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THE POLICE / o, lost child - Printable Version

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THE POLICE / o, lost child - COSMIIX - 09-03-2018

Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2018

Oh god, the fucking ringing was absolutely fucking awful. Hearing the sound of the bell, Caesar grit his teeth and irritably followed the railroad to where the bell was and narrowed his eyes at the sight of a child, whom didn't appear to be speaking English. "Whaddya want?" The demon grunted as he stared down at the child, not even bothering to hide his irritation.

Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - Luciferr - 09-03-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
2He seems more enamoured with the bell than anything" a shadows curl of a voice spoke up from behind Ceasar - who was suprisingly not insulting or yelling at the stranger child, would wonders never cease - raising a brow he switched that dual gaze towards said child.

oh, well it'd been awhile since he'd seen another dragon aside from in the mirror - or more recently with Argus' shift alas his wayward daughter in law had vanished but that was alright, she did that quite often - and the dark god shifted crouching down slightly and tilting his head.

a low rumbling hum followed by him adressing the smaller dragon-child "Now where did you come from little one?" - and where were the parents? surely this wasn't another abandoned child, the world was not so cruel yet again.


Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - SANGO - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 65%; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"][align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The slightly irritating ringing of a bell has jerked the hellhound's attention away from herself. She had been sitting by the edge of a muddy puddle, staring into the waters at her muddled reflection when the sound had hit her overly sensitive ears, which she immediately pinned back against her head. She rose from where she sat with a slight scowl on her maw, icy eyes narrowed to slits as she stalked on towards the origin of the noise.

Upon arriving she noticed two of her clanmates already on the scene, one familiar and one not. She took a moment to run her gaze along this unfamiliar feline, noting his odd coloring and irritated expression. After a swift once-over, though, she turned her attention to the vistor. Staring him down, she made her way closer, flickering her snake-like tongue to catch both his scent and heat signature. Interesting. This guest seemed to be a creature of draconic heritage, and rather young now that she was able to look at him closer. Sango had to wonder what his business was here, especially since he didn't seem familiar to either of her clanmates present. Considering she had nothing of ample value to ask the dragonet before them, she decided to stay quiet and observe the interaction for now.


Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - COSMIIX - 09-03-2018

Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

Caesar's lips peeled back as Tamaghna commented on his pelt color and he narrowed his eyes at the kid, mostly annoyed by his enthusiasm and excitement. Lucifer came over and of course offered his two cents, causing the demon to roll his eyes, though as soon as Tamaghna mentioned Snowbound, Caesar's gaze snapped right back to the child and he immediately tried to lash out at TAMAGHNA, his claws unsheathed."You're not fucking welcome here. Leave." He didn't care if Snowbound weren't technically enemies; Pincher didn't seem to particularly like them too well himself, especially after Atbash's stunt. Point is, the kid isn't allowed here for that exact reason.

Re: THE POLICE / o, lost child - Luciferr - 09-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
a sudden snap of teeth like the crack of lightning illustrated his pint as a massive tail aimed to smash down between ceasar and the child with the beast it belonged to rumbling a low warning "Snowbounder or not he's a child Ceasar - keep your claws saved for a worthy opponent" the dragon huffed, eyes straying to the silent Sango for a moment before back to the child.

dragon-tongue, it'd been awhile since he'd come across and a slight smile twitched upon plated lips though hummed "four eyes hm?" he'd had four eyes once - of course sans a mortal form and technically unseen in this one he had many more in a manner of speaking.

"though he's correct - you shouldn't be here mal gein" he seemed to consider the group before nodding to himself "I can take you back home" it would a. get the not technically enemy out of the land and save ceasar from trying to harm children yet again and would see the little one unharmed though even he had no love for snowbound it didn't extend to the rank and file or the children - no he was more in contempt of atbash and her higher ranks on the snafu in his opinion of alliance dropping.

/luci can taxi him back if ya want
