Beasts of Beyond
PICK ME UP, HOSE ME DOWN | prompt - Printable Version

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PICK ME UP, HOSE ME DOWN | prompt - EXODUS-- - 09-01-2018

♦ -- the gentle caress of the sun was light and lifting. a cradle upon the earth as exodus's calloused feet glided over soft grains of sand. her limbs sank into the pillowy earth below. so soft and yielding. it had become familiar and comforting to her toes. exodus wiggled her claws, gluttonously soaking in the warmth the sun's fondle had bestowed onto her; a gift, for her. that ball of fire-- so bright and unyielding and glorious, yet tender, loved her. she let the muted heat soothe her. let it sing through her veins like the lazy hum of a bird's wings in summer, and sauntered down to the beach.

in her short moons of living, exodus had grown very accustomed to the feeling of comfort, relaxation and pamperedness. she felt as if the world were for her. as if the world were blessed to have her explore it's circumfrence. of course, this feeling of youthful pride could never compare to virgo's. the alpha of strength. whom she admired envied deeply. fiercely. wanted to be her. wanted to walk with power and grace in her step, movements so sure and measured. each step carrying meaning behind it.

and yet for all her love for her siblings, it seemed as if nothing could light a candle to the beach. the beach who was so smooth and calm, yet a force of nature to be reckoned with. vast and blue, it's burbling surface slowly rolling against the sand. beating against the shore. receding every so often to recuperate for an attack. and then beating again. it was in these moments that the sea was her companion. her ally.

today, it gave her a gift.

a gift in the form of a whalebone. all smooth and white and large. it's ivory surface glimmered with the last vestiges of water in the sun. her mind pondered over the mighty beast who could have possessed such a bone-- a bone that was hers to keep. she had found it first. it must be hers.

squat legs instantly churned with energy as she made way for her new discovery. feverishly awning over it, jaw agape to clamp down onto it's smooth, off-white surface. she would take it back to her nest if it was the last thing she had done-- to preoccupied with it's beauty to even comprehend that she was too small to lift it, and it was far too large to sit comfortably within their home.

Re: PICK ME UP, HOSE ME DOWN | prompt - the trash man - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]linux both relished in and cursed the wretched heat. on one hand it mean freedom from the rain and cold freezing the child to her core and weighing her down - then on the other hand the heat didn't agree with linux's coat either. the snow-white child was built like a furnace with a thick layer of fur keeping every single drop of heat inside of the thick milky coat and incubating it. sometimes it felt as if linux were cooking alive. but it was nice to be warm sometimes. sometimes. you couldn't have hot choco when it was warm, and that was just sad.

noticing a foreign form on the horizon linux's dusty pink gaze locked on to the sight of exodus as the kitten made her way on over to the other female. "oh that's cool what you've got there." exclamations escaped the child's maw as linux's pink hues grazed over whatever the thing exodus appeared to be holding. it was pretty, but what in the hell was it exactly? it was nothing like anything linux had ever seen before. "but what is it?"

Re: PICK ME UP, HOSE ME DOWN | prompt - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Careful linux, the kids are feral natured" a smooth resonating voice spoke up as the dragon - or raptor mom in this instance - padded up behind her with an incline of his head to greet.

mismatched eyes flickered back down to Exodus and the black dragon shifted forwards, settling down on the white sands so in contrast to his own form - he hummed amused that Exodus had found her own little treasure abounding about the beaches.

he tilted his head back to Linux briefly "this is Exodus, one of three raptors I've adopted" since they'd all seemingly agreed upon him being 'mom' he'd just have to accept that position gracefully.
