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I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - Printable Version

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I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - bubblegum - 09-01-2018

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - sephiroth - 09-02-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The large Roseblood lion would be the first to arrive.  Sephiroth would approach along the beach, his blue-green eyes studious of the festive surroundings.  He paused in his steps, his silver mane and pale pelt bright and well kept in the light of the beach.  The Rosebloods territory was dark and shifty with a heavy tree canopy, and even he had to admit that the open air and light was a welcome change of pace from his home with the Rosebloods.

His eyes caught sight of the only other one of note here so far, the Bengal cat who appeared to be the host.  Sephiroth would approach with a confident stride, looking down at the wounded dealer.  He raised an invisible brow at her state, not prying for any information from a stranger.  ”I presume you set up this gathering.”  His deep and smooth voice didn’t have the rumbling echo it did in the confined territory of the Rosebloods. But it still held presence and might contained in his feline form that he had yet to show off to full capacity.  His eyes lifted to the party set up a few paces away, a light colored ear flicking.  ”It’s very nice.  Well put together.  We’re thankful for the invitation.”  Sephiroth’s sharp eyes would move back down to Goldenluxury, the smallest of smiles on his muzzle before he turned and strode over to the tables.  It was probably the nicest he could get with somebody he didn’t know.

Compared to the diet the Rosebloods offered, this all looked rather good he had to admit.  Despite that though Sephiroth wouldn’t spoil himself too much at this event.  The lion would scoop up one of the sandwiches, his eyes lighting up somewhat at the rather delicious taste.  He would still eat politely, not letting too much emotion show on his facial features despite his genuine enjoyment.

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - Grey - 09-03-2018

He's not one for social events and he's never been able to understand why creatures were all so willing to prepare and host them. They seemed like a waste of time, a weak excuse to socialise with the ones around them. Sometimes he imagines that the reason as to why there was food as a party was to lure and bribe people to stay around for a little longer, to fill in the gaps and make a crowd. Bakugou had, in fact, nearly forgotten about the party that Goldenluxury was hosting and while the male would naturally seek to help the Dealer in any way he could, he was bored by the very idea of a kind gesture. It was only the smell of hot meats that begin to arouse his attention, sanguine eyes flickering by the reminder. The bengal has always seemed too dedicated to Bakugou and thinking of the way the girl must run back and forth, trying to get everything done in time from food to decorations to gifts, makes him feel insanely exhausted.

Well, to show at least some appreciation, Bakugou rises to his feet and takes the effort to look at least semi-decent. Other than a few flicks of rogue hair and his scent of burnt metal, he deems himself ready to leave his hut, striding outside and taking a whiff of the air for any Roseblood scent. He's tempted to go back inside. Maybe he can have his own party consisting of only himself, sit there and roast meats and chilis by the fire. He can't say he's really in the mood for social interaction but he lugs himself anyway, in fear that he may change his mind altogether. It doesn't take him long to reach there, raising a figurative brow when he sees an unfamiliar lion (most likely one of their allies) attempt to interact with their Dealer. His eyes don't stay fixated on the Roseblood for long though, moving directly to the snacks table to skim his eyes over the assortment. They were foods he hadn't seen in a long time that he felt that he was craving for them. With little self control he begins to help himself to a bit of everything, mainly steering clear of the crackers and candies. Bakugou flashes a glance to the bengal, giving her a toothy grin to thank her for her work.

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2018

As much as Caesar hated social situations, parties were usually an excuse to get blackout drunk. That was the only reason the demon showed up to these things, though he frowned as he came over and saw Sephiroth. The Rosebloods are here? Caesar thought to himself, one of his ears flicking. Sure, they were allies and sure, he didn't mind them too much, but it was the fact that another group was here which meant more people.

As Caesar went over to the drinks, he realized that Goldenluxury hadn't brought any alcoholic drinks and the demon narrowed his eyes at her. "Golden!" He called out to her, his tone revealing how upset he was at his discovery. "Where the hell are the alcohol?" Had she done that on purpose, knowing that her Crewmates would probably take advantage of such beverages? Probably. She probably did it mostly to protect her damn father.

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It had taken her a little while to make it to the part. Admittedly she had been taking her time on purpose as she didn't much want to attend the get together. Not because of the Typhoon members but because she wasn't keen on being a social butterfly as it just wasn't her. Her eyes lifted up to perceive what was going on and she allowed a sigh to leave her throat. Alright, it was okay to relax an they were supposed to be friends so this should go smoothly or at least she hoped it would go smoothly. Flicking her tail back and forth slowly the woman would allow quiet paws to move across the beach, eyes shifting over those that had already come forth and spoke their words. But they didn't seem to be mingling as much as she had thought they would be. Odd. But then again she wouldn't question it. This was after all their gathering and she had no reason to be making a fuss about it. Shaking her head she turned to look at the set up. Well, there were definitely a lot of drinks and food for enjoyment, perhaps a little too much but she didn't eat all that much anyway. "It's...lovely." She muttered to herself though and she glanced at the others.

The music box did capture her attention and she walked over to it, eyes looking over the creation before she listened to the music that was playing. Sitting down the woman just decided to take it easy, lifting a paw to begin licking over the pad and rubbing her face. Grooming was essential anyway and she'd get to the socializing of the event at some point.

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - Character Graveyard. - 09-03-2018

Kirishima was always the kind of person to be a part of big or small social events. Sure, he wasn't as upbeat as he had been in the old world, but he could still have some fun in this new world. The young male had decided to approach, a shark-like grin forming on his maw and he would take a brief moment to run his crimson-gaze over the tables layered with many different kinds of food. A sudden hunger would fill his stomach and he would walk over, helping himself to a few hot dogs (since those had been his favorite food to eat in the old world) and a small amount of salad.

Then he would make his way over to Bakugou, offering the other feline a grin before he would start eating.
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - COSMIIX - 09-05-2018

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - goodsprings - 09-05-2018

captainpaw's activity around the typhoon had improved very little since his return. the striker was tired, and still recovering from his time being stranded out in the ocean. his thrive to survive had kept him alive for this long, though. the boy was certainly a fighter, that was sure,

hearing about a party with the rosebloods going on, conducted by his best friend, the calico forced himself out of bed and went off to support goldie. he limped his way past the growing number of bodies that easily overlooked his small frame. what was once a healthy young boy, fur thick and shining was now dull and paper thin. the snack table drew him forward, and he took a lemon tart with him before going ahead to sit next to the dealer herself. he purred, nudging his cheeked against her shoulder and taking a bite from the pastry. "who are these guys?" cap muttered, looking at the unfamiliar figures file in. they smelled odd, too. he much preferred the salty air over the thick scent of grass that covered their pelts.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Members of the rosebloods Captainpaw, our new allies" was the answer from the largest behemoth in the room, speaking up for the first time since he'd settled into the room. the coal black beast idling on the sidelines, red scarred face highlighted in the flickering light whilst the black scales seemed to wholly absorb the very essence of it.

Lucifer shifted, plated arms crossing in front of him as his crowned cranium rose up to regard the party with mild interest - Goldie had done a very good job even with everything happening lately - with an immortal's lifespan he often forgot how quickly events could transpire and shake things up - the dragon pushed that away for now though, content with simply idly watching the proceedings.


Re: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER / party - bubblegum - 09-05-2018