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Tissues, please (Open, sick) - Printable Version

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Tissues, please (Open, sick) - MirrorEdge - 09-01-2018

Maybe it was because her beliefs were finally confirmed to be true, at least to Thea, or maybe it was from spilling blood, of a fellow Ascendent, no less, and that Tanglewood person now nursing a broken wing, but Thea was slowly moving on from the slump she had been in to her more happy self, hell, not even challenging Oni or anybody, really, to a fight recently. She had found better things to do, after all.

Maybe some Ascendents would view it as an improvement, some might view it as Thea finally accepting reality, and some might just flat-out be suspicious of the Arabian leopard, but right now, that didn't matter, as Thea materialized in the Control room with a loud sneeze, only able to stay there for a few seconds before another sneeze caused her to teleport again, hitting the wall.

This continued, with each sneeze causing Thea to teleport to a new place throughout the room, really not helping with both her health or her fellow clanmate's help, with at least one NPC having the unwelcome surprise of having Thea teleport above them, and the young leopard crushing them before teleporting with her next sneeze, her cheerful 'Sorry!' probably not doing much to make them feel better.

//so she's sick and can't control her powers, if you want she can land on your character >Smile
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Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - ★ HAZEL - 09-01-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
It was the first time Hazel managed to drag herself out of her room in a few days; since Margy and Suite's death. There was a certain sort of dull, lifeless air about her as she pressed herself against a wall, too tired to move further in any direction. Her aura was dim, her eyes lacking their usual luster; her body language was limp and exhausted, easily tuckered out by the mere thought of something more engaging than breathing. It was a pathetic sight, really, to see the cocoa feline curled into a loose ball with her tail tucked against her body. Just a week ago she'd merrily gone about her day, playing with Arion in the fields or sketching a flower because her mind was quiet and her head was clear. Things were okay, and she liked them that way. Then...Margy and Suite died, and Hazel felt a great, gaping chasm crack her heart open and swallow every bit of positive progress she'd made, nearly sucking the life out of her. Everything - even her bond with Bastille - seemed to fade into the background. Margy and Suite had taken a part of her with them, and she felt like there was nothing she could do to get it back.

Thea's sudden teleportation and sneezing roused Hazel from her thoughts, though she reacted with only a mere twitch of her ears and a slow blink. It took her a moment to recognize Thea, in a way, essentially having to gather the energy to decide if she wanted to ask the young leopard if she was okay. What the other fireball was doing didn't look to be intentional, but it wasn't until she crashed into someone else did the logic in Hazel's mind win the battle of involvement. "Thea?" Hazel called eventually, struggling to raise her head. Her voice was hoarse, sound scraping past her throat from days of crying and little else. "Are you okay?" It was obvious she wasn't, but Hazel didn't care to think about much else.

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - BASTILLEPAW - 09-01-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille's control had never exactly been impeccable. He knew that, inherently, he should have perfect control over them all, should have Grimmkit's complete mastery as all the hosts tended to — but he was an enigma, he supposed; perhaps that was the only reason Grimm was so interested in him. His souls made things a bit complicated, and that meant that his formerly excellent control went to shit the second his elementals emerged. Now, things seemed relatively contained, the turbulence having passed mostly; but there were still days when nothing obeyed him, and so he found himself willing to feel sympathy for Thea.

His gaze tracked her as she disappeared and reappeared on the other end of the Circle, mouth twitching in the slightest hint of amusement. Bast paced towards her, paused when she vanished once more, and very nearly tripped right the fuck over her as she was suddenly directly in front of him. He blinked at her and commented dryly, [b]"Hi, Thea. Maybe you should let someone check that out, before you find yourself in the middle of Typhoon territory."

[ninjad adaksda] His gaze flickered up from the Fireball to Hazel, and he might have sensed her coming if not for how eerily slack their bond had gone in recent days. He looked straight past Thea in favor of staring at Hazel, feeling the flicker of amusement die in his throat, and there was nothing, really, that he could say. Seeing her out of her damn room finally was little reassurance when she looked like that, and he fought down the sudden urge to demand if she was eating or to interrogate her on her sleep. As it was, he only looked at her quietly.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - MirrorEdge - 09-02-2018

Thea glanced over at Hazel, opening her mouth to reply. "I'm-" she was cut off by another sneeze, which was what had caused her to teleport again, this time in front of Bastille. "Fine." She sniffled a bit as she finished the sentence, looking a bit sulky that her body was betraying her words.

"I'll ask Moon or Peri for something later." She grumbled finally in her gross rushed first post of the morning.
Template by Quill

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - Grimm - 09-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It proved a rather uncommon sight where it came to the child being present within the observatory, something about it pushing him back, dulling his want to be present for the fact it held some quality about it, as though harbouring a similar disdain. Yet he felt the warmed earth become chilled, the metal flooring seemingly unable – or might it be unwilling – to hold onto the warmth of sunlight, casting a wide rectangle into the circle, broken only by the small patch of darkness he made. For a time he could only watch, standing within the threshold, unsure on if he should approach.

He held no power of his own, or at the least any he harboured was buried to such a point they proved inaccessible, of which he was fine, and as such knew little of what was happening. Yet it seemed almost to grow necessary to intervene in any small way he could, brief the shift of his attention towards the others present, lingering on Hazel for too well could he feel the grief on her, before it found Thea as once more she sneezed. Sliding some on the metal floor Harland approached, though seemed to think better of standing close to the leopard, instead moving so he was half hidden behind Bast.

“Need rest...” Croaking was the voice which rose from him, worsened for he too had found tears had to contain though he seemed one of the few to bounce back rather quickly, or at least in public, the quality of his voice the only thing hinting at his grief for golden eyes seemed to harbour only worry. “Tea an blanket.” Nodding along as he spoke, as though he truly believed the words to be true though really he was more guessing, having pick up only a few things from watching Moon and Imperia work.

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - trojan g. - 09-07-2018

Roman's impression of Thea had not been a good one. He didn't really like her, and whether or not that was known, he was still concerned. If not for the fact that she could hurt someone in the clan - this time without actually meaning to - then for the fact that she seemed to be actually sick. Padding close to the group that had gathered around, Roman listened to the words that had been said, nodding his head slightly before finally speaking. "I know I'm not exactly Moon or Imperia, but I can help if you want something now." He'd offer, tail idly wagging for a moment before looking over to Harland and nodding his head in response to his words. "Tea, exactly. I know a couple different kinds if you'd prefer a specific one." Of course, it was specific kinds of tea that helped with different things. Allergies, sinus issues in general, and even the flu.

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - MirrorEdge - 09-07-2018

Tea and blankets sound nice, Thea thought as another sneeze caused her to teleport a few feet away, the leopard not even bothering to make her way back to where she was before. It wasn't worth the energy to stay there for a minute before teleporting somewhere else. "That sounds nice, mister." She mumbled. To be honest, even with his offer of different teas, it wasn't like Thea really knew what teas were what, let alone what each of them did. "I don't really think I know any teas, though."
Template by Quill

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - Grimm - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Surprise touched delicate features, lingering for only a short time before it faded, smile taking hold. Though he was not one overly interested in the work of healing, he found it intriguing how plants could come to offer any help at all, the fact he had been correct in his thinking only made him flush with joy. “Help?” Turning his attention towards Roman he hoped the other understood his want to assist him, seemingly ignorant to his previous remark of not being either of the medics or the fact it was necessary to hold a position to officially heal another.

Re: Tissues, please (Open, sick) - trojan g. - 09-09-2018

Roman would listen to Thea as she spoke, taking note of her words and simply nodding his head. "That's okay Thea, you don't have to know them. I'll try to make something you'll like the flavor of, okay?" Some of the teas that he could make would be bland in flavor, others could be sweet, some not so sweet. There were many teas that could be made. Turning to Harland, Roman would think for a moment before nodding his head. "If you can get me a cup and if you're able to some water, that would be great, and then when we both get back, you can watch me make it so then you'd know how to make tea if you'd ever want to." It was nice that Harland wanted to get involved and help. Although Roman didn't hold his position now, he used to be a halo here, though he had been gone for a bit, so it made sense that most only knew Imperia and Moon as those who knew medicine. "I'll go and get the stuff for the tea now." He'd speak before carefully making his way out to go find what he needed; Elderberry, Peppermint, Ginger and Cinnamon.