Beasts of Beyond
HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - Printable Version

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HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - venus - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]time in tanglewood over this past week had been interesting. interestingly quiet, but full of interesting faces that sometime just bewildered the feline. was that interesting enough then? venus always wanted more, their cravings for the new and undiscovered egging them on to explore the grounds for something to take the angora's attention and placate it for even just a little while. anything to keep venus' busy mind occupied. their legs could also do with the exercise instead of loosing muscle mass from being so cramped up in the medic's den twenty-four seven. which is exactly how the feline found their paws subconsciously leading them to the edges of the forest, azure gaze fixated upon one singular spot in the polluted lands and enchanting it.

naturally venus had always found themselves drawn to the natural world; a need to understand how it all worked inspiring venus into an obsession that grew from their early childhood into their teenage years. life compromised of dna, organs, organelles - it was all such fascinating stuff just how could venus not be entranced by it all? but perhaps more importantly when one understood life, one understood how to foster it too. it was why venus had been a medic. well, that and familial duty to do so, but mostly the first point. it was sort of romantic. when venus saw life struggling to exist it always triggered a response in the feline to nurture, to heal, to grow, understand. it was all connected in one large circle of science, the best kind of circle.

so stumbling across an abandoned baby hamster amongst the fallen leaves and dead grass venus couldn't have possibly stopped themselves even if they tried. the angora promptly picked up the little guy, nestling him within the crook of their long-furred tail and letting him warm up with the body heat venus radiated. "what happened to you bub?" gently venus cooed to the baby hamster, unnamed as of yet.

Re: HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - toboggan - 08-30-2018

The concept of pets pressed a squeamish sensitivity into his system. The idea of keeping another living being under total control was interesting to Leroy aforetime, prior to Tanglewood. Gone were his days of jurisdiction, nowadays the mutt was simply a random swamp dweller with a handful of antics up his sleeve. With that transition came a change of view for many things in life, especially control over others; these days, he valued freedom over all else. Unless it was a plant, or another type of vegetation, wildlife did not deserve thraldom.

Live or die, that is the way life was to be.

Unkempt limbs doddered through the grounds. The fact that his back left leg was partially broken suggested that the logical decision here would be to return home and rest. Not only that, but the risk of another insane alligator existing in the shadows drove the Irish wolfhound paranoid. Yet, he persisted, continuing lagging along until stopping at a dignified length away from Venus. Their young mug was fresh to him, though the fact that they reeked of swamp made him understand that this was also a Tangler, just one he hadn’t seen before. A small figure, one that was identified as a hamster as the mongrel encroached, took shelter in the warmth of the fluffy feline’s fur, said fur being in a bountiful amount. If they just found the rodent on the ground, it was probably irradiated or something, with an extra eye or leg. "Whatcha got there, furball?" Leroy inquired, almost interested in the events unfolding. It was a slow week for him as well, so the canine took attraction to even the slightest of thing.

Re: HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia was the next to arrive, seeming to find herself caught up in almost all of the things going on around Tanglewood. It was her own doing, of course. She was constantly vigilant, on the watch for any little thing to investigate. She was taking her duty as a Guardsman seriously, trying hard to not let anything slip under her radar. Not again. Not after Arrow. Maybe she was pushing herself a little bit, wearing herself more thin than she should, but... Well, who could say?

Her gaze had landed on the two injured members of Tanglewood, and that was all it took for her to have a reason to show up. She looked between the two of them for a second, sizing them up to make sure they seemed okay. Once satisfied that nothing too gruesome was going on, her gaze shifted down to what Leroy was looking at, and she paused. Oh. A... baby animal? Normally, she would make a quick meal of such a thing, and she would question why others didn't, but she was suddenly very aware of the way that Venus was looking at it. Ah.

Smiling softly, she folded her wings neatly against her sides, letting the worry she'd felt before ebb away. "You should take the little thing with you back to the medics' den." she said, keeping her tone even to make sure she didn't sound like she was scolding. She wasn't. She was just, admittedly, worried about the teenager being away from the medics too long. Her gaze flicked toward Leroy, then, a little less worried and a lot more amused. This time, her tone was a little closer to scolding. "Neither of you should be straying this far out. You can go on excursions like this when you've rested up."

Re: HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - madster - 08-30-2018

malphas hadn't been born with an attraction to science. it just wasn't in his genes. in fact, he grew up in a heavily christian family, so he spent his early years denying science. in fact, he had no motivation to become a medic, or even ascend through the ranks at all. that all changed when nayru told him he might make a good medic, and he wanted to make her happy. she was the only one who understood him.

and then she went missing. it had been... what, more than a month now? there was no trace of her. life just went on. so now malphas was the sole medic of tanglewood, and he didn't even want to be in the first place. surprisingly, he was good at his job (if you ignored the cannibalism and... questionable drugs) but he had grown jaded over the months.

"ophelia's right," malphas spoke, knowing of venus' injuries. "but... that rodent's prey. don't tell me you're intending on keeping it," he said. although he refused to eat such dirty creatures, he knew the general population of tanglewood would swallow the thing in one bite.

Re: HAMTARO TIME (✚) PET - Crow Roux - 08-31-2018

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

"Oh, Malphas, it's just a baby," Crow said as he slipped from the upper branches of a tree and came into sight. He had been meditating away from the presence of others, and the sound of voices brought him back to reality. He blinked sleepily as he settled his paws on the ground, then sat and curled his tail around his form. "It might be prey to you, but it's family to someone else."