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i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Printable Version

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i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Amaranth - 04-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth, slowly but surely, was starting to open up to her clanmates. It wasn't like she wasn't trying, more that nobody really approached her, or anything. So she decided to branch out to her clanmates. It wasn't the greatest idea, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

For the Necro Mambas, she had beautifully coloured succulents, for the Typhoon Tyrants she had small cacti of various shapes and sizes, and the Blackjack Rats, she had small little chili plants sitting in pots - surely they couldn't abuse this for anything, but she imagined the rats probably having chili challenges with those when the chilies grow.

She slung baskets of plants over her back and started to wander around the territory - anybody who stopped by, she'd hand a plant to. She dearly hoped they wouldn't kill all of them.


Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Verdigris - 04-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]To be fair, it wasn't as though Paper was doing much to reach out to the other denizens of the island, either. Directly after his stint in the medic's quarters to prevent him from accidentally aggravating his injuries, he had stepped out onto the sand only to realize that he knew relatively few of the people that were now living on the beaches. In fact, he still had yet to join one of the three guilds, and didn't know much about any of them.

  The jackal had been musing over that very matter, standing on the ship's deck and staring out at the island, when he caught sight of Amaranth walking around with a bunch of baskets slung over her back. It occurred to him that he wasn't entirely sure what guild she was in, either; The Mambas would make the most sense given that she was a gardener, but he didn't know enough about her to say for sure which one best fit her temperament. Walking down the gangway and approaching her, he eyed the plants- none of them were familiar to him with the exception of the cacti. "I know what the cacti are," he asked, "but what are the others?"

  /ish ending again

Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Amaranth - 04-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth piqued up as she heard someone behind her - and she turned to face Papercutter, offering a smile. Glancing to her baskets, she picked up one of each plant, placing it at her feet. Pointing to the rose-looking succulent, she mewed, "This is a succulent, it's like a hardy desert plant, like a cactus, but with little to no spikes. There are some with healing properties, but these are mainly for the looks." she chirped, before returning the plant to the basket.

Glancing to the chilis, all red and yellow in various colors, she gave a small chuckle. "This is a Chili. If you ever see one of these in my garden, while they look like juicy berries, don't eat em." she mewed, adding, "They're not poisonous, but they make your mouth burn. Pretty painful, though they taste good. Should try em cooked."

Putting the chili away and looking up to Papercutter, she offered a smile. "You're not in any of the groups yet, are you, Paper? do you have any preference on which plant you'd like?" she asked, gesturing to the baskets.


Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - KHAOL CORATIO - 04-08-2018

khaol was painfully new, he was at the terrible awkward stage where he knew practically no one, a couple of names, here and there, a few rules and traditions, a small piece of territory... but other than that, he knew very, very little. golden green hues lit up with curiosity as he saw the girl with plants in front of her and... papercutter, who approached. it was as they began to speak that he quickly hauled ass, he wanted to know what was going on. call him nosy if you wish, he didn't mind, he liked knowing things, it made him feel weirdly important. though that wasn't the topic of discussion at that moment. he stretched, his body shuffling close to the ground and his snout stretching forward to give the first plant a curious sniff. much like paper, he lacked a division to say he was aligned to, although he planned to go along with the typhoon tyrants. muscle was more to his caliber than medicines, although he was pretty sure he wasn't too bad at socialising. "this is awful nice of you to do," a sloppy grin slung its way across his maw, his eyes alight with his usual friendliness. "you seem to know a lot about plants. do you, ah, study medicines?" it was a genuine question, though one khaol felt as though he might already have an answer to. she was nice, and she seemed kind of soft, though chances were that he was judging wrong, until told otherwise he would assume that was where her talents lie.

Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - ghostpact - 04-08-2018

The young snake seemed to be in the same predicament as the other two who'd approached were in. Really, he hadn't decided on a division because he didn't think it was necessary and he hadn't thought to ask about it yet. He would eventually, but currently, that was not his top priority. Watching Amaranth come around with the plants and be stopped by Paper, then Khaol was running over. Where the plants that important? Slithering over, Jörmundgandr curled himself when he stopped at the three's feet, resting his head one of the many coils. His tongue flicked out, trying to get an idea of what the plants were exactly. He vaguely remembered his mother used to have plants on the window sill and he would always ask questions about them, but he'd never seen these kinds before. He lifted head when Amarnath spoke about the chili plant. A plant that burned your mouth sounded like a great plant to keep around. Not that he would eat them himself because he hated the texture of plants, but he could get other people to eat them. That would be fun. He turned his head, leaning toward a red chili pepper plant. "Can I have that one?"

Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Verdigris - 04-10-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Come to think of it, the succulent did seem familiar now that he had a closer look at it. Truth be told, while he was (at least in his own mind) a skilled fighter and decent survivalist, botany had never been his strong suit. Examining the plant closely, he raised a brow when Amaranth mentioned them being just for show. Was that enough of a reason to devote time and energy to a plant? Perhaps it would be for someone who cared more about aesthetics, but that wasn't his style.

  The chili pepper, though, seemed interesting. Plants with bright colors tended to be poisonous, but if Amaranth was to be believed, these weren't- they just burned one's tongue. That they tasted good when cooked, however, was the strangest part. Adding heat to something that would burn your mouth would make it taste better?

  As Amaranth put the chili away, Paper turned his attention back to her. "Not yet, no," he answered, with a shrug. When asked which one he would like, however, he looked back at the plants. She was just giving him one, no questions asked or hoops to jump through? Then again, that seemed to be the Typhoon's way.

  His initial instinct, he reflected with a glance at the pots, was to go with the cactus. It was, after all, what he had grown up with, and its tough exterior reflected a tough individual. However, surrounding himself with memories of his past wasn't really the best way to move forward and become stronger, at least not in any way he could immediately see. If he wanted a truly fresh start, the chili pepper would be the best choice.

  Focusing in on one of the yellow chili plants, Paper lifted a paw and pointed at it. "That one." After a moment, he asked, "Out of curiosity, were you planning to give out the plants according to divisions?" It would make sense, with the three types of plants, to devote one type to each division. Internally, he wondered which division's plant he'd chosen, if indeed that was true.

Re: i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest — o, gifts - Amaranth - 04-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth was a little alarmed at the new people who had come to speak to her - but she glanced between all three of them and offered a wholesome smile. Hearing Khaol's question, she shook her head. "I know some herbs and things, but it's mainly just cooking, for me. I know first aid and how to take care of the plants at least." she answered gently.

Glancing to Papercutter and Jormungandr - who had both asked for the chilis, she answered Papercutter's question first. "Yup, they're for the divisions, but you can have whichever you'd like if you want." she reached back and handed two of the pots of the small leafy plants to each of them, before adding, "Cacti for Typhoon Tyrants, Succulents for the Necro Mambas, and Chili for the Blackjack Rats." she clarified, before looking back to Khaol. "Any preferences?"
