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settle down / seph's quest to smell good - Printable Version

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settle down / seph's quest to smell good - sephiroth - 08-29-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had certainly had enough of the smell that hung deep in the Roseblood mansion, and while he had promised himself he would do something about it, it took him a rather long time to actually make good on it.  Problem being his attempts to find something that he could bring back that could at least make his own room not smell like death proved to be more difficult than he had anticipated.  Flowers died when they were picked, and planting them in his room was near impossible as it was mostly stone and there wasn’t too much light to come in to keep them alive.  Not to mention the territory his resided in didn’t really offer too much variety in materials and foliage.  He had to venture beyond the territory to find his salvation, temporary as it is.

The silvery lion would emerge from the shade of the forest and pad back to the mansion, a sweet smell coming from his pelt.  Despite this Sephiroth grumbled quietly to himself as he paused, swiping a paw through his mane which was unusually messy and out of his place.  A few thin green needles flew from his hair, scattering on the ground next to him.  See, Sephiroth, in his journey to find some kind of perfume, had come across a fallen pine tree which probably fell during a summer storm.  Drawn to the scent and figuring it would be a good temporary solution, the lion swiftly approached and fell down into the mess of needles and rolled about it in like a common domestic animal.  He almost enjoyed himself, and he had relished in the smell emanating from the tree.  It was only after the fact once he got up did he discover the pine needles that had stuck into his fur and mussed his normally very well kept silver mane.  Yeah, that wasn’t intentional at all.

So while still smelling rather nice the lion could be found outside the mansion base camp of the Rosebloods, shaking out his fur and mane while pine needles flew about everywhere and every direction.  Sephiroth growled softly to himself; this wasn’t exactly how he wanted to be seen, in this rather undignified state.

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-29-2018

There had been a time when Jiyu didn't have a pelt as if she cared nothing for it, moments in history where she did not smell as if she was actually a corpse, times when she dressed up. However, she could take credit for none of those moments herself, most of them were her brother playing with her like a doll, which was not irritating for her because he often kept her fears in mind and it was sometimes welcomed downtime back then. These days, she welcomed almost no downtime. In fact, the guard was returning from another patrol, paws moving softly against the ground, steps so soft they could belong to a ghost. The days where she had been dolled up had been the same as when she wasn't, and if someone was to give her an accessory these days, one not attached to all she had already lost, the calico would likely wear it, weird as it seemed. Of course, this would imply she was able to get over the fact that someone giving her something meant they were growing to like her when she didn't want them to, if they tried to protect her due to emotional attachment, they could interfere in her protecting them.

"Sit Down Sephiroth." the calico spoke up, voice empty as she padded right up to him, approaching much closer than she normally did. If the male did listen to her very out of place request, considering she had barely spoken to him before now, the calico would set to work on why she had asked him to sit in the first place. Jiyu had mothered many kits, sat through her brother's groomings and a few other odd events, she knew very well how to do something like fixing pine needles in one's fur. She didn't even ask what happened, just set to work meticulously grooming the needles out of his pelt with her claws, if he allowed her.

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - sephiroth - 08-30-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The male’s head swung towards Jiyu as she approached, eyes settled on her in vague surprise.  If anything he was mildly embarrassed to found in this state of disarray by one of his groupmates, though he didn’t let it show entirely on his face.  As long as word didn’t leave this territory he supposed he could live with it.

Sephiroth let out a small huff at her order, deciding it would be beneficial to listen to her if it helped him out.  The silvery lion sat down, hindquarters settling onto the ground as the calico got to work on his pelt and mane.  His muscles twitched under his skin as her paws groomed him, a soft rumble in his throat.  It wasn’t threatening though, if it anything it was a content and relaxed sound.  ”…Thank you.”  His tone was unsure gratitude, as if he wasn’t used to giving genuine positivity.  His eyes still set on Jiyu however, keeping a close eye on her.

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - rhosmari - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Living here the woman had long since forgotten the smell of death that clung here. It was something she had become used to and therefore she could no longer smell it's tinge in the air. Maybe that was a bad thing, she didn't think about it but at least she didn't have to be reminded of it every second of the day. But it was a new smell that entered the air that made her pause in her steps as she was walking. Her eyes shifted as she took in the strong scent of pine, gaze narrowed just a slight amount at the overwhelming smell. Though it reminded her of the woods she had once raced through after a kill of her own she turned and made her way over to the area only to find Jiyu picking pine needles out of a silver mane that belonged to Sephiroth. If she could laugh she would but her mannerisms held it in and instead she sat down and looked at the large beast, head tilted to the side as she examined his attempt at smelling refreshing. To her it was overbearing but it was a good attempt on his part. At least he did try and that was a good effort with how he was now not smelling like the stench of the Rosebloods.

One ear twitched and she went to watching Jiyu for a moment before she flicked her thick tail, amusement in the manner of it. "Did you accomplish what you wanted to? It's rather strong, don't you think?" Her muzzle wrinkled up a bit considering her sense of smell being pretty good and she allowed her jaws to stretch wide in yawn before she debated on if she should try her best to not smell like carrion. Really, thinking about it now she didn't much care rather she smelled pleasing or not. And so she shrugged her shoulders at her own thoughts before rolling them slowly.

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - rushy - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Lydia wasn't particularly a fan of the scent of rotting corpses either. No matter how sadistic she could get or how much she enjoyed torture and murder, the smell was never something she could get over. Especially not the way that it clung to literally everything it came in contact with.

Luckily, though, Lydia had discovered that if she kept strong-scented plants like lavender, primrose, and plumeria around, it was no problem in her personal room. Additionally, if she used lavender oils, she could smell less horrifying herself. Honestly, she wasn't sure how any of their new members or the Typoon's envoys weren't immediately deterred by the horrible scent.

"You know, some oils work to keep away the smell too," the tabby giggled as she padded over, rather amused by the appearance of the wildcat with pine needles all woven into his fur like that. "Pine is definitely a good idea though, and the smell never really gets old," Lydia was sure to add quickly, in case she'd accidentally struck a nerve with her playful response.

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - COSMIIX - 08-31-2018

The smell of pine would attract the jaguar over as he trotted forward before coming to a stop beside Blueridge, he let out an amused snort otherwise he wouldn't laugh aloud at any of his clanmates even if Sephiroth getting groomed by Jiyu looked rather ridiculous though he presumed that's how it would be if he and Blueridge groomed one another even if he had no mane for any form of plant to get stuck within. Even if his expression didn't necessarily show his amusement, the jaguar was definitely amused by this spectacle though the small of pine was rather overpowering now that he thought about it yet he would simply take a seat beside his girlfriend trying to figure out what to say though eventually he settled with a few things "For a moment, I believed someone was dragging a pine tree itself into the mansion." There was a pause before he added "Overpowering but very much preferred over the scent of carrion. As for smells, incense sticks help in drowning out the smell of corpses." He decided to share his own input, Kunta had killed his own share yet he couldn't stand the smell of carrion yet he could still recall the moment he had blood covered all over his paws, his claws would unsheath for a moment though his ears twitched as he decided to listen to the rest of the conversation.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #17181e; font-size: 12px;"] KUNTA BEKOE GHANA

Re: settle down / seph's quest to smell good - sephiroth - 09-01-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Great, he had an audience.  Sephiroth would avert his eyes as if embarrassed, his head hung low and his tail flicking about.  He addressed Blueridge first, his eyes only briefly flickering over to her for only a heartbeat.  ”I suppose so.  Partly.  The needles weren’t intentional.”  His deep rumble of a voice was low and he probably sounded a bit more wounded than he actually was.  This would be a bit of a blow towards the image he had built around himself.

His pale ears would twitch as Lydia and Kunta and he actually shifted his head towards them with acknowledgement of their suggestions.  Sephiroth lifted his maned skull, his voice returning to his normal tone.  ”I appreciate the recommendations.”  The lion would respond, his luminous eyes only slightly betraying his appreciation, a crakci n his usual cold demeanor.  He’d have to look into those methods, perhaps approach his groupmates for aid in his little personal quest.