Beasts of Beyond
she prayed 'blow it down' — human au - Printable Version

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she prayed 'blow it down' — human au - guts - 09-02-2018

She hated mornings.

Every day was the same, monotonous routine--wake up, get ready for work at the diner, put up with all the sleazy truck drivers that came in, get off of work in the afternoon, then repeat the next day. At first she had enjoyed the blandness of it all, as she was never one for spontaneous things. She preferred to have that control over her life. But as she continued, it began to get tiring quickly, everything beginning to blur together. She had dreams: getting out of this small town--maybe even go to the city--find a better job, settle down and have a family. She didn't care about the order.

Anyways, Cosette doubted today would be any different from any other day. The ringing from her alarm woke her up as usual, having to put in some effort to lift her head up from the pillow and reach over to silence it, a sigh escaping her thin lips. She reluctantly threw off the covers and sat up, stretching her arms out above her head. She usually woke up early, just to give herself enough time to get ready, so she was in no hurry as she plucked her outfit from her closet and changed into it. With her clothes ready and her hair brushed, she made her way down the hall, knocking on her brother's door as she passed.

"Wake up, Bishop! It's time to go," she waited for a moment for his response before turning and heading into the kitchen. They swapped cooking responsibilities, and today it was her turn to cook breakfast. Picking out the eggs and milk from the fridge, she cracked four of the eggs into a bowl, then poured a generous amount of the milk in before mixing it. She transferred it over to the pan and while it was warming up, she stuck two slices of bread into the toaster.

Soon it was all ready, the blonde scooping up equal amounts of the scrambled eggs onto plates, then putting the pieces of toast off to the side. She set them down onto the table and grabbed forks, taking a seat to wait for her brother.

Re: she prayed 'blow it down' — human au - TSUYU. - 09-02-2018


Re: she prayed 'blow it down' — human au - ; albion - 09-04-2018

the small, sleepy town was nothing compared to what benny had grown up in. the city was his home through and through and he never imagined losing that part of him. he grew up on the streets of las vegas with his mother and father. the latter being a successful businessman in the game of gambling, though not the kind with dice or cards. more or less, with lives and who's to take for the right price. while his mother took care of him at home and pretended nothing was going on.

then, benny grew up at the age of twelve. his father got thrown under the bus by a mole, and in two weeks he was given a life sentence for a count of more murders than benny could count on his fingers. he and his mother were evicted. no income in the house. they were forced to jump from house to house until he hit the age of eighteen, and could finally leave her behind to lead his own path.

that path ended up... here. years later, with him living in a snoozeville and having to take a morning train to the city every morning to work the same con job until the sun began to set.

today was his lucky day off, and he just so happened to have no plans set. it wasn't often he did anything actually in town, most of the time going for a drive somewhere else until he almost emptied his tank and went back home. the morning was looking bright so far, though. he glanced out the kitchen window and saw his lovely neighbors hadn't left yet, and with a small smirk began to get ready.

benny's wardrobe was almost entirely flashy and formal. he did manage to dig up in a corner of the closet a plain white t-shirt, and pulled a black and white checkered button-up over it with black slacks. he messed with his hair a little before walking out the door, and headed toward the newman household.

he picked up their newspaper at the end of the driveway, dusting it off and walking up the porch, giving a gentle two knocks and smiling. "your friendly neighbor here with the newspaper!" he called, leaning to the side to look into the window and wave to cosette.