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adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - Printable Version

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adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'm going to adopting out Hyoyeon's brother to anyone that wants to play him. He's a completely blank slate, but I would prefer if he was at least somewhat close to Hyoyeon, and he will be a Dragoon in training like she is, meaning that he will be bonded to a dragon called Bahamut, which will grow and develop with him over time. If he could also have a Korean name too, that'd be great. As of such, the small or large mythical creature would need to be purchased, I'm willing to buy you a small mythical creature at this point if you're interested.

I've written out the Dragoon lore here;
which the pair would of been raised with and expected to follow. You are of course allowed to deviate from this, but it would provide the framework and expectations that they are supposed to have.

There's no form & you simply to need to state interest and give a brief summary of his character.

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]mmm I am tempted so I'll give this a track

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]a track on main & thank you for the track
may i tempt you with some dragons lmao

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]mmm the dragons are very tempting ;D
I'll just ask a few questions if that's alright? So I know what I'm signing up for 100% !
1. can this character be a bit older than Hyoyeon?
2. can, for plot reasons, her brother have been separated from her for some reason? and then they find each other?
3. what clan would I need to put this boy in?
4. for the dragon, is it like... a separate entity completely? and how does the "riding" thing work given that they are in an animal form? :0
5. can the dragoon have a state that is more,,, "fully connected" to the dragon, and therefore use his powers flawlessly?

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]yeup, you sure can
1 ) that'd be fine with me! Hyoyeon is currently 6 months old and just beginning her training with Tiamat
2 ) i am 100% alright with them being separated, if you'd like to discuss why/got ideas for it, my pms are open on here & discord, but I might have spotty replies due to raiding.
3 ) Ascendants if you'd like to be with Hyoyeon, must of forgotten to put that in the starter /sweats. If you want to move them at a later date, that's okay with me too, I'd just like them to spend some time in the same clan to start.
4 ) The dragon is a completely different animal and I'm playing both Tiamat and Hyoyeon as separate characters sharing a character bond, but always appearing together. I assume they could be ridden the same way a normal dragon would when the dragon is large enough, but the concept is more a warrior fighting with their dragon as one unit, if that makes any sense.
5 ) if he's older yeah! that'd make sense & it'd give Hyoyeon a mentor figure to look up to etc. so I wouldn't be opposed to that at all

If there's anymore questions, feel free to hit me up

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]wheezes ok a few more questions
1. I know like,,, nothing about the korean language so I'm gonna go off of my shitty knowledge and ask if Choi is their surname? im sorry I know nothing outside of polish culture ;;
2. can a dragoon and their dragon be separated? Would anyone seek to separate them for reasons like gaining the dragon's power?
3. if a dragon/dragoon die, does their respective counterpart die as well? [s]I'm not planning for this to happen just,, I want them to have a near death experience // eyes emoji

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]1 ) Choi is the surname! He's not required to have a korean forename, it's just preferred
2 ) It works sort of like the daemons from His Dark Materials. They can be separated, but it causes pain to both the dragon and the dragoon. People could possibly try to steal a dragon from a dragoon, but it's highly unlikely that they'd get anywhere but causing major harm to both dragon and dragoon.
3 ) If the dragon dies, the dragoon dies. If the dragoon dies, the dragon does not die.

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"][ me ? Signing up ? More likely than you think ]

Your name is CHOI CHEOLMIN and you are a ELEVEN MONTH OLD DRAGOON who resides in THE ASCENDANTS with your sibling HYOYEON. You are AGENDER but identify as DEMIMASCULINE and have no issues with both MASCULINE and AGENDER pronouns. In terms of sexuality you have yet to establish your preference, but believe that you are HETEROSEXUAL.

You are fairly normal in terms of appearance, being a domestic tabby with DARK BROWN, ALMOST BLACK FUR, with only a LIGHT BROWN TAIL and LEFT HIND PAW. The most unique part of your appearance stems from your dragon, BAHAMUT, resulting in a few REPTILIAN-LIKE FEATURES. Of those, you are most proud of your HETEROCHROMIC GAZE, with your right eye being a regular EMERALD GREEN and your left a SOLID SILVER with your pupil PERPETUALLY SLITTED. You are HEAVILY SCARRED on your body, mainly your face, due to your past, but you wear the injuries as a sign of your STRENGTH. While using your ICE POWERS, scales located around your neck flare up and emit an ICY GLOW, that is COLD to anyone but you. Likewise, your left eye SUBTLY GLOWS during this time as well. You are able to manipulate water, although you heavily prefer to turn it cold rather than heated, and as a result often use it as ARMOR to protect you from incoming damage. You perpetually walk with a LIMP due to an injury that permanently handicapped you in your RIGHT LEFT PAW. As a result you tend to STAY AWAY from conflict, but can still very well HOLD YOUR GROUND when the time comes for it. Despite your rather RUGGED APPEARANCE at first glance, you are actually EXTREMELY METICULOUS when it comes to your hygiene. You are WELL GROOMED and keep a GOOD POSTURE, and often spend long minutes making sure you both look and smell worthy of leaving your house. You are FAR FROM VAIN, but do not care much for appearing like a beggar or scoundrel, especially given how easy it is to mistake you for one at first glance. You have a very SOPHISTICATED and EQUALLY METICULOUS way of speaking, never talking unless you have something worth saying. You have DISDAIN towards those who waste your time, therefore you make sure to treat others with the SAME RESPECT.

during your childhood you were SEPERATED from your sister, following the kidnapping of both you and your dragon. Knowing that the bond between you and bahamut was stronger intact, the kidnappers kept BOTH OF YOU ALIVE, but at the cost of your health to make sure neither you nor your dragon would escape. For close to THREE MONTHS you slaved away, often forced to go against your very NATURE AND CODE, until at the first opening available to you, both you and bahamut escaped thanks to your strengthened bond. Throughout those three months, your abilities GREW and manifested along with the trust that formed between you and your dragon. Following that incident, you WANDERED the lands in search of any place you could stay, hoping to eventually REUNITE with your sister.

Although Bahamut is by no means a large dragon, he is extremely RESILIENT and AGILE. What he lacks in strength he makes up in speed and tactics, allowing him to outmaneuver opponents rather than overhear them. This translates into your battle tactics, for you follow the same BASIC PATTERN. You prefer to analyze a situation before jumping headfirst into it, allowing yourself as much time as possible. Both you and your dragon strongly prefer DIPLOMACY, and both of you are rather good at it with your surprising CHARISMA. Unlike your dark appearance, bahamut is PURE SILVER, with SILVER EYES that match your heterochromic one. In order to allow for fast, agile flight, Bahamut has specifically ANGLED WINGS that allow for sharp turns and curves. Likewise, bahamut sports a particularly LONG TAIL to allow for balance and quick directional changes.

Although you can show EMPATHY, LOVE and SYMPATHY, it is largely LIMITED to close friends and family, especially bahamut. To most you appear STOIC and WITHDRAWN, a likely result of your MISTRUST due to your past. You are a strong believer in JUSTICE to a fault, feeling NO REMORSE for those who have done something wrong, and even going to the extent as to MURDER wrong doers. You are SHARP and CURT to most, to the point of being SELECTIVELY MUTE, and it is a tough battle to try and befriend you, so tough, even, as to warrant others GIVING UP before they can. It does not face you that you do not have many friends, however, as bahamut is the only one you believe you truly need.

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]me crying that you did? it's more likely than you think.
you're accepted my dude, do you want the small mythical creature? if you do i'll send it to you Cheolmin looks amazing my dude

Re: adopt a dragon & dragonrider ? - adomania - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]heck !! Thank !!
And no need I have both the water powers and the small mythical dragon Big Grin I’m gonna go make his sub now !!! Hype to post ;u;