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back to work ✨ venomous lesson - Printable Version

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back to work ✨ venomous lesson - no more - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It had become somewhat of a habit, or at least such was the name their tired mind might supply to the action, for the Sage to slip out of the public eye for a time. Uncommon as it though something whispered it was futile to make light of such things, their presence was needed no matter their condition, and necessary. The first had been because a sickness had set about them, left them shaky and unable to stand for any length of time, let alone freely work without causing further harm to both patient and any other of the team present, something none of them had needed at the time. The next, and rather recent, had been a grievous injury. Still was the ache there, lingering about the interior of their skull, seeming to shift its attention from the socket and the centre of their forehead. Somewhat unfortunately they knew well the dangers of addiction, a lesson they had no wish to be an example for, and so had refused any sort of pain relief.

Around a week had come and gone, though it was saying little for his sense of time was somewhat off currently as he had fallen into rather terrible habits as of late, a period during which they had grown increasing frustrated. The team had dwindled a great deal over that period of time and they held no want to allow their work to grow slack because of it, taking up a pace which offered only harm. The time off may have helped some, though the make-shift sling about their neck holding their injured foreleg up spoke otherwise, they wanted to get back into things and so thought to do so slowly.

They had meant to do this sometime ago, the task was a bit old by this point but things had come up and it had to be pushed back for a time, now seemingly the best opportunity to finally get to it. Upon the edge of the bay Silus had come across a few tide pools, the jagged rocks high enough the water within wasn't easily accessed, unless one fell in of course, and so offered the perfect chance to have live specimens. With some assistance they were able to set things up, within the deep water caught in the bowl of the tide pool a few critters were caught, simply waiting for high tide to sweep them out to the ocean once more.

“Oi, I'mma teach ya what not ta touch,” their voice rose, vocal cords unused to the volume and thus straining greatly, cracking by the end of it. Though not the best way to gather people together their placement, small paws easily finding solid ground on the rock at the very lip of the tide pool, hopefully enough to show the reason behind this. “Venomous shit, not wat eva shit ya thinkin of.” Apparently seeing the flaw in leaving their words at just that they offered the next part in a slightly lower voice, shifting so they could sit comfortably. After the way things had gone last time they wondered if it might end the same way, especially when the critters before them were highly venomous and could kill.

Re: back to work ✨ venomous lesson - CLEO R. C. - 08-31-2018

Was it really any surprise that it was Cleo that first heeded her brother's call, closing the distance that once spanned between them as she took a seat? She had been lucky to catch the remnants of her words as she passed him, intrigued by his presence and made even more so by the promise of his lesson, a gleam of interest dancing within red eyes as she studied him. Venoms were her specialty, if she did say so herself, and she wouldn't dare deny herself any extra information she might attain from Silus. He was a smart one and a sage, certainly he had to possess a piece of knowledge that she didn't.

"Eshe can be a willing participant if you need her to be," Cleo offered, voice, as always, monotone and faraway, ears craning forward in a hardly hidden attempt to hear whatever her brother's response might be. She had volunteered her mamba without her permission but the words had already left her mouth and Eshe knew better than to make a scene against Cleo here, in the public eye. She would be Silus' willing participant if he so desired, but the reptile sincerely hoped that he didn't.

"So, dear brother," Cleo began, a smile finally appearing upon cinnamon lips, "What are we learning today?"


Re: back to work ✨ venomous lesson - Grey - 09-01-2018

At first, Bakugou thought there was a ridiculous amount of healers at bay. The knowledge spread from tongue tongue as though it were common knowledge. Although a fighter, the ragdoll truthfully wants to learn herbology and alchemy. He would love to understand what it meant to heal, to regenerate the creatures breathing around him. The idea of it made him feel like a god: a judge of life and death, a being capable of giving and taking. Lately, however, Bakugou's begun to recognise a trending dwindle in The Typhoon's supply of ready medics - or sages and soothsayers, to be precise. He wonders if the job was simply too stressful or if something drastic had happened in the black mamba division. Whatever it was, Bakugou was curious to know but was frankly too uncommitted in his desires to dare asking around what was happening. He supposes that whatever the reason was, it was none of his business. The Captain would likely address this if it were anything to be concerned about...or perhaps even one of the Soothsayers would seek more sages. Maybe the influx was to prepare for such a high loss, so that in the end there could be a gain.

He may not have the best hearing in the world but Bakugou isn't deaf to the sound of Silus' cracking call, his voice seeming to ache against the strangulation of the air around it. 'What not to touch'. He doesn't question it for long when the sage adds that it will be a lesson on venoms, flicking an ear when he decides to approach the early formings of what will become a group of pirates, waiting and listening to Silus' words. It's not something he is particularly interested in considering he's always thought it should be obvious what to touch and what not to touch, but he attends anyway in the case that this universe followed some insanely stupid law he hadn't been aware about. Bakugou sits down quietly, choosing not to greet Silus, Cleo or even the snake, Eshe, because he thought it would be a waste of time anyway. This wasn't a befriending session, just a lecture of some sorts that he wanted over and done with.

Re: back to work ✨ venomous lesson - the trash man - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]linux didn't really have an inkling how to heal or be a good medic like her cousin, but to be honest linux didn't really know how to be a good fighter either, or a good host. honestly the only thing linux knew was her stickers and her technology. was that so bad? the child had loads of time to make up her mind, loads of time to find her specialty in this world, and if she didn't - then she'd carve one out for herself. but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to try and start somewhere with silus' gathered lesson and work from there.

excitedly bounding over, linux's dusty pink gaze was less drawn to the sight of cleo but repelled by the one of baku and that influenced where the snowy child chose to sit. petty? yes. but the kitten did not care, she simply curled in her fluffy snow-white tail in on herself and kept her eyes focused on the teacher of this lesson and eagerly awaited the teachings to begin. pink hues caught by the creatures before silus, linux thought they appeared so harmless and serene in their little piece of paradise in the tide pools upon the bay - then why were they dangerous to touch?

Re: back to work ✨ venomous lesson - bubblegum - 09-01-2018