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A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - Printable Version

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A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - delphinium - 09-03-2018

- This land was familiar in a way that made her heart ache. It was not the heavy humidity of a swamp but air that burned her lungs as she inhaled it, the crispness of northern snows lingering in the air as late summer slowly shifted to early autumn. This was the sort of environment the kitsune was raised in, a chill she associated with home, no matter how twisted or evil that "home" had been. It had given Delphinium her sisters, it had given her Iota, but it had taken all of them away from her as well. But this quaint group in the mountains did not have sinister intentions. She could sense it, in the lands and the souls of those that inhabited it. It was so... different from Tanglewood. While Beck was in charge, it was a dog-eat-dog atmosphere - the only thing that kept the girl in the warbound group was Iota. But without Iota, with the ability to pack seedlings, with nothing chaining her to Tanglewood but the residue of loyalty she held not for the group but her closest friend, it was finally time for Delphinium to depart from Tanglewood. She had left silently - she doubted her absence would be noticed, she had no one to say goodbye to. In her own way Delphinium would miss the musty swamps, what she had come to know as familiar.

The heavy satchel thumping at her side was a sharp reminder that she shouldn't wallow in the past any longer. She had let it consume enough of her life enough, and while the better part of her knew it would always be chewing at her mind as she gazed ahead at the tundra with mountains looming in the distance a buzz of nervousness and excitement ignited her veins. She could sense lifeforces near her. Delphinium knew she wasn't alone, at least for much longer. "Hello?" The mythic called out, eight tails swirling behind her nervously as Delphi slowly lowered herself into a sit. She did not have to go through this process in Tanglewood. Rather, she had brought directly in by Iota. The fear of messing up her chance at staying in Snowbound was nearly suffocating. Pulling her clipped wings in close to her body, olive green eyes grazed across the unfamiliar lands slowly. "I'm - I'm, ah, looking to join Snowbound?"

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - COSMIIX - 09-03-2018

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-03-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash was no wanderer by any means, mostly because she honestly... couldn't take care of herself. Not in a way that she could survive on her own and travel around places and that's why she felt so at home here in Snowbound, despite the constant drama that seem to follow her. Atbash followed behind Tamaghna, although her steps were careful and slow, almost like she was testing the ground in front of her. Eventually, she'd... have to get used to having one eye but right now she just had to continue being weak and feeble just to get The Pitt into thinking they had Snowbound under control. The rebellion was going to start soon - hopefully - and they needed to believe they still had control over her tribe in order for them to succeed.

"Uh, yeah, hi!" Atbash said as she came up beside the new Eaglehunter, trying to give the stranger at their border a small smile.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

The massive beast was slowly getting acquainted with this place and there was also the thought of shelter on his mind. How would they be able to take residence up if they couldn't find a home. There large sizes were a detriment that was for sure but perhaps they could find and interesting large cave in the mountain side that they could tidy up and perhaps make their own. But that would come with time and for now he was making due with keeping his eye on the territory. Now that this was his home he would treat it as such and it held his protection. Thick wings pushed against the air as he moved through the skies, eyes shifting over the ground as he went. But he slowed his form, wings pulling back a bit as he noticed a bright sunspot that he knew well. His head tilted a little and he slowly descended from the sky, wind funneling down upon the ground and thrusting particles in the air as he prepared to land. He already knew his son was going to be out and about but what concerned him was the fact that he was talking to a stranger. Although she didn't seem to mean any harm but the protective father would be present all the same.

Slowly he landed upon the ground, back legs taking much of his weight before he dropped to all fours. Muscles rippled underneath thick scales as he shook his form, lowering his head a bit so that he was on level with the female that was upon the lands of Snowbound. Smoke filtered up from flaring nostrils before he gave a light nod of his head. Interesting. "Welcome, fahdon, to Snowbound indeed. I am Valinor." The dragon spoke out to introduce himself but his son seemed to already have done much of the question asking and as such he would wait and see what this one needed.

translation: fahdon - friend

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Cosette had been hot on Atbash's heels. Considering Snowbound's particular living situation and factoring in her mother's near-crippling injuries, it was absolutely warranted for the sphynx to be concerned. Even if she refused to say anything on it. Although she was sure that regardless of vocalizing her affection for family members, they still knew deep down that she loved and cared for them.

Her face didn't display it. Cosette stood rigid beside of Atbash, expression some odd mix of neutrality and judgement as she looked the kitsune up and down. After a considerable moment, the sphynx nodded to herself, as if confirming her own thoughts or maybe even becoming accepting. "Welcome to Snowbound," she stated bluntly "I'm Cosette. Pleasure to meet you."

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - MirrorEdge - 09-04-2018

Gwen was a bit late, but offered a soft smile to the stranger nonetheless, even if she felt a prickle of discomfort at first, seeing the kitsune. Not that it was her fault, but it reminded her of her family. That was what she was trying to escape, and pupiless eyes settled on the newcomer as Gwen came to a stop next to Atbash.

"I'm Gwen, pleased to meet you. M-may I ask what your name is?" She had taken note none of them asked, and figured it would be safe to, tails twitching and moving this way and that as she waited, an odd habit of hers.

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - arcy - 09-04-2018

.. After that one week of no joiners, Izuku was pretty relieved about the sudden influx of them. And also very concerned, because of the Pitt. But regardless!! He was very invested in Snowbound's wellbeing, after all.
This being said, Izuku, too, was hot on Atbash's tail. The Frosthealer-Snowseeker-??? was a worrywart, partly by nature, partly not, and it was perfectly reasonable for him to trot after Atbash like a duckling. Though .. he ... did that even when Atbash was ... healthy. Because Izuku was an anxious wreck and liked being around his friend. Cosette was a pretty new addition to this, but one Izuku took to nonetheless. And so, as they halt between the newcomer, it's Cosette that gets a tail loosely curled around her, along with Atbash. And .. probably Gwen, too, since the three of them were all together. Not touching -- Izuku wasn't even aware he was doing stuff like this. But Izuku was a protector above all else.
"Um, okay! Welcome to Snowbound!" He chirrs, ear giving a nervous flick as he grins. His eyes are a little wide, but he still maintains that bright, friendly look about him. Even if he was, y'know, massive, and maybe just a little scary-looking. "I'm Izuku, the, uh, Frosthealer, and ... Snowseeker." Gwen had already asked for the newcomers' name, luckily. Izuku was ... a bit of a wreck today, wasn't really willing to go beyond saying the usual. So. Great.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: A CROWN OF GEMS AND GOLD // joining - delphinium - 09-05-2018

- What an odd creature to approach her first. Not the first of his kind Delphinium had seen, and certainly not the last in this unusual land beyond the walls of the Sanctuary, but not the first soul she expected to encounter on Snowbound's edges. Tamaghna, he had introduced himself as. Not a name Delphi could repeat. The navy kitsune offered a soft smile of her own at the chipper greeting, not able to match the fledgling dragon's enthusiasm. A language she had never heard before rolled smoothly from Tama's tongue, causing the girl's ears to angle backward. The tone told a tale of no malice, but Delphi was discontent with the fact she did not understand what was being said. Her hesitant smile did not waver however, giving a small dip of her head. "Nice to meet you, Tama," she greeted, unsure of what else to say. His question had already been addressed when she had spoken to the distant lifeforms - perhaps he had not been one of them?

The arrival of a new face seemed to confirm that thought, evergreen gaze snapping down from Tama to the damaged form of Atbash. Delphinium did not know of Snowbound's oppression, of the great war they were facing - she knew only that the speckled feline before her seemed to be missing an eye. The wound did not seem aged. "Hello," Delphinium greeted quickly, attention quickly drawn away as even more Snowbounders greeted her at the border. It was nearly overwhelming. "Ah - " Delphi's throat closed around her words, struggling to find what to say to this group of strangers. The sight of another kitsune held Delphinium's attention for a longer while, temporarily fixated on the idea it could have been one of her lost sisters - the monochrome was reminiscent of Chlorophytum at first glance. But instead the five-tailed mythic introduced herself as Gwen, and Delphinium did her best to hide her disappointment. Such a childish wish, to think she'd find her family here. Clipped wings pressed tightly into her side as Izuku approached last, noting his own feathers. Unaltered, wild, capable of flight. Delphinium was grounded. She knew not how to fly, nor did she have the ability with her flight feathers cut.

Tamaghna, Valinor, Cosette, Gwen, Izuku, and a girl that did not introduce herself. An... unusual cast, but far from unwelcoming. Tails coiling around each other like snakes as a nervous habit, she finally addressed Gwen's inquiry. "My name is Delphinium. It's an, uh, it's nice to meet you guys."