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the ash tree [ joining ] - Printable Version

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the ash tree [ joining ] - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]He could not remember much of his time as a child. He hadn’t been given much opportunity to live young not to make impressionable memories beyond what he had been forced to do when barely eight months old. If he hadn’t kept count of the months that passed beyond that, he would have most likely forgotten his own age, perhaps his own name... although Bahamut made sure that it would never happen, that he would survive and escape, and that he would eventually reunite with his family.

Funny. He did not know if his family was even alive anymore, and if she was... if he could continue calling her that. The only family he had for the past months was himself and his dragon, and even accepting someone who had been so close to his heart before seemed a foreign concept when he could barely remember Hyoyeon’s face. Perhaps she had died and left him, something he was quick to learn was common out in the real world. It was easy to die, dragon or not. All it took was enough time, and then death was at your doorstep regardless.

But there was some semblance of hope inside of his chest, overshadowed by much of the pain that was both physical and mental... and although faint and just barely noticeable, it was there... and Bahamut would not allow him to forget it just as he had not allowed Cheolmin to forget his past and his future, who he was still to become. Even after three months of nothing but pain and hatred his dragon would not leave his side, refusing to let the child drown.

It was why Cheolmin was here now. There had been multiple times that he thought it better to simply cease existing, to cut the suffering of not only his own person but that of others. Whether out of love or self preservation, Bahamut would not allow it, and now his injured form was trailing from one place to another, seeking that which he could only hope still existed.

He hadn’t found Hyoyeon in the first group he had stumbled across, nor in the second, and after the third try had come and gone he had stopped actively searching for her to instead seek shelter. It was always temporary, as he never found much to stay for, but the company of others was appreciated when all he had for a while was his dragon and the birds up in the trees that actively ignored him. Bahamut, as much of a friend he was, was not big on conversation... not that Cheolmin was either, but he was a far more social creature than the dragon could ever be. Bahamut had millennia to sit around before getting lonely... It took Cheolmin about two weeks to feel it settle in his bones.

So he travelled on and off, spending two weeks alone with Bahamut to theorize the probability of his sister being alive (Bahamut insisted she was, stating he would surely feel if her own dragon felt any distress) and then a few days in odd groups to replenish his need for outside information. He never participated in any of  the activities, however, actively a cryptid that came and went without a word, gleaning off of their supplies and knowledge then moving on yet again. He didn’t expect this to be any different, just a quick in and out before he would be gone again.

His arrival was all but signaled by a heavy rain, coincidental but no less fascinating. It wasn’t a secret he could control water, although Cheolmin couldn’t claim that he had any control over the weather. Still, the water calmed him, allowing him to relax as he limped towards the border of the next clan (making sure to stop well before it, a lesson he learned the hard way.) He did not mind the heavy droplets that cascaded both around and on him, sitting down calmly in the rain and waiting for someone to approach, Bahamut quietly keeping guard beside him. He, too, didn’t seem to mind the dreary weather, although Cheolmin could feel that the dragon would have preferred to prance around rather than sit stoically beside him.

[ only last paragraph is important ! Also I wrote this all on mobile sorry for any stupid mistakes ]

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - Feyre - 08-30-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
Feyre's arrival was marked with a delighted squeal, those lavender-shaded eyes of hers widening significantly as she drank in the sight of yet another dragon. Before joining the Ascendants, the reptiles had only been a thing of fantasy to the young witch, mere beasts that came to life only on paper; figments of reality. The ancestors had weaved promises of family and destiny when they urged her to cross that threshold and join this place, and Feyre could only think that the presence of dragons was an added bonus of sorts. She couldn't explain why exactly she was so intrigued by them, just that their fire-slinging nature tended to resonate deeply with her own, a silent curse whispered as she realized that she could conjure no flames like she had when she met the first feline-dragon pair.

Instead, she steadied herself, not wanting to look like a complete fool as she introduced herself to Cheolmin and Bahmut. [color=#3f5351]"Are you joining?" She inquired, metaphorical brows arching as she leaned forward ever so slightly, unable to help herself or contain her excitement, [color=#3f5351]"I'm Feyre! I live here! We had another dragon-cat pair join earlier. I think it's so cool that there are so many dragons around." Her rambles sounded almost reflective in nature, head bobbing eagerly up and down as she considered to amiably chat. [color=#3f5351]"What's your name? And what's your dragon's name?"

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - ONISION. - 08-30-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Onision had followed shortly behind the outgoing dwarf star, his single blue eye narrowed in annoyance at how preppy she sounded to him. Well, Oni was always a grouch. He hadn't been sleeping well anyways, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but protecting the rest of his remaining family members.

Slowly, the brown feline limped forward on three legs, favoring his fourth one eagerly. His leg was healing fine, but he didn't want to mess up the angle or anything, so he'd been favoring the sensitive appendage. Oni stopped beside Feyre, cold aqua hues focusing on the newcomer. A joiner, with a dragon, nonetheless.

"'Name's Onision."  Was all Oni spat out, grumpy gaze turned away from the two of them. Tch, annoying kid..

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The downpour had been heavy enough to obscure the growing shapes of both Onision and Feyre (Cheolmin's attention being raptly invested in the clouds above him didn't help, either) and it came as a surprise to him to find himself in the presence of two strangers less than a minute's wait on the precipice of yet another bad decision (Bahamut insisted that it wasn't a bad decision, stating that it was only normal for those within his lifespan to seek out company.) Both he and the dragon beside Cheolmin peered down at the two present, a few seconds passing in silence as he analyzed the questions that had been thrown at him rapid fire (the disdain must have shown on his face, however, as it was impossible for it not to when he could barely focus on one inquiry before another was shoved in to replace it.)

He could understand why any adult would be out in such weather, as it was often mandatory to keep borders safe and inspected at all times, but there were two children in front of him that should have very well been safe at home lest a strong wind or the pouring rain flood them away. Perhaps that was an exaggeration, but he wished it so, for to say that Cheolmin was uncomfortable with speaking to either of them was an understatement. The silence continued as a result as he tried to formulate the best response possible without sounding like he wanted to actively push past both of them to find someone actually competent in addressing him, and with the comforting presence and help of Bahamut he finally managed to do just that, although both his tone and expression were anything but 'nice.'

If they expected something more of a man as scarred as him, then it was on them.

"No. I am not joining," was his first response, and then his mind shot out the answers to the rest of her questions just as fast as she had said them despite the initial delay. "Dragons are not uncommon, although it is always nice to see more," something twinged inside of him at the mention of another feline with a dragon, however, but he pushed the hope back down in order to not get ahead of himself. He had already mistaken others for Hyoyeon, and it would be stupid to do it again. "Choi Cheolmin. This is Bahamut. We are seeking shelter, albeit temporarily, if you would have us," he spared nothing but a brisk nod towards Onision, given that the younger male hadn't bombarded him with a series of questions and statements that he could barely catch up with. For that he was glad, for if he had to hear any more there was a good chance he'd implode.

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - cyantist - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"][abbr=deeper in your heart, i'm your sweet russian roulette ♡]니 심장 더 깊은 곳 달콤한 너의 러시아어 룰렛

It couldn't be. No, that couldn't be them.

It had been months, and months is a long time when your life is counted solely in months. Hyoyeon hasn't seen him in... Too long, what feels like an eternity, but she can hope that right there, stood on the border to the Ascendants, that is Cheolmin. There's a feeling there, tugging at her heartstrings and she finds it easy to believe that Cheo is really there, and so is Bahamut, and both of them are okay.

It's been so long that she wants to cry. She doesn't cry, because knights do not cry and she is a dragoon, but a grin breaks out of her face from ear to ear. "Cheolmin!" She shouts, completely ignoring both Feyre and Onision as she breaks into a full on sprint to stop just before her older brother, Tiamat perched on her shoulder reminding her that, this might not be him, they shouldn't get overexcited, there's no way to tell that he'd want to see, maybe he left on purpose.

He looks different than Hyoyeon and Tiamat remember him. It causes her to pause, her paws slamming into the mud just before him. Somehow, she didn't expect him to be hurt - they never talk about the heroes being injured in the songs and in her head, there's no way that could of happened to Cheolmin and Bahamut either, after all, her brother is a dragoon. They're supposed to be stronger, faster, more talented than anyone else. He's not supposed to be able to be hurt.

"Cheo... What... Why?" She promised herself she would not cry, but she doesn't go to bring him into a tight embrace like she planned. "Where did you go? Why are you hurt? What happened to you?" It's too many questions to ask, but she has to know. Tiamat blessedly refrains from commenting, but the small white dragon watches with caution. She can sense something bad has happened, but she doesn't ask what.

It is hardly the happy reunion that the pair hoped for.

"I'm glad you're here brother." She adds, not wanting him to get the wrong idea of course.

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - adomania - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The stories always lied, something that Cheolmin had learned the hard way. They told of the heroic deeds that others did, but they forgot to mention the cost it came with. Perhaps it was to give hope to others, to make it seem like those who did good were immortal, indestructible... that they scarcely even got scratched during their battles against that which wanted to hurt them. No, the scars were something that all heroes had, whether it be physical or mental... he had both, although he could hardly consider himself a hero (Bahamut begged to differ, but Cheolmin had learned to ignore the compliments, humble in that regard.)

He had been hurt, but his will was strong... and he realized now, upon gazing down at someone who he thought he had lost forever... that there was a lot he needed to teach Hyoyeon about the world and what being a knight truly meant. It was getting in the face of evil and protecting those who they were sworn to protect at all costs. His leg ached at just the thought, although he let a gentle smile form on his features, something so foreign to him when it came to those outside of Bahamut. But Hyoyeon was different, wasn't she? She was his own blood, a tie almost as strong as that between him and his dragon.

She had grown up last time he saw her, but it was impossible to mistake her. She didn't have any scars yet (something he hoped she'd never have), so it was much easier to see that it was her, unlike his own rugged appearance. Underneath the blemishes, however, Cheolmin was still the same old Cheolmin... rough around the edges and a bit more withdrawn then he used to be, but still himself beneath it all.

"Yeon..." he murmured, itching to hug her but seeing her own hesitance in the action and therefore curbing the need. A brief silence spans between them as he judges the weight of her questions, much less charged than it had been when it was Feyre asking as a newfound, brotherly patience fills him, but eventually with a preceding sigh he answers in what he hoped would be enough of an answer for the time being.

"It is... a long story, and I am tired right now. I... I promise I will tell you everything, but right now..." he bit his lip (a childhood quirk he had thought he was over, but apparently not) before turning around to face Bahamut, who was still sitting quietly and watching over him, then back at Hyoyeon and Tiamat, offering them both what he hoped was his best smile. "But right now lets not focus on that, alright? I... god, I missed you Yeon. I searched for you everywhere but," he trailed off into silence, the smile slipping off of his features yet again as his heterochromic gaze turned to the side, downcast.

"We did not find you for a long time... we assumed you both must have perished along the way," Bahamut offered quietly instead as the words were unable to push past Cheolmin's throat, heavy on both his tongue and heart.

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - ONISION. - 08-31-2018




♦ -
"Alright, since they reunited, or whatever, I'm out. Nice to meet y'all." Oni chipped in momentarily, a bored expression on his face as he turned and walked off. Oni didn't care for reunions, there were too many for him to handle right now. Fuck that.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: the ash tree [ joining ] - cyantist - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"][abbr=deeper in your heart, i'm your sweet russian roulette ♡]니 심장 더 깊은 곳 달콤한 너의 러시아어 룰렛

It's a long story. She's heard that before, she's heard people hiss it out when she asks a question that's too personal and it always seem that long is bad. Now is not the time to probe, although she desperately wants. There's the gut feeling that whatever happened is something that she would better not to hear, then again Yeon has never much cared for the fact that some things are meant not to be told or heard.

"I think that would be for the best, we have missed you two." Tiamat is the first to answer from the pair, a soft smile on her pale features. It serves a subtle dissuasion away from the questions that Hyoyeon wants to ask too, a quiet warning not to probe into things that someone would rather avoid.

Cheo and Bahamut thought that the pair had perished? Hyo shakes her head, a smile returning to her face when she realises that Cheo hasn't forgotten her, perhaps doesn't resent or hate her for not finding him. "We came looking for you, mum and dad asked us not to go but we had to try... I... I'm so glad you're okay, you're not going to leave again right?"

She doesn't that he had no choice in leaving.

( ugh muse where you at )