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Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - Printable Version

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Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - jacob w.c. - 04-06-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
//retro to capture

Jacob had an idea. It was simple but it was the solution to a problem he'd been having for quite some time. Jacob loved having dinner or playing a board game or just doing anything with anyone before trying to go to sleep. He wasn't sure why but he found the interaction soothing, made even better if there was food. So, he'd made little fliers. Of course, he knew everyone couldn't read (specifically Jerseyboy) so he also intended to make little announcements about his plans and the new group he wanted to form. It wasn't a clan, Snowbound was his home now, he wouldn't think of leaving it, but it was a collection of animals who shared similar intents and interests coming together peacefully. At least, that was what he hoped. He couldn't promise world peace and he knew there were already groups starting to fight with each other but he hoped that the hour or two he had this group together, there would be momentary peace. Perhaps it'd even be some sort of ambassador program. Who knew what it'd grow into. Right now, though, he created it for purely selfish reasons and he wasn't ashamed of that fact. Maybe this would help other people but it was really to help him. He wasn't doing well. He'd been able to hide it from most of Snowbound but even after moving form the city, he wasn't sleeping and his legs weren't improving. He needed a new distraction.

"Would anyone be interested in this? 'S a... well, a club o' sorts, I guess, where a bunch ah' people from a whole lotta' clans get together twice a month ta' have a fancy dinner. I'm callin' it the foodie club but I might try ta' think ah' somethin' more classy later on," he called before adding, "If ya' got any questions, that's fine too. Anyone who wants ta' join is welcome, no matter how old they are, where they're from, or what their rank is. There ain't any violence allowed, though. I don' want no one gettin' killed or hurt while they're there so even enemies are gonna' sit at the table peacefully or else they won' be allowed back. We ain't talkin' 'bout politics either. This is jus' about gettin' together ta' have some fun n' some good food."

Re: Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - melantha - 04-06-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]yes, many people are unable to read. people like melantha, although it is not by choice. when the flapping of paper in the wind drew her over to the posted flier, she quickly became frustrated that she could not make heads or tails of the content. she recognized the letters but not the words. her education had only gotten so far before she was washed away in the river. the girl does not like that there is a whole realm of knowledge that she is unable to access just because she can make sense out of the scribbles. instead of standing there and scowling, she followed jacob's call to listen to what he had to say. unfortunately, jacob's idea contained three of melantha's least favorite things: large groups, socializing, and parties. so of course it makes sense that she would not be interested.

mountain lions are private by nature, and isolation is preferred to socialization. it's in her blood to want to be alone. but she is also incredibly suspicious of others, and spends more time trying to figure out how to kill people if it were necessary than she does actually enjoying herself. being thrust into the wild on her own at such a young age has corrupted her, that's for sure. then again, she is a simple girl of simple tastes. she hears free food, so why in the world would she refuse it? melantha can put up with random people if it means she gets a free meal. besides, maybe she could learn a thing or two. it's not like she has to make friends or anything (even though that is original intention of the group).

"'sounds interesting," comments the girl nonchalantly as she pads over silently, sagacious green eyes observing jacob with guarded interest. "my name is melantha, by the way. what's yours?" she does not know this one. a dog--perhaps a husky mix--with a colorful motley of bandages and sweaters. how odd that so many creatures here wear human clothes. melantha does not understand why animals with natural adaptions against the cold would want to wear such atrocious things. is it not cumbersome and uncomfortable? jacob seems nice enough that she decides it would be wrong to give him a hard time about it. lucky him.

Re: Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - jacob w.c. - 04-06-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
A wide smile spread across the boy's maw as a stranger approached first. Perfect! This was already working and he wasn't even in another clan yet! There were already people he didn't know coming to join his little club. She didn't necessarily say that she would join but she said it was 'interesting', which was a good enough reaction for him. At least, for now it was. He hoped to get some solid members in place before the first meeting but he could take 'interested' now. 'Interested' meant maybe and that was better than a flat no. Still, he didn't want to get his hopes up too much. After all, only one person had approached him so far regarding the idea and he wasn't sure how the other clans would react to such a proposition. "Oh, thank you! 'S nice ta' meet ya', Melantha. 'M name's Jacob. Did ya' join recently? I don' think I've seen ya' around before," he asked before his eyes were drawn to a more familiar face, Mike. He noticed the other boy still seemed to be struggling with getting around. He was still working on the prototype but maybe he'd try offering it to Mike again when he finished it. Maybe he'd 'accidentally' make it the wrong size to test it on himself. Maybe it'd fit Mike perfectly, by chance. Who knew. Anything could happen. "Cool! 'M glad ya' like the idea. I think it'll be fun ta' get ta' know people from other places too. What kinda' food do ya' think we should have besides pasta?"

Re: Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - london r. - 04-06-2018

London had never really thought about joining a club, but then again, she had never even thought that there might be such a group popping up among the clans. Unlike the others who shied away from social interaction, it pushed the young girl further towards joining this club. She'd been alone for so long, but not anymore since joining this clan. Meeting people and interacting with those she didn't know yet was so much fun, she could never imagine wanting to run from a social situation, although she supposed she understood wanting some alone time.

Wearing a smile, the fluffy albino feline would approach as quickly as she could after hearing Jacob's call. He was the only one of the three around that she knew, which didn't seem to be too surprising to the girl, as she knew she had yet to meet everyone here. Her blue eyes were bright, appearing to be sparkle in the pale sunlight. The girl was rather excited, though it didn't quite show as much outwardly. "Sounds like a lovely idea, I would like to be a part of it too if that's alright. I can even bring some scones." the young feline would chime, her British accent coating her words. It would be fun to try baking again, she hadn't made anything since her mother died.

Re: Nothing a cookie // open // can't cure - melantha - 04-07-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]maker--this kid is just too sweet. the moment jacob turned towards her, flashing that brilliantly warm smile, melantha had to avert her gaze for the expression was just too bright. it was like gazing into the sun. everything about her life thus far has been cold and lonely. she's spent so much time trying to separate herself from emotions because it was necessary to survive that interacting with someone pure is almost alien. she should have known from his colorful garments, but jacob looks to be around her age so why is he still so happy? or perhaps a better question is why his happiness makes her uncomfortable instead of making her feel happy, too? mel coughs awkwardly. she cannot bring herself to be cold or sarcastic to someone so radiant, but she also does not know how to behave in any other manner. "uh...yeah, i just got here two days ago," manages the puma with a small smile; albeit a strained one. "nice to meet you, jacob." his accent is unusual. slurred with a certain kind of twang which only seems to make him feel warmer. melantha is almost convinced that jacob has to be an angel of some sort, because no one could possibly be so friendly. but then another girl who is sweet and soft with sparkly eyes approaches and mel finds herself shifting away from all the positive feelings. she's learned to expect the worst from people in the duration of her rather short life, so she finds it hard to believe that any of this is real. but melantha really wants that free food...