Beasts of Beyond
FLIGHT - open; three joining - Printable Version

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FLIGHT - open; three joining - rhosmari - 09-02-2018

Traveling long distances was not rough on matured dragons. They ones that wore their age with pride and could handle rough conditions with ease but that took time. It always took time for things to learn and to grow and for experiences to turn into lessons that they would keep with them for some time to come. That was why the large beast had a good amount of patience because he had lived centuries to be able to understand how the world worked and those that lived in it. Despite this he was worried for the long travel and what it could be doing to his son. Often he would turn his head back and watch his wings work in the air and make sure that he did not falter in their travel. His more massive wing span beat the air with slower downstrokes that caused torrents of wind to push down against the ground although no real harm would come of it but he knew that rest would come. The place they were going was rather close by. "We are almost there, zeymah." His deep voice spoke out, easily slipping into that ancient tongue he knew so well. Blue eyes stared down at the snow expanse and he breathed out a breath that became a cloud of smoke into the skies.

They were close though as he could see it in the distance, that village he had heard of not long ago. His talons flexed as he angled himself lower to the ground, hoping his son and sister in law would follow close behind him. As the ground came to meet the trio the large male would flex his wings back, kicking up snow as his hind legs hit the hard surface first, muscles rippling to take the impact and excess energy before his monstrous form lowered onto all fours. Bat like wings pulled against his body as he shook his densely scaled form out a bit. They were just outside of the village so there was no reason for them not to have noticed the dragons upon their landing and he slowly sat down, gaze flicking back to look at Tamaghna and Haishe. Surely things would go smoothly for his family.

translation: zeymah - kin

[member=2169]TAMAGHNA D.[/member]
[member=2172]HAISHE D.[/member]

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - guts - 09-02-2018

She was used to traveling. For a long time, that was all she seemed to do, moving from place to place. It was hard to figure out where she belonged, where she could finally stay. She found that place when she met him. Not only could she finally settle down, but she had a family again. It was short-lived, but while it lasted she had cherished it, despite what all her earlier experiences had told her. She didn't regret any of it, or even letting herself believe that it would last.

Her eyes lift up from the ground below them, listening to Valinor as he spoke back to them. They could probably continue on further if they wanted, but since Tama was still young and inexperienced, it was best if they stopped. Besides, there wasn't much use in going on. She didn't want to be a nomad again. It was just to just find a place to stay and settle.

As they landed, Haishe took a moment to glance around, her front talons coming to rest on the ground to brace herself. She was longer than she was tall, so landing was a peculiar thing, especially if there were obstacles around. Luckily this place was fairly open. Now that they were on the ground, she would wait for people to show up, like Val said they would. She trusted him, even if the whole idea of joining this 'clan' made her uneasy. It had been a long time since she interacted with any other animals besides her own kind.

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - COSMIIX - 09-02-2018

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - miss ririchiyo - 09-02-2018

They spoke an eerie tongue, this was something Yuuri knew as the blind borzoi listened in with her enhanced senses. Her hearing detected the pitter patter and stomps of their feet, making her tense up slightly. She pushed her way through the town as fast as she could, scarred pale green, lifeless eyes scanning aimlessly around her. The young pup was naive about the world, but she didn't want to sit around and do nothing.

Coming up to what she figured was the border, vibrations and shift in the wind alerted her sense of touch that there were three beings here. Dragons? Did she just hear dragons? "Welcome to Snowbound," Yuuri started cautiously, narrowing her blind eyes towards the group. "My name is Yuuri Midoriya, how can we help you?" She asked, muscles tense as she waited for a shift in the wind signifying movement.
tags :: updated 8/19:

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - NUI HARIME - 09-03-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

despite snowbound's plight, it wasn't rare for outsiders to seek refuge within their fortress of frigid ice and gelid embrace.

the dragons were a strange sight-- mythical beasts of power and fire. they demonstrated ease of flight-- their bodies sending plumes of snow flying upward with their descent. a large, sapphire ocular shone with wonder and awe. a limber form bounded through the drifts of snow with a practiced swiftness that was not to be found in the foreigners of this land.

they did not land here by accident-- they had made themselves known to the village for the reason, and the youth's voice spoke of an intent to stay around their humble little home. the devil clad in pink sauntered over, lithe vessel rippling with her movement, and dainty paws gliding over the soft snow like a feather amongst unruffled wind.

she wondered how the family would take to the recent vermin; which, with luck, would hopefully be removed soon. nui found their antics repetitive, their villainy nonexistant. now that her body no longer itched feverishly for risk the takeover provided, she longed for things to get back to the way it was. she was starved of blood and she missed living in an uncramped, unstuffy camp.

an easeful smile found it's way to her maw with grace. "lovely strangers," she began with a tinkling voice that sounded damn near a happy, blissful coo. "what are your names?"


Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Dragons. Cosette, who was largely superficial and lacked any ability to wrap her head around nice people, was alarmed to see the three large forms on Snowbound's territory. Firstable, weren't they all reptilian in genotype? wasn't it way too cold for them here? Were they going to die some horrible death by hypothermia considering that there was no heat here? Part of her wondered if these were Pitt members, come to play mindgames and finally kill them all off.

The sphynx pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she prowled close behind Nui, crowding close to the graceful femme. Cosette would say nothing... There was nothing left for her to say in this situation... But she would squint mercilessly at the dragons.

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

"I would hope so, mal gein." The large dragon's voice was full of amusement as he watched his son's antics within the snow. It was a good thing to be able to see his son happy and even throughout their travels they had managed to keep a light air between the three of them. It was the family that mattered and tearing that bond for the sake of selfish goals was not within them. After all they survived as a family and the elder dragon did not see it changing to anything else. His blue laden gaze watched as his son created a snow dragon, something that resembled himself and he hoped to instill pride of dragon kind within his son. Though there may be bad in their ilk at times he would never not feel proud to be the creature that he was. There was always some bad eggs in a batch and he remembered the times when he had to execute his own for their wrong doing. A light breath escaped him as he glanced to Haishe whom had not spoken but he was worried for her. The nervous energy he could see in the way she held herself and he moved to lightly lay his tail against her own to comfort her.

But it didn't take long before a voice spoke up and he turned one of his blue eyes to gaze down at the creature that had spoken. A canine, something he had studied to better understand. There were a wide variety of them but they all shared common traits. This one was of the domestic variety and by the way her eyes looked she was also blind. Intriguing and the dragon was about to speak when another came forward, this one a feline and that was even more intriguing then another came and he understood that this village was multi species. Something he had encountered before but it was rare considering the nature of certain species with others. But the dragon decided to brush up on this later on and instead he tilted his head, inclining it as he looked to the squinting feline before them. "Hin miin fen kren." He spoke the words causally before he then turned to the others that had asked him questions beforehand. Tail curling just slightly the dragon rose to his full height. "Fahdon, I have brought my family all this way to join your's. My name is Valinor, dii kul," he leaned over slightly to indicate his son. "His name is Tamaghna, and this is my sister in law, Haishe."

translations: mal gein - little one
Hin miin fen kren - Your eyes will break
Fahdon - friends
Dii Kul - my son

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - COSMIIX - 09-03-2018

Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - miss ririchiyo - 09-03-2018

Yuuri tensed as she listened to everyone speak, relaxing when Tammie had introduced himself. She was safe, nobody was going to hurt her. "Then.. Tammie, it's nice to meet you.." Yuuri spoke softly, shuffling her paws as she thought over what to do next. An idea.

"Can you read? I'd love to hear you read if you can." She offered to the golden-orange dragon, head tilting to the side curiously. All she could do is read beginners books in braille.
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Re: FLIGHT - open; three joining - guts - 09-03-2018

The dragoness turned to Val at the gesture, his attempt at comfort working somewhat. Her nerves were still on end, but as long as she had him and his son at her side, then everything would be alright. She gave him a smile and nodded, her attention caught by the arrival of someone new. It was a canine by the looks of it, a small one at that. She couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the creature as she noticed the foggy state of her eyes. Before any of them could say anything, however, more of the inhabitants came to greet them, all of them different from the other in some way. She took her eyes off them for a split moment to glance down at Tama, her heart warmed.

"Thank you for the welcome. It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Haishe says after turning back to the Snowbounders. "If it isn't too much trouble, may you show us around?" she didn't want to get lost in the future, and having people who were experienced with the land show them around was probably for the best. Maybe she could find a warm spot, too. She was accustomed to cold temperatures, but she still preferred warmth.