Beasts of Beyond
PEACHES AND CREAM. - Printable Version

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basics .*✧
nikalita .*✧ nik, nika
transgender male .*✧ he/him/his.
physically fourteen months .*✧ mentally and spiritually fourteen months
sunhaven .*✧  sunbearer
nikalita's faceclaim is jungkook from bts, along with his voiceclaim.
.*✧ nikalita ages slower than an average cat because of his draconic lineage.
appearance .*✧
.*✧ nikalita is a dragon-cat hybrid.
while he does look similar to a cat, with fawn colored fur and amber eyes, there is something strange about him - something that might not catch the eye immediately. reptilian scales are scattered around nikalita's body like freckles, pink, lilac, and peach in color. they run along his face, legs, shoulders and back in clusters, but you can find them in random places beneath his fur. small, feathered wings sit under his shoulders, too small and weak to fly. perhaps the most dragon like thing about nikalita are his eyes. they're lizard-like in appearance, with a striking pattern and a long, black slit down the middle.
.*✧ nikalita carries a small rose quartz pendant around his neck, a gift from his mother before his departure from the tribe.
.*✧ he has no scars.
.*✧ currently, he has no injuries.
.*✧ he has no other notable traits concerning his appearance.
notes .*✧
.*✧ nikalita is from a tribe of animals just like him, hidden away from the clans. the tribe is known for being tight-knit, and most members stay in the tribe their whole life. nikalita has always been an adventurous spirit, and when he was old enough to leave the tribe, he announced his plans to travel and took tokoroa with him.
.*✧ tokoroa and nikalita grew up together, though they had a rather strange start to their relationship. his friend is not the most ideal person to take on a world tour, but as nikalita's closest friend, he was the only one for the job. they have traveled far from their home and their tribe - with frequent breaks, because tokoroa can only walk for so long before he drops to the ground and promptly falls asleep. nikalita's shoulders have become much stronger due to constant piggyback rides. there is no one else in the world nikalita loves more.
.*✧ he has mapped their path from their homeland to their current location, though he's probably the only one who could read it clearly. his notebook and maps are filled with indecipherable notes and half finished drawings, of which he can explain in great detail. nikalita has a photographic memory, and while his art skills may not match, he's very proud of the progress he has made.
.*✧ as a dragon hybrid, nikalita is naturally inclined to build and protect a hoard. he instinctively collects interesting rocks, feathers, and anything else he can get his paws on, and keeps it stored away in hidden nooks and crannies only he would be able to get back to. everything that is important to him stays in a satchel carried with him on his journey.
personality .*✧
.*✧ adventurous, passionate, loyal, brave, loving, inquisitive.
.*✧ hopeless romantic, opinionated, dramatic, emotional, nosy.
.*✧ stubborn, short tempered, impulsive, quick to judge, cowardly. 
.*✧ nikalita has a habit of gesturing with his paws while he's talking, or playing with his necklace. if he is feeling anxious or particularly emotional, he taps his tail on the ground.
.*✧ he has an interest in art, particularly mapping. he collects rocks and metals, along with feathers - really, anything on the ground that looks cool.
.*✧ extra notes.
relationships .*✧
homosexual .*✧ homoromantic
single .*✧ currently not looking for any relationships.
.*✧ currently, nikalita is only close to tokoroa.
.*✧ no crushes at the moment.
.*✧ he left his family to explore the world, and only mentions them in passing. he has a mother, and two younger siblings.
.*✧ nikalita has no enemies or rivalries.

interaction .*✧
nikalita is rather easy to make friends with, and will more than likely try to be friendly towards most other characters. .*✧ on the other hand, he will not be easy to romance.
physically, nikalita is easy to overpower. .*✧ while nikalita has a strong will and mind, he is not used to fighting against mental attacks, and is easy to defeat.
nikalita will not start fights. .*✧ he will be very hesitant, but he will run away. .*✧ nikalita will never intentionally kill someone.
attack in #ff6666 .*✧ mention [member=1810]NIKALITA.[/member] or [member=1372]spaceyy[/member] if needed.