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DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - Printable Version

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DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - EROS - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]It was around this time that he was offered a break and perhaps it had something to do with the pitt member using him for labor turning up his nose at him and making such a disgusted face. After that the male realized that perhaps he should go and bathe after all he hadn't been able to do such a thing for a long while now and he could feel the grim, sweat, and dirt sticking to his fur. A rough sigh left him and he moved away from the other obediently, gaze fixated on the ground as he started to make his way into the jungle. As far as he knew there were a lot of small ponds and sources of water that offered seclusion. It would be nice to have moments to himself and while he washed the stink away he could just relax a bit. So he made his way along a trail before he left it, brushing against large ferns and flora that grew large in such a humid environment. His long ears pulled up just slightly as he listened to the birds that sang their songs and he looked up to see some that flitted through the canopy. If he could fly, he would certainly travel to distant places. and perhaps then no one could catch him. His face crumpled then at the thought and he forced himself to push it away as it would only cause him pain. Even since becoming a slave he didn't remember himself ever crying, he just worked, worked, and worked more till his paws ached and his chest hurt. It was a life he was used to and so he tired to put himself back in what his life was. Just go and bathe.

He turned his head back to the unbeaten path, pushing aside vines and low hanging branches as the sound of water trickled into his ears. The sha creature pushed through some particularly tough bushes and his pink marble eyes focused on the water before him, clear enough to see he bottom and fish that swam beneath the surface. There was a small fall that also feed into the pond and he breathed in the untainted smell of fresh water before he moved closer to the surface to peer down at it. He saw himself, haggard, weak, timid and he blinked his eyes once. There was a reservedness about his form, an acceptance that he had not known would show and he looked away almost immediately after realizing it. Slowly he lifted his paw to lightly shift it along his throat till he touched the collar, unclasping it to lightly lay the tattered grey symbol of his oppression on the ground and it revealed the marking around his neck. It matched the others on his body, the pastel purple glow of it pulsing slightly and he felt like he could breath easier now. Maybe but he didn't sit there long enough to think about it. Long limber legs moved and slowly stepped into sluggish water, forked tail trailing after him as he moved deeper and deeper. The coolness felt good against hot skin and he lowered himself before shaking a bit and dipping his head underneath the surface. Pushing his head back up he allowed water to roll down his back and he sighed at how nice it felt. Just to be clean.

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - TSUYU. - 09-02-2018

Maybe this was the deep difference between Tsu and Valkyr. He liked baths, and while Tsuyu loved to swim, she didn't necessarily like spending long times in the baths at home. She didn't like cold water, as it made her frog genetics crawl into a hole and want to die. They say that boiling water can kill a frog, but so can extremely cold waters, from what she noticed. Somewhere in between those two was best.

She had always felt sleepy in Snowbound, as frogs usually went into hibernation during the winter, and in Snowbound, it was always winter. Maybe the Pitt was the better place for her after all.

When Tsuyu heard the swishing of water, of course she had went searching for it. A pond, flowing water, had come into her charcoal gaze's sight as she hopped over to the source of the wonderful sound. Splashing, clear liquids. It was beautiful, in a way that Tsuyu rarely ever admitted it.

But there was a splotch, a black ink spotting in the picture. Valkyr. While she didn't care for seeing the male, she didn't necessarily like him either. He always had this look of submission on his face, something the frog could understand, with him being a slave and all, but didn't he serve someone here? Serving the whole clan as a slave sounded ridiculous, although she heard that he had an owner. After all, she had submitted herself to being Stryker's slave. Only his, he was the only one worthy of her.

"Hey, ribbit." Tsuyu called out calmly, her gaze level and relaxed as her long tongue slipped out of her mouth, testing the water's temperature. She was lucky that she had a good sense of taste, in all honesty. Her sense of smell was wrecked, she couldn't smell anything, so she just stuck to the taste sensors on her tongue and the vibrations in the ground and shifts in temperature. "Can I join? I need to wash all of this blood off of my paws." She asked, not waiting for permission before she slid into the water, webbed paws easily keeping her head above the surface as she scrubbed at her paws.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - EROS - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]There was probably more than just bathing that separated the strange sha creature from Tsuyu. His own mentality and what he understood what a slave was supposed to be and how they were meant to act was much different. It was interesting to see the two differences between the slaves although the canine like creature understood his role perhaps better than the new slave that had come to live here. He didn't see it as a slaves place to capture and torture other creatures that were certainly in his mind above her in life and statues. Nor did he see it as a slaves right to speak unless they were spoken too first or to hold themselves in a more domineering stance. These tenants had been beaten into him and to see another slave act as if they still had their own free will to do as they should troubled him greatly. But he never said anything on the matter nor did he try to make a scene about it. It was not his place nor was it his life that was being lived that way. He would rather keep to himself anyway and hoped to have another peaceful day of work and not being hit or treated too roughly.

But he could say without a doubt that the new one made him uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because of the capture that had recently happened or the fact that she had tried to command him to grab her certain things in order to help her. He did not want to be an enabler of such acts and wouldn't help. Besides they were of the same status and thus he could speak his mind when it came to her. His ear twitched once as he turned his head to look at the strange female who was already creeping into the water without his own permission, not that he would have said no. It was a public area and not a private one so he merely moved back a bit, keeping his own distance from the other. Eyes of pink marble looked at the other's face, gaze serene but also guarded before he looked away and rubbed at his arm, shifting to shake his body and send water flying in different directions. The tinge of blood hung in the air now and he swiped his tongue behind his teeth, eyes narrowing a bit before he sighed a little. "I'd prefer next time....if you have to wash the blood please do it somewhere else."

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - TSUYU. - 09-03-2018

Tsuyu was fond of pain, in reality. While Valkyr tried to avoid it, avoid being hit, Tsuyu did everything she could to get Stryker to hit her. She loved pain, the masochistic tendencies screwed into her brain now. It wasn't so much of her wanting authority over others, it was that she didn't care for power roles unless it was Stryker. To her, her Stryker was the only one whom was stronger than her, worthy of commanding her. Some would call her insane, or merely unstable. She didn't care about either.

His soft tone of voice caught her a bit off-guard, but Tsuyu paid no mind to it. He was the exact opposite of her, she could understand that. He was in this environment longer than her. She didn't care. "Afraid of a little blood? It's not mine, anyways. My blood is poisonous, though, as pitiful as that is." She revealed blankly, her expression remaining the empty, bored expression even now. Ah- what if Stryker came and bathed with her right now? Would he choke her? She hoped, momentarily, that he would. Not that it would actually happen, though.

A toxic frog, what a joke. "How long have you been here, ribbit?" Asked the frog hybrid, ears twitching.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - EROS - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]"No...." Afraid wouldn't be the right world for it. No, he wasn't afraid of the substance that leaked out of warm bodies. The crimson that ran out of open wounds when the skin was split open. It wasn't the right word and yet he didn't choose to elaborate on it or why he had asked her the simple request. Not that it mattered really, he just wished for the blood to not be near him and that would solve the issue now than later on. His eyes watched as ripples spread out across the water from his gentle movements and he flicked a glowing claw against it before he glanced back up to the other that had taken up residency in the pond with him. There was a slight measure of confusion upon his face when she spoke about her blood being poisonous. Not because it was indeed poisonous but because she said it was pitiful that it was. What made it pitiful? Wasn't that a good thing that it was poisonous to stop people from biting? He narrowed his gaze as he thought before he shook the question from his head. He wouldn't bother asking about it at least not right now and he arched his back in a stretch, feeling water sliding down his spine before he flicked his tail through the water. "I've been here since I was a child. Long enough anyway, I understand my way around and my place here."

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Valkyr seemed to have a distaste for blood, while Tsuyu didn't mind it at all- to the trained eye, maybe even liked it. Two opposites, but Gabriel was more in the middle. He didn't dislike blood, but if it could be avoided then he'd rather take that route. He would make an awful vampire. Fingers crossed that his fate would never take that route.

Voices caught the torn-up serval's attention. He hadn't been doing much of anything- having avoided the conflict with Snowbound and The Rosebloods in favour of exploring his new home and meeting new people. And, as with any other opportunity for Gabriel to socialize and feed his ego, this one needed to be seized.

He trekked towards the sounds on light paws, lithe form moving in graceful and long strides (despite his heavily scarred appearance) until he reached the group of small ponds were Tsuyu and Valkyr stood. Two slaves. Gabriel let out a small sigh of disappointment. It was no fun having people kiss your ass when they were mandated to do so. "Hi, Valkyr," he greeted the Sha creature simply, remembering the flighty slave's name from when he'd joined. He felt no real need to ask Tsuyu for hers, seeing as how this wasn't really an even playing field for him. Though he had heard a bit of the conversation prior to his arrival.

"How long have you been here?" Gabriel's one-eyed gaze flickered to Tsuyu, looking the slave up and down. Where had she come from? She lacked the timidness of Valkyr, so had she been brought here from elsewhere?

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - TSUYU. - 09-03-2018

Knew his place? Tsuyu couldn't exactly understand such things, but she merely shrugged her shoulders at his response. It was obvious he had a certain distaste for her, but Tsuyu paid no mind as Gabriel walked onto the scene.

When did she come here? "A little while back, Stryker brought me here from Snowbound. He owns me." She stated plainly, proud of the fact that her kidnapper enslaved her, in fact. She truly was awkwardly off in personality. "You're Gabriel, right? Not as new as I thought you'd look, but it works. I prefer Valkyr's body more, ribbit." She croaked out, bobbed tail twitching as she formed an icecicle in her paws, letting the sharp edges roll around on her pawpads. She made no move to explain what she meant by those words, merely stating them and letting the others do as they please with it. Tsuyu, for one, was not going to kiss anyone but Stryker's ass.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: DAYS AND NIGHTS - open; bathing - guts - 09-03-2018

The idea of serving was something she had never thought of. She had only ever met slaves who went along just because they had to, not because they wanted to. Of course, she had never really met someone who was so mentally unstable, either. She knew there was about Tsuyu after she drug in and tortured some poor soul. There was something off about everyone in the Pitt, honestly, but with her it was painfully obvious. She just rubbed her the wrong way and she had made it a mission to avoid the frog-hybrid.

It was harder said than done, though. Considering they were clan-mates, they were bound to cross paths. Like now, as she padded up towards the water's edge, a faint smile on her face. This was where she had first met Benny. She wasn't sure why, but she thought about him a lot now. It wasn't that she didn't understand crushes, more-so she was just trying to deny that she had one. As she looked over at the three, though, her smile faded and she lowered her head.

"Hello," mumbled Cosette before she turned away, looking down at herself in the water, her mother's amulet shining brightly as always. She wanted to get into the water to cool off, but she didn't want to interrupt more than she already had, either, so she waited. Sitting back on her haunches, she watched them, listening to their conversation.