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lets go native ;; raid! - Printable Version

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lets go native ;; raid! - ; albion - 09-01-2018

so these were the sorry finks that were taking their shit? good to know. benny didn't really give much care about it personally, if they didn't want their food stolen then maybe, just maybe whoever did it to them first should have kept their paws out of their stuff. this wasn't the case, though, and the fox was not so keen on saying that aloud.

benny had organized a raid to be a good boy for yes man. get brownie points for the others, and to get out of that fucking desert for a few days. though the fox was not much for physical confrontation, and preferred a more quiet approach. true to his nature, the fox slipped through the canopied forest with his head down low, avoiding the main path that led to the mansion. instead coming in from the back, sneaking inside. he carried a small box of items in his mouth, and dropped them when he reached what he would guess was the common rooms for the members here.

benny opened the box, and took out several firecrackers and laid them all out. next he lit a match, and quickly lit the firecrackers before bolting out and wait for the exploding popping noise to lure everyone out.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - rhosmari - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It was normally quite around the Rosebloods, something that wasn't unusual about the group in general. They weren't that big, but they got their jobs done and worked rather hard to keep things on a comfortable level. The woman was hardly at rest when the sound of loud firecrackers went off and her solider mentality snapped on like a rubber band. Her pupils constricted and she turned her head to the door of her room as she moved toward the exit, but her mind moved with thoughts of what it could be, reinforced claws clinking against the ground. The smell of gunpowder and smoke lifted up into the air but there was a faint smell of hotness, dry, the pitt. Her eyes narrowed just a bit as she lowered herself and slipped from her room, keeping herself close to the ground before he saw the fox whom had created such a disturbance. What was he doing here? Where they here to steal more food from them? Unlikely with all the noise he had just made and the fact that he had gotten in here at all also proved another point. Seemed more like they were here for a fight and she lifted her head to let out a loud yowl. "ROSEBLOODS! THE PITT IS HERE TO CAUSE TROUBLE!" Alert her home first and then kill. Her back legs kicked off as she ran for the fox though at the last second when he might think she was going for a head on collision she moved her body, shifting to the right of him with a sudden jump and aiming to slam her thick and large front claws into this side and knock him to the ground. Her gaze as livid and cold at the same time, well muscled form lunging forward again to try and fix her teeth into the side of his neck and drag him harshly against the ground and through the soot of the once firecrackers.

-- currently in combat against [member=1555]benny g.[/member]

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-01-2018

Jiyu had been waiting for this.

From the moment The Pitt had stolen that food, in one way or shape, raids and war could not be avoided.

It was time, she couldn't do anything about there being no real healer's, she could not little about few artists existing in the group, nor the fact pres had no advisers, but she could do this! Paws moving quickly the two-foot-tall calico maneuvering from wherever she had been, to near the front lines of the budding fight, finding herself a high perch. In this case? It happened to be the roof over the porch of the mansion, spotting BlueRidge dealing with the fox who she guessed had likely been the one responsible for the popping noises. "Alketto take another member and protect the door! No Pitt member's in, no rosebloods who have not been battle trained out" that was the first time, the door needed to be guarded, thanks to prior hard work there was little way into the mansion outside of that door. She was always prepared for something like this happen, it was not difficult at all to start taking in the forming battle and make idea's to help the group hopefully secure a victory here. They would not be taking of The Pitts nonsense, she would make sure they got crushed!

If it was not for Pres being mostly a peaceful sort from what she had so far seen? Jiyu would be sending someone to slaughter several key members of the other group while a raiding patrol left The Pitts defenses weaker. Heck, it would be a good time to take some of their kits, but she couldn't have that done, the only goal right now was defense and beating the opposing forces back brutally as she could from here. For the moment, she leaped down, glancing around to make sure of it Pres and Pey were out anywhere if it became necessary she would send the other guard into the mansion with Pres to ensure the leader's safety. No more comments were needed right now, just brutal fighting force and sharp strategy. Jiyu would not actively seek out an opponent, she didn't want to beat one animal, she wanted to crush the attack, that took more intelligence than just fighting blindly against one opponent.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - sephiroth - 09-01-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had been tending to his room, his senses unfortunately lowered so he didn’t even hear the intruder enter.  It was only the loud crackling sound that caught his attention, making him raise his head up and turn on a dime, rushing out of his room and nearly slamming into the hallway wall as he turned to rush down the corridor.  A snarl erupted form his jaws, a rare betrayal of his usually contained nature to show the danger hidden just beneath the surface of his usual façade.

He managed to leap out of the door before anybody could shut him inside; he was certainly prepped for battle.  Muscles rippled underneath his pale fur, and he landed on his paws outside with a loud thud.  His eyes would narrow into luminescent slits, his silver framed head whipping about back and forth as he searched out any other enemies seeing as how the current culprit was already being dealt with accordingly.  His cold demeanor had seemingly returned, but edged with a dangerous aura that came through in his claws that unsheathed and shoulders that tensed, ready for a pounce.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Grey - 09-01-2018

The Pitt's biggest mistake was picking on The Rosebloods when they were The Typhoon's only allies. Although Bakugou cared very little for this 'elite' group, the privateer had been itching for war and battle. He remembered the call, the request for crewmate to come to The Rosebloods' aid at once. One can only imagine the creeping, sharklike smile which spread along his lips and pressed against his cheeks. His eyes were on fire. From the far distance the ragdoll, oozing in black smoke from his body and fiery tail, saw the illumination of firecrackers detonating. The pitched shrill of explosions didn't faze him, not even wincing at the sheer volume of the spiritless sound. The coals in his belly churn in a raging excitement, reminding him that at any moment he was willing to breathe a ferocious heat and melt the fur off anyone who dared to smirk at him. Pitifully enough, it already appears that The Pitt was outnumbered by The Rosebloods alone but Bakugou continued to approach in his disgusting pride and glory, a superiority radiating from the condescending look which painted his cream features.

Imagine their reaction once everyone else in The Typhoon had got here. Would they tuck tails and run? It would be foolish for them to continue trying - unnecessary injuries and deaths would occur. At the same time, it would be so shameful for them to flee after having seemingly built up so much confidence that they even reveal their position through the flurry of a display. It was a loss-loss situation. Fools, they were. Fools. "THE TYPHOON IS HERE," Bakugou roars as he approaches. Or at least, The Typhoon was getting here. He isn't sure how exactly the news got to Pincher so fast, maybe an envoy or a little birdie who had noticed the irregularities on the way back, but he doesn't care. He's here to help defend their so-called allies.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - emil - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]perhaps he should have seen this coming.

the first attempt had not turned out well, merely lowering the status of his group in other's eyes; he knew giving the order to steal food back would incite a... bigger response, but he had not expected it to be so soon. with blueridge's call and firecrackers echoing through the halls of the mansion, the snow leopard stopped his pacing and bolted from the throne room, eyes locking onto his members clashing with pitt brutes. "shit," prestige breathed. his gaze darted around the front room, tail lashing; he hated fighting, he truly did, but in times like this his members' safety came first. he steeled himself for the fight before leaping in, immediately slamming his paw down on a pitt feline, tearing his claws through their fur in a quick death.

the pharaoh's lip curled at the fresh stench of blood before he moved on, spotting a flash of yellow, followed by a roared announcement of the typhoon's arrival. they'd come quick; he would have to thank pincher later, and whatever messenger had managed to fetch them in such haste. such things would have to wait though. prestige stood straight and let out a loud rumble, searching for his next opponent among the clamor of creatures.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - rushy - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]This level of idiocy didn't surprise Lydia at this point... Especially considering that it was coming from The Pitt. When she had been considering all the different groups there were to join, she'd briefly considered joining The Pitt- well, at least until she had seen how barbaric and primal they were. They simply lacked the class and elegance of The Rosebloods. It was a pity.

The tabby's mouth curled into a snarl as she dashed onto the scene, following up Blueridge's attempted attack. She would take a flying leap at The Pitt member, attempting to land on his back and bite down as hard as she could onto his neck. If she was lucky she could pinch a nerve or even give him some form of spinal injury.

/ic opinions fhkewhkrj sorry

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - TSUYU. - 09-02-2018

Tsuyu was always one to follow behind Strykker now, but she figured this was one moment when she could move on her own. The mentally unstable frog hybrid wasn't too pleased with the fact that the Pitt had chosen to raid another war-making clan, but she supposed it was only time.

When the green hybrid hopped onto the battlefield, she let the water from the surrounding grassy areas become soaked up into the air in a big bubble, her long tongue licking over her lips in a sadistic hunger for blood. She wanted to drown someone, wanted to suffocate them. Who would be her victim?

Then, she caught wind of the sight of her old classmate, a Typhoon member, it seemed. With a crooked smile, the ragged-pelted manx-frog hybrid prepped her back legs, springing high into the air using the frog-like leg muscles to propel her. Once she had landed close to Bakugou, Tsuyu let a soft giggle leave her mouth. She kept a safe distance from him, knowing his own anger issues and tendencies to wreck havoc.

"Oh, oh.. Bakugou-san, what a pleasure it is to see you again, ribbit." She snickered, her long, frog-like tongue shooting from her jaws as she attempted to roughly slap Bakugou across the face with it.

"Do you remember me? You remember me, right?"

-- interacting and engaging with [member=1637]bakugou[/member]

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Cosmic - 09-02-2018

Halo didn't usually like starting fights unless absolutely necessary, and even then would try and avoid participating in them. The mutated domestic feline sat away from the raid itself and the fighting, only here to offer healing to Pitt members and take them away from the battlefield if needed. That was her job. Her job wasn't to get injured. Ahe had healing and a job to do.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - COSMIIX - 09-05-2018