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BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - Printable Version

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BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - miss ririchiyo - 09-03-2018

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - EPIONE VELARYON - 09-03-2018

✯ — having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness
when one was blessed with wings, they were expected to fly. however, the feeling of the air rushing through her wings had flooded her heart with fear, not the love of freedom. once you had fallen out of the air from your wings failing you, you tend to no longer trust that part of yourself. epione kept quiet about her fear of flying, after all, who would listen to a gryphon who couldn’t even fly?

throughout their travel, epione kept quiet and close to her older brother’s side. her unique appearance differed greatly from her brother’s regal colours. rich browns and reds, while she had been a light cream that had been separated by a piebald mutation.

with her brother’s words, her attention was drawn towards him. however, she had never responded. epione never really wasted her words, she found it unnecessary. she would rather listen than just talk. however, by the sign of her brother’s excitement, the half-blind gryphon could easily tell that they were at their destination.

the rosebloods. she knew nothing about them, but she did like the name. it was lucerys who had suggested them, and of course, epione simply went along with it. she would never want to be separated from her sibling, and god forbid if they ever would. she depended on him greatly. for guidance, protection, decisions.

gaomagon emā naejot brōzagon hen naejot zirȳ, lucerys?” with her head titled to get the best view her eyesight could offer, the smaller creature had stayed behind the obviously larger one. she didn’t know how they would react, and nervousness was apparent in her inconsistent flicks of her lioness tail.
✯ — blossomed by the lovely stars, the forget-me-not of the angels

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - miss ririchiyo - 09-03-2018

male | 19 months | the rosebloods | member

Yes, the two siblings were so different in both personality and appearance, but that didn't stop them from having an incredibly strong bond with each other. It was usually him whom made the decisions, but he didn't want to make it to where Epione couldn't defend herself or make her own decisions.

"Īlon'll emagon naejot ūndegon, won't īlon?"[b] Spoke the older male in reply, his talons tapping against the ground in front of him. Yes, they would come for them. After all, who liked having people at their borders without an announcement?

Still, if worst came to worst, Lucerys would fight without a second thought. While his sister preferred not to fight, he loved to fight. He thought of battle as a game, where either one side won or one side lost, and there should never be an in between. Power was everything in the balance of the world.

[b]"Hello? My name is Lucerys, this is my sister Epione. We're here to join!"
Announced the proud gryffon, fluffing up his feathers. He was rather large for a lion-bird hybrid, towering over his little sister as she hid close behind him.

if you find this u are awesome

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]To say that Lydia was stupid would untrue; however that didn't mean that she didn't have some questionable thoughts or assumptions at times. Like right now, the tabby was trying to figure out of these two individuals on their territory were siblings or one was a parent or maybe... They were dating and trying to keep the gene pool tight? None of that was really important, but she couldn't help but pry into everyone's lives she could possibly manage.

Though her mind was reeling, Lydia tried to keep a neutral (but pleasant, for the most part) look on her face as she appeared before the pair of gryphons. Her baby blues flickered between them until she uttered a quiet "Oh," into the awkward silence, and cleared her throat to finally speak "Hello! I'm Lydia! What brings you on The Rosebloods' territory?" As the small feline spoke, she added a cutesy tip of her head. Clearly the opposite of what anyone would expect of a group like that.

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - emil - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]gryphons. a beast he had never seen before; in fact he hadn't really seen... any mythical creature, aside from peytriviing the manticore. an interesting fact to some, or to those who would seen unimaginable things like dragons or unicorns or things of that sort. no, this was all still quite new to the young leader; he approached with widened eyes, rather interested in the larger beings settled at his border. they would be worthy additions to the group.

the snow leopard came to pause beside lydia, drawing his eyes over the winged creatures momentarily before he offered them a smile. "good to meet you both." he rumbled out, giving a courteous nod to lucerys, eyes flicking briefly to epione hiding behind him. "my name is prestige, i'm the pharaoh; welcome to the rosebloods." his ear twitched lightly as he watched them, wondering for a moment why such regal beasts would seek a home here. perhaps they were seeking the freedom, the bloodthirsty rogues that he housed in the mansion. whatever their reason, he was eager to see them around. "would you like a tour, or anything else?" prestige purred smoothly.

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - sephiroth - 09-04-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth would be the next Roseblood to slip from the shadows, looking at the pair of griffins with his intensely hued eyes, a swirling mix of blue and green pools one could find themselves getting lost in.  He hadn’t quite seen creatures like these before, but they looked promising enough in their appearance and they could certainly use new blood in the group.  His expression would remain serious as he dipped his head in a greeting.

”Sephiroth.”  The lion would simply introduce himself without much preamble or afterthought.  Everything else had already been said that needed to be said, he didn’t see much use in repeating already stated information.  It was pointless.


Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - miss ririchiyo - 09-04-2018

male | 19 months | the rosebloods | member

Give up your searching, you're not meant to be found.

That voice still echoed in his mind, the sound of their parents leaving them behind being the last time he saw his parents. He had been forced to take care of Epione after that, they had been forced to grow up too fast. And now here they were, standing at the borders of some clan which they didn't understand well.

The first to arrive was a terribly small feline who gave him funny looking stares. Did she not here him? Well, he could introduce himself and his sister again. No biggie. "We're here to join. My name is Lucerys Velaryon, this is Epione Velaryon, my younger sister. She's a bit soft-spoken." He chirped, ruffling his feathers as his large wing stretched out, giving his sister a gentle nudge forward.

When two others arrived, Lucerys dipped his head to the second feline, this time a big cat. One with spots, he had never seen such a beautiful creature in his lifetime, but he didn't need to stare anymore. "It's a pleasure, Prestige, Sephiroth." He greeted them with a gentle smile, before he heard the leopard's question about a tour.

"A tour would be nice. Do you happen to have any food, though? We've been travelling for a while, Epione and I are a bit hungry." He muttered, talons tapping against the ground in anticipation.

if you find this u are awesome

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - EPIONE VELARYON - 09-04-2018

✯ — having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness
epione was never one to attract too much attention, she had always allowed lucerys to do that. she used to be a lot more outspoken when she was younger. her voice used to echo throughout the trees, but after the acciden, she barely spoke to anyone.
dad wasn’t happy with a daughter who couldn’t even fly.

with the approach of a small creature, epione was instantly intrugued. she’s used to see deer and rabbits, but this seemed to be a new creature. lucerys had quickly answered ludia’s question, making epione loose her interest rather quickly. it never took long for her to memorize a face and connect the name to it. lydia had already been stored in her brain, including her size and chirpy attitude.

next that had greeted them was also of feline origin. however, this one was bigger and had been decorated with spots that never seemed to connect. he had been introduced as the leader, or pharaoh. however, there was something in his gaze that seemed more interested in them than she would have liked.

epione couldn’t lie, gryphons were powerful. however, fighting was something she could no longer do. lucerys,on the other hand, would be the perfect warrior. he loved battle, like it was a simple game fledgling would play. he didn’t seem to comprehend that battles could be fatal, that there will always be loss on both sides.

with her talons moving awkwardly, the half-blinded gryphon had sent a glare towards lucerys. his judge was not appreciated. she did not want to be closer to these strangers. unlike him, she would not be able to escape fast enough if they became hostile. the piebald had dipped her head to the group, low to show respect like her mother had taught her. respect was always important to gryphons.

the next to appear was a lion, a greyed pelt and yet a more youthful look to him. with everyone introduced, their profiles were quickly placed into her mind. who to be more wary of based on the first interactions and who she could come to if ever needed.

i simply need rest. food is not required for me.” she was much smaller than lucerys, and always struggled when it came to eating properly. she simply justified it with a lack of hunger. she wanted to treat her wings in privacy as well. epione didn’t need a whole bunch of strangers figuring out that a creature designed for flight had been ruined. it was only her close family who had known, and she had always carried some herbs to help soothe her aching and scratched up wings. long periods of travel where she couldn’t properly care for her wings required a few hours of maintence.
✯ — blossomed by the lovely stars, the forget-me-not of the angels

Re: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD && double joining. - rhosmari - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Hmm, seemed they were adding numbers to their ranks once more. Interesting to say the least but she was also curious of what they were. Griffins or however it was spelled were creatures that were mixed with lion and bird. Fierce and with the ability to take flight when it was necessary. Her gaze traveled over them, the larger of the two taking the forefront while the small female seemed to hid behind him. A partially disapproving look spread over her facial features for a fraction of a second before it became neutral again. The domestic slowly walked forward, gaze shifting over the rest of her clanmates as she allowed herself to stand firm on her own. Orange red eyes were intense as she looked upon the figures of the strangers, barely catching their names but one didn't want anything but rest while the other wished for food. That could be granted. "Blueridge." She spoke her name toward them in introduction before she beckoned with her tail to lead them back to the mansion. "I'm sure food can be provided for you. I'm not the best at tours but I can show you to the mansion where you will be staying."