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IN MY BLOOD - open; return - Printable Version

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IN MY BLOOD - open; return - rhosmari - 08-30-2018

-- to keep things in a good time frame all posts are retro to his visit to snowbound and his subsequent capture there.

Webbed paws had taken him to the border of an ally. A potential ally that they were still working out the possibility of having an alliance with. He had no idea that it would turn into something else, that the Pitt had taken over the group and was harming their members, scoring into their flesh and ripping into them. Holding them hostage in their very home and he had the unfortunate fate of actually meeting the one that had orchestrated it all. He had tried to escape, and try was used very strongly here for the male was much bigger than himself, a lion in size and built with more power and mass than he could over come. And once he was pinned he was pinned. There was nothing for him to do but be accepting of his fate and rather he died or not he wished that he had fought just that much harder. Even feeling the other creature's paws on him left him feeling disgusted and uncomfortable merely because of who the Pitt was and what they stood for. But it made no difference when he was dragged away to their home in some remote part of their desert.

Kicking and yelling he went though who would hear him out in the middle of nowhere. His pearl colored eyes holding venom and touched with fear as he was pushed down into a hole and forced to stay there as he was buried up to his neck in the hot sand. Try as he might he couldn't move, every shift of his limbs felt as if the earth was coming to swallow him and the fear became even more real when Stryker left him there alone. Panic settling into his gut and it caused him to scream and cry out for some semblance of help but none came. He baked, feeling his skin that needed to be moistened became drier and drier still as he was left for almost three days in the burning sun of the desert. His eyes had long since rolled back into his skull as visions of water swam across his gaze though they were nothing but mere mirages. The damage to his skin was so severe it opened up fissures in his thick skin, splits that showed the meat off like a prize oyster finally cracked open. There were many of them, across his back, his dorsal fin, tail, legs and even his neck and stomach had splits in his hide that bleed freely into the sand that he was buried in.

Starved and weak he barely even realized when the monster had come back and dug him out. Dragging his heat stricken form out of the sand, wounded and blood bruising around the edges of every gash on his body. The sand made him cough, gasping and gagging because of sudden movements twisting his stomach. He had no recollection of ever making it back to Sunhaven, the last thing he would ever remember was meeting the sudden cold embrace of water. But water much too cold after being in the heat for so long. It sent his body into shock, an over reaction to protect himself and his heart thudded in his ears, once, twice, and a squeezing stop. The form of the Goldenblood now laid upon the border, cold and drenched from head to fin and eyes partially closed. His rainbow like gaze stared at nothing and his cracked lips were slightly parted as if he may just start screaming again. Yet there was no movement, no sign of life within the male. But he wouldn't give up without a fight, that wasn't how Monroe operated.

Re: IN MY BLOOD - open; return - PIERCE - 08-31-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce was not unfamiliar with the violence and cruelty of other people. For some, the possibility that people treated others the way they did was unfathomable. For Pierce, it was almost the norm. He had grown up around captures and attacks and wars and all that bullshit. At just six months old he had been captured by an enemy and dragged off into their territory, where they did a number of horrible, unspeakable things to him with their own paws and weapons. He’d barely made it out alive, and not long after, he’d been captured again. He had fought in raids numerous times and even been murdered once. Hell, his best friend had been a serial killer. He was more than used to that shit, so he probably shouldn’t have been surprised when, on his usual patrol, he spotted Monroe’s crumpled form near the shore.

"Oh my god," The words had not been torn from his throat in the form of a scream, rather whispered, hardly audible to even himself as he hurried to the Goldenblood’s side. Monroe was completely motionless, and already, Pierce felt his heart in his throat. "You’re- you’re gonna be okay, hon," he mumbled, noting the alien scent of what he was pretty sure was the Pitt on the other’s coat. He hated to admit it, but he hadn’t known anything was wrong- he’d been a bit too recluse these last couple days to notice the other’s absence, he guessed. Though he hardly had a clue as to what he was doing, Pierce removed his satchel and began digging through it, pulling out a small handcloth and a half empty waterbottle. Monroe needed to be warmed up, didn’t he? Christ, Pierce didn’t know- he was an artist, not a doctor. The effeminate feline knew only what his sister had taught him, and if one thing was clear, it was that the other was in - or going into - shock. Fuck. Grasping desperately for it, he stuffed his satchel beneath his clanmate’s hindquarters. That was it, right? Elevate the hindquarters? It sounded right. Then, only guessing now, he wet his towl and began dabbing it at the other’s wounds, hoping to get a better look at what was happening - it was the best he could do - as he called over his shoulder, "H-hey, uh- Monroe’s hurt- like, bad! Can I g-get some help over here?" It was about all Pierce could do, but he knew they had some experienced medics around, somewhere.



Re: IN MY BLOOD - open; return - buckingham barnes - 09-02-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham, without a doubt in the world, was familiar with violence and cruelty. It all started when he became a victim, when he was fed lies from his former handler, Ximen. Ximen removed every memory in his skull and filled his head up with dirty lies, that Bucky foolishly believed. He quickly became a living weapon, taking orders with no hesitation(any kind of hesitation would have resulted in punishment), and going through any missions- no matter how gruesome they were. While Bucky was only an asset, or more specifically the Winter Soldier, for a few weeks- it's effected him up to this day. It was luck that his memories began to return to him, despite the fact he didn't seek for them. He had believed his handler so much that it had been a shock when the true memories came into light, and when he approached Ximen, it almost cost him his life. Who knows who he'd be today if they didn't come back on that fateful day.

Even when he abandoned his handler, abandoned that awful code name, he couldn't leave the home he was shoved into. The rest of the violent home had no idea of Bucky's true identity, and it didn't come into the light until after his handler left. They accepted Bucky Barnes just as much as Winter Soldier, and he continued to kill and tear people apart. But this time, it wasn't for Ximen. He was doing it for himself, at the time, believing he couldn't stop being the person he was shaped to be.

But clearly, Buckingham didn't realize how wrong he was until months later. He was in full control of himself. He didn't have to continue being an assassin, he can't let that asset win him over! The amount of guilt that made it's way onto his chest was too heavy for him to ignore anymore. So, without a word or saying goodbye to ones he grew to love, he left. It took him a few months of traveling for him to finally end up in Sunhaven. He's finally living that second chance, without any worries on his chest.

When Buckingham made his way onto the beach, he frowned at what he saw laying on the beach. Monroe was laying there, drenched head to toe, and his eyes were barely open. What the hell happened to Monroe? The Goldenblood looked far from okay, and Buckingham couldn't do anything to help the male. When the maine coon got closer, he noticed the wounds, Pierce dabbing the wounds with a cloth. "Fuck," The male swore under his breath, unsure of what to do. Buckingham was no medic- Bucky just has to think back to when he was seven months old to know he should stay away from herbs. He accidentally killed his parents when they entrusted him to heal them, he will never trust himself with herbs again. "I'll grab someone from the medicine guild!" He offered, hoping to find someone who could help Monroe.

Without another word, the male quickly ran off, sand flying up into the air as the male headed over to the Greenhouse as fast as he could. Someone better be in there!