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Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - Printable Version

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Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - Orion - 09-02-2018

Hello! With the site up and coming, we figured we would let you guys speak your preferences about roleplay and future ideas/boards for the website's roleplay portion. For example, if you would like to point out flaws within our current roleplays (which should not include OOC or activity-wise) or suggest a new roleplay category (fandom, fantasy, etc) please go ahead and do that. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - MirrorEdge - 09-02-2018

Guess I'll go. One of the things I really enjoyed on other sites, was traditional warriors roleplay, I'd personally love to see it on this site, and while I'm not sure about others, figured I'd plop the idea in anyways.

Even if on other sites it did have it's issues that weren't addressed, I think, if the rules of traditional roleplay were made clear, instead of making them vague such as other sites have done, it could cause less confusion for members, and make it more fun to roleplay in. I think we can learn from other sites' mistakes in it, and improve on them as we go along.

Sorry to bother you about it.

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - elliot - 09-02-2018

not to rehash the human roleplay situation , but... i'm going to rehash the human rp situation. it's kind of obvious that even though it was just 'redone'/'rebuilt' for the purpose of raising activity, i'd argue that activity might even be worse than it was before? personally, i love the concept of human rp, but the current (and previous) execution has been incredibly offputting, and i know for a fact that others feel the same.

first i want to explain what i perceive to be the current issue, and then i'd like to suggest that we reframe the current human game. i don't want to go through the entire rebuilding process again, nor do i want to get rid of the current groups/boards, but i think changes need to be made that would make the human rp different than what it has been in the past.

the current problem with the human groups is that it is structured and framed exactly like the animal groups. the truth about animal rp is that it actually has more lore and built-in worldbuilding because it takes place within the modern human world; though certain technology may not exist, it's still framed within the knowledge that humans have/do exist, even if they are not present. this allows there to be human items, evidence, structures, and history even if it isn't always explicitly mentioned. the animal groups simply live within this world with their own unique group organizations, and it works because animals don't really have the capacity for super advanced civilizations (and neither does roleplay of this style allow for that). human rp, on the other hand, doesn't benefit from this built-in lore because it is set up with the same structure as animal rp (small, individual groups living on their own with bare-bones structure, unlike real human civilizations which are typically much more complex with their government and religious systems and economies and etc) except the backdrop of a more advanced civilization to flesh this out doesn't exist. the best way i can explain this is to compare the current groups' organization to gangs, except there's no larger surrounding society or environment, which makes the world as a whole feel empty, barren, and lifeless.

if i could suggest a way to 'fix' this issue with the human roleplay, i'd want to reframe the entire thing as probably taking place in the real, modern world. the groups themselves would be kept, but they'd now be gangs or small, tight-knit communities of some kind? this solves the issue of a fleshed-out backdrop (again, the modern world) to give context but also retains the roleplay structure and nature of the current groups. ideally, they'd all be in a relatively small but varied area with a central point and the groups sprouting off (like they could all be near or inside a city but you could have different sections and landscapes bordering if that's something people would need to have). this is getting a little in-depth now and really what i wanted to do was just present a new way to frame human rp that would make it more interesting to be in, but i also think that this would bring a lot more interest to the table. even the other human rp section would benefit because you could have characters who aren't in these groups but simply in the nearby area who interact with them (or don't, or maybe just in more interesting and complex ways). i'm super willing to discuss these ideas more and offer up additional suggestions/thoughts, but i think i've already rambled enough! i get the feeling that this might not all make sense, so if i need to clarify just let me know!

to shift gears now, i wanted to contribute a bit to the discussion about adding new ideas as well! i like the idea of traditional boards or perhaps fandom ones, but i'm not sure that they'd get a lot of traction. for more niche topics that people might want to rp, i'd suggest making a general board for them (just other rp?) and using prefixes. if they are really popular then i'd say considering implementing individual boards. of course, the issue with this is that people might be turned off by rping in unboarded sections, but i just am not sure that there would be enough interest to sustain boards specifically geared towards fantasy or fandom rp (but traditional warriors might!).

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - jabberwocky - 09-02-2018

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: Arial; color: black; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; margin: auto; line-height: 110%"]definitely agreeing with faux here, especially about the human rp!!

on the topic of specific boards, i think we should be cautious about having too many specific boards, especially since activity is dropping now that school is going back in. we don't want to spread ourselves out too thin.

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - miss ririchiyo - 09-02-2018

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - nefarius - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Basically agreeing with Faux on everything said about the state of the human roleplay - personally I've outgrown the animal rp despite being active in it, so the prospect of having an alternative route to go through is favorable. It's just disappointing that the human roleplay has never gained enough traction to thrive. I think instead of brushing it aside we should deal with it and try to make it better. We can't do that if we're trying to make it a human au of the ARP (animal rp) instead of having a world - a universe - of its own. I understand people don't like the idea of it having any lore because they don't want to read through it, but the HRP needs it horribly. Or at least a foundation to build upon as time passes and the site grows. Even if we were to add lore and revamp it for the second time (since i'm not exactly a fan of the groups myself, no offense to anyone) it wouldn't get in the way of experiencing the HRP for what it was as it can be discovered ICly, like in those insert-oc RPGs where you learn more as you go.

Also, I've asked after this before, but I really, really love the idea of a traditional warrior cats game. It seemed extremely popular on other sites, and the simplistic, strict rules still give leeway to creativity. It thrives soley on character development instead of satisfying personal ambitions like the current ARP does. The site may not be affiliated with the warriors series and doesn't seek to be, but a lot of us started with Warrior Cats and it's comfortable to go back to our roots. It could easily help with attracting new members as well! WC is still a growing fandom.

+ The location of the HRP on the site itself is unattractive. It's pushed way to the bottom of the site. I suggest moving it above the ARP to force people to actually see it. I forget it even exists sometimes with the placement.

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - aureate - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]I'm also dittoing Faux on what was said about human roleplay. While I enjoyed the option to use powers and such, the game lacks structure and I find it confusing at best. An open world is neat in concept, but it's incredibly difficult to execute when the reality is too close to ours. People assume things like Instagram and cell phones could exist, but there are other groups where they simply haven't heard about them because of how it's situated, and having those groups coexist without somehow sharing beliefs and technology at the very least is jarring. I agree heavily that it needs lore or some sort of solid foundation or concept that members can build off of on their own.

However I'm also agreeing with Jab that things shouldn't be spread too thin right now with a whole lot of games or separate boards. That could just make activity sluggish sitewide. It's nice to have a few optional areas, but I think there still needs to be a focal point for the site in terms of what the main game is or. What the main games are.

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - Orion - 09-02-2018

While I do appreciate the commentary, I'd like to reiterate that I'd like to focus on ideas for the future and not be focused on activity(as stated in the first post). This is not a discussion on human roleplay. I will address that separately, but not in this thread.

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - Luciferr - 09-03-2018

[color=black]I will say if we ever get more busier or theres more asking for it, I wouldn't mind seeing traditional warrior cats RP too - or heck in my own personal tastes a sci-fi esque RP (I been playing too much ME again oof playing aliens/sci fi settings really gets me cx) which wouldn't take too much in backstory or at least from what I think? idk since warriors already has a backstory to rely on and with a sci fi one you'd just be like 'heres this portion of the galaxy and everyone lives on a planet/a ship etc depending on 'clans/factions'.

I'd also maybe love to see some sitewide events? not like necessarily some big bad or anything but like maybe GOT esque winter where it lasts fro awhile so everyone has to deal/interact with that etc? just something to throw out there outside of each clan having their own events/crisis at the time since these might build on alliances/enemies depending on if they'd have to cave and ask for help or work with an ally etc etc.

I can't speak for human RP since I'm not in it (yet anyhow) but Animal RP seems to be going fine to me c:

oof apologies if this isn't what you meant?

Re: Roleplay preferences and ideas for the future! - Beatles. - 09-03-2018

Agreeing with faux about the human rp stuff!
Will there be a discussion going up soon about the state of human rp? I have opinions on it but I won’t share that here if that’s not what you want ^^

I’m kind of torn on the traditional warriors suggestion? While I know that some people will feel very nostalgic and can really get into it, it can also get stale very fast. I’ve seen a warriors game launch and die in a span of roughly a month simply because of a lack of interest. But if enough people here are into it? That’s great!