enemy- I don't know." His worst fear was adopting an enemy, especially when they had injured clanmates. He let his gaze trail over everyone who had gathered. "But it will be dealt with. I promise." Once again, he would let his clanmates speak if they wished, offer their own insight on the matter, before he would move on to rank announcements.

"The last bit of business to take care of are the ranks. If you will accept this, Jacob, I'm promoting you to Frosthealer. I've seen your work with medicine and I think you would be a wonderful start to our medical team. Killua, you're young, but you work hard and I admire your passion for your clanmates and your home. If you'll accept to put up with me, I'd like you to be my Snowseeker, my second-in-command." Leigh paused, looking hopefully at the first two to be promoted. He'd wait for their reactions before continuing. "Lastly, Jerseyboy, Ivylee, and Cry, you've been great lately- welcoming joiners and keeping the peace- and I want to promote all three of you to Lionhearts. I know you'll make Snowbound proud." Jersey was dependable. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but Leigh liked him. Ivylee showed real promise, despite her age. Cry was even more curious-er than the other two, he thinks, but he has faith in the little bird. For now, this would be their little ragtag set of positions. "I want to thank everyone for their hard work and friendliness. I'll be looking forward to seeing you all more. And Jacob-" He let his warm gaze lock onto the male. "Whenever you see fit, feel free to set up some Tenderfoot tryouts. When you decide on your apprentice, report to me." Taking a breath, he looked back out to everyone. "If anyone has anything they want to add, do it now. Otherwise, meeting dismissed."
