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SONATIME【❤】DISCOVERY - Printable Version

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SONATIME【❤】DISCOVERY - the trash man - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]muña zaldrizoti

cold. awake and panting heavily, the small and frail body of the snow-white child jerked upwards suddenly without discernible provocation to place the blame on. an invisible force pulled on the string connected to the child’s heart, tugging forcibly and harshly - it caused the kitten distress like she’d never been able to imagine. suddenly it was as if her world was twice as big, a whole other galaxy to explore and it called for her presence softly but urgently. it was weeping. but for why did it weep? the snow child wept too from time to time; toys broken, stickers washed away, knees scraped on the harsh edges of the bay’s rocky landscape. but it felt different, more sombre, the kitten hated it. she would try to quell it. she had to quell it.

in a hurried and almost panicked haze, the visage of luna melded to one of deep concern with a hint of fear that the unknown was just going to eat her up and she’d never return if she left to search the source of the pain. but luna couldn’t just ignore its pleas. dusty pink gaze scoured the depths of her room, boxes were all lined up neatly in alphabetical order, but they contained the things luna did not need at the moment for she was looking for one special item of clothing. milky paws accidentally knocked over a box light with the lack of items overflowing at it’s brim; a black piece of woollen fabric spilling over its edge and sprawling across the carpeted flooring. here it was. wasting absolutely no time that the kitten had left, luna swung the familiar black cloak around her neck, fastening the silk ribbon around her chest into a tight bow with shaky pink toes. its warm fabric enveloping the kitten like warm embrace, and just like that it was time to leave the den.

rain belted down from the heavens without forgiveness, but the night bathed the typhoon’s ground in a moonlit glow that illuminated the bay in a gentle light, it was so serene, so beautiful. luna wished she had the chance to snap a picture of the scene, but every passing second had the waves of nausea catching up to her and threatening to pull luna under. the scenery just became a backdrop to the child’ journey as milky-white paws drew closer and closer to that invisible force pulling luna in and beckoning her further, further and further she complied with the force’s wishes with not a single complaint as the view of the bay’s crystal water’s came to the child’s dusty pink gaze, the sounds of waves crashing upon the shores roughly filling luna’s ears and overcoming the sounds of rain upon her cloak’s hood.

down the ivory sands, on the bay where the sea met the land and two worlds constantly were colliding with each other – it was the place luna found herself drawn to. it was where it lived. small munchkin sized toes formed pawprints in the wet and soft sands, rain filling up the small holes and washing them away in an instant but it was still evident that the child had come this way from the trail of pink cutesy stickers falling off of her sea of a coat leading toward the bay’s edges, luna’s eyes drawn and locked on to the foreign item in front of her like a crystal gem. beautiful. oval in shape its sides were less smoothed over than the regular chicken egg, rather instead it was like it was covered in black scales and emanated a warmth that was intoxicating to feel. the egg was what had called luna here, the egg needed luna’s aid to quell its trauma and luna would listen to it.


from the right side of her white long fur, linux popped off a sticker depicting a cute lizard-like creature holding a overly shiny heart forwards like a present, and stuck it right on the top of the egg like a crown. cute!

(yall thought i could be serious for a whole thread? hAh, no.)

Re: SONATIME【❤】DISCOVERY - beck. - 09-03-2018


    Despite his paranoia around bodies of water, Beck didn't mind the rain all too much. It was more of a hindrance if anything. He couldn't see clearly in the first place and big globs of pitter-patter cascading from the high heavens only made his vision worse. Not to mention the rain washed away scent, and without scent, he couldn't tell friend from foe. A rattle of a sigh slipped from aching lungs as he slumped against the slick wall of an unknown hut belonging to an unknown creature. He could brave it out; he was good at that. Boredom gnawing at his bloodless guts, the poltergeist numbly held out an arm out from the shelter of the hut's eave, notched ear twitching as the raindrops quickly targetted his arm and disrupted his apparition. A slight tickle where the rain mindlessly phased through his otherwise stable illusion, focused only on reaching the muddy sand. It didn't take long for Beck to lose interest in that, too, and pulling his arm back to cradle it against his stitched chest, he blindly stared out into the haze with a scowl.

    Until a familiar chirp sounded through the storm and reached Beck's ears. The ghost perked immediately, sorely clambering to his feet and blinking in the direction of the source. Usually, the locals were asleep by now, curled up in their assumedly warm and dry beds as they took rest for granted. But an insomniac still was nice company when he ran out of ways to entertain himself. Shaking out his sopping wet pelt, the boy practically sprinted into the rain, his limp inevitably slowing him down after a few steps. Gritting his teeth and regretting the action as his broken jaw reminded him of its presence, Beck cursed the man who twisted his ankle until the joint snapped and tendons ripped, but he continued on, his apparition distorting with every raindrop that struck him.

    A white figure broke through the grey of his nearsighted view right as Beck practically tripped over Linux. Recoiling from his clumsy mistake with a crackle of static running down his hackles signifying his childish panic, he recognized the tiny dots speckling the feline as stickers and tentatively murmured, "Lin? Uh, Linux?" Squinting at her until he could confirm it wasn't a stranger, he flopped onto his haunches with a puff of stagnant air directed up at the bothersome cowlicks drooping into his face. "Whatcha doin' out here, buryin' bodies?" Beck giggles at his morbid assumption, his laugh a fragile little whistle bound to get on people's nerves at one point or another. "I mean, if ya are, I'd be glad to help or, or give advice or somethin'." First tip: don't hide a corpse on a beach unless you wanted the grave to be washed away and the remains exposed for all to find. Huh, he knew a lot about evading the consequences of murder. Not that Beck ever needed to bury a body; he simply daydreamed a little too much.

Re: SONATIME【❤】DISCOVERY - the trash man - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]hypnotising, the egg before the snow-white child was hypnotising. even with the comical sticker placed upon the top of it's crown the egg still possessed an aura that commanded her, commandeered her gaze to be trained only on it's form and forget anything else in this world. black scales ran downwards on it's oval structure, as the scales shrunk to a point on it's other side hints of red tinted it's form coming to a solid shade of red at it's bottom end. beautiful. it wasn't necessarily the kind of palette linux was typically drawn to, it wasn't necessary. the egg didn't need shades of pink to make it one of linux's treasured items - it just was.

so entranced by it's gaze the milky-white child did not have eyes for anyone else or anything else that happened to come upon the child and her possession. rain pattering down on linux's black hood drowning out anything else did not help either, it was only until beck's form tripped over linux did the child come to her senses and break free from her reverie.

whipping around her head so suddenly from shock, half of the woollen cloak covered linux's vision making the already questionable weather conditions that much worse when rain was practically pouring down into linux's right eye. the kitten hadn't even noticed that despite the coat's coverage still parts of her body felt heavy with the weight of the heaven's gifts. "oi!" ready to give whoever had the nerve to bump into the crouching female the chewing out of their life, linux stopped before she got herself too riled up. 'lin?' oh, it was just beck. the munchkin cross was still annoyed - yes very - but less than so then say if it were a stranger. "burying bodies? no. what bodies would i have to bury? i spare my enemies!" a haughty gaze accompanied the kitten heated words, their dusty gaze drifting from beck's ghastly form down back to the egg still half buried underneath the bay's ivory sands, painted a deeper beige by the rains pouring down. "but i'll keep your offer in mind." idle comments were whispered underneath linux's breath - born simply out of the frustration the kitten felt when focusing her energy on the egg's emotions. why wasn't it pleased? why wouldn't it just stop with this uncomfortable feeling? linux didn't understand!

pulling the egg out of the sand linux felt the feeling ease ever so slightly, the child eager to show off her new companion. "look! isn't it pretty? i need to think of a name for it, but i'm gonna keep it." beaming a bright smile, linux turned to face beck with the egg in tow so that the boy may view what linux had stumbled across.