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TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Printable Version

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TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Brynhild - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The skies over The Ascendants territory were quickly darkening as threatening gray clouds moved in overhead. The azure of the heavens was soon muted and then blotted out altogether; a mighty storm was upon the group. Winds whipped and snapped at the trees, causing their branches to sway and groan. The air changed all at once, bringing with it notes of cool darkness. The scent of rain wreathed around everything, and the sky opened: large drops of rain poured over the earth as the clouds bled like a gaping wound.

A large bolt of lightning struck the earth and thunder shook the land.

Emerald eyes flew open, sending sparks of electricity trailing out into the open. A young black and white feline jumped to her paws, ears pinned to her skull. The fae’s breath was ragged and broken. Fear and confusion and anger rolled off of Brynhild in waves, and the storm above her seemed to explode. Lightning danced around her feet and eyes, and the patterns were mimicked by the sky. Thunder boomed again, but she was not scared of the weather.

The child steadied herself, inhaling sharply. A wild gaze flickered to and fro in front of her in search for signs of life. "Mother? Father?" she rasped, her slightly accented voice unheard above the wicked winds and thunder. The Norwegian forest cat parted her lips to call more names, but a violent crack of lightning held her tongue. "But… I do not understand…" This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, she thought as a look of rage shadowed her bicolored features. A snow-capped paw lifted from the ground and graced her neck – a nervous habit.

Electricity burned in her viridian stare. Something about these lands seemed so familiar that it bruised her heart in unfathomable ways. Brynhild grunted. No. There was nothing familiar about this place... There couldn't be. This wasn't like home. There were no mountainous villages laced in snow here... The wind grew colder, and for the first time, the newcomer was chilled.

There were strange and strong powers here, and the ground she stood upon was practically supercharged. Bolts of lightning shattered the sky, and as the rains beat down, she adjusted the winged arm braces she wore. The stench of whatever creatures resided here wafted towards the tuxedo, and her fictional eyebrows furrowed.

Someone was approaching. Without warning, the young witch used her abilities to cast a bolt of lightning towards the stranger. The attack wasn’t terribly strong; the weariness Brynhild wore was reflected in her powers. As soon as she sent the attack, the girl stumbled backwards, out of breath. Unbeknownst to her, she had been rendered unconscious for about seven days. She was weak and growing weaker (the raging storm was her doing, and it was sapping her energy). Attacking was perhaps a death sentence, but fighting back was better than simply allowing death to encroach upon her. "Reveal yourself," she called, fighting for breath, "coward."

[hey, y’all!! okay so bryn has been unconscious for several days, and before she woke up completely, she created a massive thunderstorm with her abilities. she also tried to attack the first one to arrive with a bolt of lightning, but it’s not strong because her powers are so strained right now!]

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - MirrorEdge - 09-02-2018

"Coward? Me?" Thea continued to approach, the soaking wet leopard looking a bit sulky that she was out here in the first place, as a bolt of lightning hit the ground just at her feet, tilting her head in confusion. "That wasn't very well-aimed, now, was it?" She murmured, pale blue eyes settling on the scorched earth for a few moments, before flitting back up to the newcomer, a bright grin on her face.

"I'm Thea! Who're you?" She questioned, immediately deeming this little exhausted cat to not be a threat, or a challenge. There'd been enough death, at least, for now. Deep down, Thea was a kind person. Well, not really deep down, but you get the idea. "Where are your mom and dad?"
Template by Quill

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - ONISION. - 09-02-2018




♦ -
Oni had been watching from a distance away, his single blue eye narrowed in mild interest as Thea was nearly shocked by a lightning bolt. Oh, how funny. Slowly, the one-eyed chocolate feline walked forward, a grin on his face as he kept his distance from Thea. Fuck that, he wasn't going to get into another fight. Too risky.

"Damn, I was hoping it'd hit her. Guess my luck isn't so good." Oni remarked with a roll of his eye, before padding forward to check out who this visitor, newcomer, or trespasser, even was. A child, no younger than he himself, it seemed. "Name's Onision, Call me Oni. Where'd you come from, pipsqueak?" Oni asked with a snort, shaking out his fur.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Feyre - 09-02-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
Go outside, Feyre Darling. Trust me. Trust us. The storm will reward you.

Such an ominous promise and yet, one the ragdoll could hardly refuse, white-capped paws leading her delicate form out of the Observatory and into the foreboding darkness of the outside world. The storm was incessant and admittedly, rather unexpected. Feyre felt as if she had just strayed in from the Great Oak under the relaxing twinkle of a calm night sky, one that did not show any signs of bring forth a storm of almost epic proportions. A part of her wondered if it had been born from magic, the crackle in the air - whether that be her own, thinly veiled anticipation or something mystical - making it hard to differentiate the storm's source. All she knew was that two auras seemed to be gathered around one that seemed to be the was the embodiment of lightning itself- interesting.

Ears would pin against her skull as she finally halted before the trio, lavender eyes glowng in the gloom. [color=#3f5351]"Who're you?" An almost accusatory inquiry, one that slipped from her lips with no remorse. Already something about this stranger rubbed her the wrong way, the first sign of frustration dancing across her pelt in the form of embers. An innocent. This person was an innocent- and yet, Feyre could not deny the way Bryn made her feel. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, the tug of something pulling on what felt like her very soul. [color=#3f5351]"You're a witch, aren't you?" She questioned, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught of rain that continued to pelt her form. Call it a witch's intuition, but she just knew. That was why the storm was here, that was why that mysterious voice urged her to leave behind the warmth and safety of the Observatory for this. For her. But she didn't want another witch, not one like this... not one that didn't raise her, didn't care for her. Bryn was a fake in her mind, would always be a fake.

[color=#3f5351]"I'm Feyre Josephine."

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Brynhild - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Brynhild's lips parted enough to allow a breath to slip through but no words tumbled forth. Guarded jade-hued eyes observed the leopard intensely. The other's speech was so nonchalant that it was almost unsettling. Almost. The comment Thea threw at her, regarding her throw of the lightning bolt, made the young child's pelt bristled. "If I wanted to hit you-" she began at last before the mighty roar of thunder interrupted her speech.

Confusion burned brightly on the bi-colored femme's features. The radiant grin upon Thea's maw was odd, yet something inside of her whispered to return to gesture. Ignoring her inner monologue, the young witch remained straight-faced. "Brynhild. Brynhild Klausen. And who might you be?" her voice was chilly though not terribly unkind. She did have manners after all. "I am not... quite sure. My entire family was traveling together, but I believe I became lost." Her fictional eyebrows furrowed at that. Her memories were hazy. In all honesty, she wasn't sure how she had come to arrive here.

Brynhild opened her mouth to say more when Onision arrived. Her face contorted in puzzlement for a brief moment. Though only one of his eyes was visible, there was something hauntingly familiar about that shade of blue. There was something odd about this one, and the look he threw Thea made her question his motifs. The pair smelled the same, so what need was there to fight? Surely, the warriors here didn't squabble, she thought. "If an attack is what you desire, an attack is surely what you will receive," Bryn sneered to the both of them, but her powers were already fading. Even now, the storm was growing weaker.

"I have a name, and it is Brynhild. You should refer to me as such, Onision... I am from -" the forest cat held her tongue. Her home. Where was her home? She squinted against the (now) soft rains. Bits and pieces of information seemed to be slipping from her mind. She steeled herself. The pair didn't need to know her troubles. "You would not know the place. It is far, far, far away from wherever this place is." She hesitated a beat. "What is this place?"

As she waited on a response, the storm slowly began to fade. The rain fell in light mists now, and lightning and thunder were ebbing away. Of course, as fate would have it, the storm's intensity increased tenfold upon Feyre's arrival. Breathless, confused, and angry at the sudden onslaught of emotion, Brynhild glared daggers at Feyre. The child could taste the disdain in the ragdoll's words and demeanor. "Brynhild Klausen. Witch. Valkyrie."

Though Bryn was not in tune with her emotions, she was no stranger to tugs in her soul. She had experienced these odd happenings before her seven days of sleep - or so she believed. Her head was too foggy to be sure of anything but the here and now of her world. A part of her, a very large part of her, was urging her to move forward, towards Feyre. Disgusted with herself, the girl held her ground, and sparks of electricity rocketed from her person. She appeared every bit a live wire. "Is there a problem you have with me, Sæta?" The term of endearment at the end was spat out and no hints of kindness could be found lurking within the name.

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - MirrorEdge - 09-03-2018

"Funny, I was imagining it frying you, Oni!" Thea chirped, any malice that was in her body language easily covered by the general, almost annoying, cheerfulness she exuded. To be fair, she had been. Then again, nobody had ever informed her honesty was not always the best virtue, now, had they?

The younger feline's words had Thea focusing her attention back on her, tilting her head. "Far away, huh? Must've been hard to travel here, then. This place is called the Ascendents. A bit of a dumb name, but we're nice. We don't bite. At least, most of us don't." That bubbly grin was back with those words, and added, "But it's nice to meet you, though, Brynhild!" A bit of an odd name, but then again, Moon, Bast, and Oni had pretty weird names themselves. 
Template by Quill

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Warringkingdoms - 09-03-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Thunderstorms sounded a lot more dangerous than they actually were. If you lived at high altitudes, such as on a mountain, then rain might pose a bigger threat due to slippery surfaces and the risk of falling- but in general, blizzards were far worse. The odds of being struck by lightning were slim enough that in most cases, you did not need to worry about it. (Unless you were the sort of fool to go outside in a storm covered in metal armor, but that did not apply to anyone here.)

  The sheer weight of water and the force that the heavy downpour struck with was unusual, yet Rin's focus remained on the group at the border. It took only the brief flash of electricity in the distance, lighting up the gathered creatures, to confirm that she was heading in the right direction. Squinting to shield her eyes from the descending rain, she approached behind Feyre, eyeing the newcomer- a child- with curiosity. Brynhild Klausen was her name, she had said. Inside, part of Rin hoped from their similar appearances that maybe Bryn might know something about her past.

  Those hopes were quickly dashed upon hearing about her lack of certainty and insistence that her home was far away from here. Still, the child needed a place to stay as much as any of them did. "Warringkingdoms," Rin introduced herself, "but everyone calls me Rin." Pointing back in the direction she had come from, she added, "We should probably get inside. The observatory's back this way, if you'd like to follow me."

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Brynhild - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Brynhild allowed herself to calm, though only minutely, as Thea spoke. Despite the girl's odd mannerisms, there was something about her that resonated with Bryn. The bi-colored feline tried to tell herself that Thea simply reminded her of one of her many siblings, but the connection seemed deeper than that. There were strange powers at play here, and Bryn decided, in that moment, that she needed to be more heavily guarded than she previously thought. Familial feelings would be the death of her. "The journey was not difficult; I am a warrior. All of us - my family - are strong. I must have dozed off and then became separated from them," she murmured. She had never truly been alone before... "The Ascendants? Interesting. Hm, I should hope most of you do not bite, for I would hate to have to return the gesture."

As Warringkingdom's form crested the horizon, Brynhild performed a double take. The form of the elder tuxedo set her heart aflame; it looked just like her mother. The word almost dripped from her lips, but she caught herself. Rin did not smell of snow and mountains and war. She smelled of herbs and stars. Even so, Bryn refused to react despite the tightening of her chest. "Yes, that sounds fine. Please, lead the way. I would like to stay here until my family returns for me, if there is no problem with that. I should not be here for longer than a few nights, but all the same, room and board sounds magnificent." For the first time since arriving, the child offered the other a gentle, lopsided smile. It was best to be kind in these situations.

Re: TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET | joining - Feyre - 09-03-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
"Brynhild Klausen. Witch. Valkyrie."

Klausen. Son of Klaus.

It was perhaps the origin of this stranger's name that managed to unnerve her the most, once boiling blood now a cold chill in her veins. The embers that previously danced so brazenly across a bluish gray pelt dissipated, leaving nothing but a vaguely smoking Feyre to stare at Bryn with wide eyes. She did not question how or why she knew what this Valkyrie's name meant, just that it resonated with her in the worst of ways, invisible walls closing in on her tiny form as she further pondered 'son of Klaus' and how it applied to her. She desperately wished to shake away the feelings of danger and anxiety that her brain continued to produce, ears pinning against her skull as she shook her head a few times. It's alright, Feyre Darling. You're not in any danger... That voice, warm and soothing, was just the thing she needed to snap out of it, lavender eyes blinking as she reigned herself in.

[color=#3f5351]"Well, I practice on this land," Feyre began, voice raised over the howl of the wind, the onslaught of rain seemingly growing worst now, [color=#3f5351]"And I don't like sharing." The earth seemed to rumble at her paws as she said that, rocks splintering and cracking in a manner she had never seen before. A new facet of her power, perhaps? She'd have to do some experimenting. Not here though, not before this already detestable individual, this "warrior" who had misplaced her family. [color=#3f5351]"Ugh." It was the last thing Fey managed before she turned on a heel and dismissed herself, muttering hexes under her breath as she went. Brynhild wasn't good, she could tell already... Why were they letting her in? Why were they being so cordial to her?

It was okay though. Feyre knew what she was going to do- the Ancestors would be contacted and they'd confirm her suspicions, effectively bringing how bad this Bryn girl was to light. Stupid storm. Stupid Valkyrie. Stupid Klausen