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BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - Printable Version

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BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - FELIKS - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He liked the atmosphere of this place more than he'd liked the themes of other groups he'd been apart of. They weren't masquerading as white knights of refusing to lift their claws up to help themselves, nor did they inherently approve of restricting liberties like other clans tended to do. They were pirates for crying out loud, what was more freedom-vouching than piracy? Sure stealing from the less fortunate wasn't something that he always particularly fancied, going after the corrupt was much more fun in that sense, but the gryphon supposed he could overlook potential bullying of the little peeps if they were that type of group. This was the furthest he'd gotten with another group after all in what felt like years, in a lucid mood he was a little reluctant to ruin a good thing when he wasn't sure how many chances he'd get in his new life. These lands seemed smaller than ones he'd previously ventured around after all, that meant words of disassociation would spread like flies - if he was gonna become popular, he wanted a notoriety that made others love him or fear him. Perhaps a smidgen bit of hate as well, so long as he didn't get a mob of justice warriors on his ass.

Enough about that though, there were more pressing matters to attend to instead of opinions - introducing himself to the crew! Some of them had already gotten a taste of what the male had to offer, but they weren't just gonna take a sip of the non-alcoholic sour beer that Feliks had to offer them, they were gonna drink so much that they made themselves drunk with the utmost determination... whatever the hell that meant. Settled close to the Tavern, the lion-sized creature was lying down outside of the marvelous building (not that he'd know... did you know he didn't drink alcohol already?), a basket full to the brim of chocolate chip cookies by his front talons. Goodness knows how he got a hold of them, they were chocolate chip, did anything matter when you had the mouth-watering, succulent bites of produce only mildly poisonous to 99% of the animals that lived here? Moderation probably wouldn't kill them, other animals liked eating that disgusting human filth without a second thought, he presumed it'd be the same here. Deciding against giving a cry out after being insulted by Pincher, the male instead gave a quick "Ca-Caw!" sound to attract the attention of the Typhoon.

"So here's the deal, I got some cookies over here. Chocolate chip, maybe there's some warm ones somewhere in the basket, who knows? Anyways, to get one, you gotta ask me a question. Can be anything on any topic, come learn about your clan's newest badass," he screeched, puffing his chest feathers out as if he was seeking a mate. Though his standards were low out of necessity (and his ugly mug couldn't be one to judge others), romance wasn't the intention today. He mainly just wanted to show off how pretty the rest of him was. Never before had the male been lucky enough to experience having four legs and two wings, it was like a fever dream.

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - the trash man - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]linux supposed in certain areas the child was very much the stereotypical typhoon crewmate; she was not afraid of a little theft and in general being told what to do or authority seriously put a sour taste in the child's mouth. it was not a big surprise to anyone or anything though that the child would fit so snugly in the frame of a tyhpoon member - she had been born and raised here. but in certain other areas linux could not be any further disconnected from her birthplace. water and electronics is not a good mix (as the child had found out) and the sand got caught all up in the fluffy feline's coat like the snow-white child was some sort of living lint roller. but a sand roller. yet to the foreign entities entering typhoon as a land to sleep safe at night linux could not truly understand how they must feel. how did they fit in?

wandering the grounds of the typhoon absentmindedly, linux's dusty pink gaze was firmly fixated upon their shiny new toy as the child's snow-like paws carried her around the area to a place where the kitten could game in peace. beautiful it was, purple but semi-transparent, there were sticker depicting various bright flowers down the sides of the tiny machine as it lead to the toy's controls. and just as linux was comfortable enough to start up their latest flashy device the abrupt loud call of a familiar tone reached the child's ears and caused linux to once more rise from the secluded spot she had chosen. all in the name of food. the cookies' scent was what dragged the kitten over, guiding her as a beacon to a ship that told linux to devour. "cookies!"

felik was absolutely right when it came to the animals taking a liking to "human flifth". well,  at least when it came to linux. the child was most certainly of a species that could not properly digest theobromide, but could not come to care enough to avoid the delicious treat. it was only potentially lethal anyways - wasn't that like 1% safe? it'd be fine. which was excuse enough for the child to begin shovelling the sweet baked treats into her small gob. "badass? you for real? what kind of badass things can you do then?" tilting her head, dusty pink hues fixated upon feliks' form in a curious and haughty manner.  "oh yeah and thanks for the cookies."

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - no more - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Within comparison to most amongst the crew Silus found his work fitting. Nothing within him screamed to raise a claw to another, feel skin tear with a malicious intent curling about his thoughts, for teeth tearing through the vein in the throat, the sight of blood he had shed one he preferred to avoid when possible. On the matter of pillaging he was possibly suited to the work, of a small stature and light of step for the little weight he carried it worked well for sneaking about without being detected, he held no interest. To take from others their valuable items may offer a short burst of adrenaline yet he was not one of a more addictive personality and so he held no want to do such for long, interest fading too quickly for him to be useful.

Working with the injured, given a chance to patch up skin ravaged by a foreign item or help to set a bone left broken, such was what interested him and offered an avenue he had begun to tentatively explore in recent days. Strange was his want to tear into bodies, to learn the function of each organ nestled in the chest cavity, pulling apart the heart to see how it all came together, but the chance to do such had yet to rise. In time Silus would pursue that avenue of his interest but for now he was settled in his training, allowing it all to lead into him becoming a true medic.

His current state offered little in way of ability in climbing, such an annoying factor of his injuries for his residence was within the trees, and so he had once more taken his room in the tavern. In such close proximity the call was rather loud and he thought better of ignoring it, deciding instead to push aside the book he had been flicking through previously. The trek to where the griffin had set himself was thankfully short, though jumping from the bed had jostled his arm and it showed in the tense set of his features, a scowl drawn across dark lips. A single dark eye flicked between the two, strangers both though one carried the Roux name as he did, brow lowering to shadow it.

“No thanks,” speaking in a soft voice Silus circled around Feliks and came to settle before him, slowly giving him a once over. Counted amongst his family, unofficially but still, was a dragon of proportions that dwarfed this odd hybrid yet it didn't dull the wonder in the dark eye, a soft hum escaping pursed lips. At the badass comment it came to end in a snort, seemingly agreeing with Linux's comment and for a time wondering at what he could do that earned such a title. “How'd ya get da scar, bird boy?” Oh the insensitivity of children, prone to questioning what interested them with no thought as to the sort of react would come, merely seeking information. And it was such with the Sage, a slight tilt to the dark head as he waited a response.

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - Grey - 08-31-2018

He's come to notice a growing trend when it came to Typhooners both young and old: they absolutely loved to talk about themselves. Q&A's weren't exactly an uncommon sight and, to be frank, he found them to be rather boring. It was even more laughable when the ones hosting such a session had to attempt to lure questioners in, bribing them with snacks or gifts just so they could get a spotlight of attention, shower themselves within the limelight. This time, however, Bakugou had actually had a good impression on the lion-bird hybrid having only recognised him on a few occasions - the meeting and during sunhaven's visit. He liked that he wasn't afraid to express what he thought and how he was capable of bringing about subjects through a tactical, much more smooth manner. It contrasted greatly to Bakugou's own honesty which was raw, full of passion but intensely irritating because he swore like as if he were a boy who had just been gifted his first gun on Christmas and willing to fire just about anything, anyone.

It just so happens that Bakugou catches the sound of an unintelligible call, cutting cleanly through the air and towards his agitated ears. He chooses not to move at all, deciding not to give the speaker the pleasure of seeing his displeased face at the noise. Cookies. The privateer can't help but snort at the griffin's lame attempt and continues to finish his current drink, guzzling the contents of his glass before tapping its empty glory against the tavern table. He stands and begins to walk towards the door, intending to go back to his hut when he hears the pitched voice of a kitten. Bakugou puffs his cheeks, unsure if he can stand the idea of going outside and having to face a possible crowd of questioners gawking at the newcomer. He can't stay inside the tavern just staring at the door, he knows that, but the weight of decisions cycle in front of him like a wheel of fortune, stressing the ragdoll that he forced the tavern door open, letting it swing against a wall with a loud, unsettling boom. Bakugou winces a little but keeps going about his business.

He doesn't get very far, however, when he starts to smell the waft of cookies. It reminded him again of his old home, the old world where he'd sometimes be walking past some kids holding cookies inside paper bags, claiming that they had just been freshly baked in the morning. If he tried hard enough to be sad, perhaps he can even hear their conversations from within the misery of his mind. Bakugou partly turns his head, taking another sniff of the biscuity air before sighing harshly at himself. He's not particularly fond of cookies. The last he had eaten were the ones from Goldenluxury and, in his frustration, they had turned to ashes. The taste of charcoal...or maybe even it was the taste of death, cremated along his very tongue. "Were you always some weird bird thing?" the privateer asks impulsively, allowing himself to give in to such sudden words. He was wondering for a while what unsettled him about Feliks and he remembers now - the griffon reminded him a lot of Tokoyami who reminded him a lot of just how much attention he needs to give to Kirishima in the case that his friend did something stupid. Bakugou too catches on the creature's use of 'badass' but chooses not to ask any related questions for now.

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - FELIKS - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Satisfied to see that at least one creature in this world was interested in cookies, a chuff of amusement would escape the male as Linux instantly went to consume the sugary 'goodness'. Recognising her as the girl with the piano, it was hard to grow antsy with such a personality's rudeness when he took that first interaction into consideration. She was one of the ones that didn't care so much when it came to social norms, perhaps it had something to do with her being in the age of innocence, regardless it was a nice sight to see though. What wasn't so nice was being questioned on his apparent 'badassery'. Dammit, no one was meant to question him on it! He supposed he'd signed himself up for skepticism when he'd claimed such a thing in the first place, and then openly told others that they could ask whatever they wanted but still... not cool. "Oh hell yeah I'm for real! For starters..." he drawled his hoarse words out, giving himself time to think of a comeback or twelve as he smirked at Linux. "You know what? A real badass wouldn't gloat, I'll give you a hint though, an alias of mine used to be Dragonslayer,". The ability to take down opponents bigger than him with strong spacial awareness in battles. Of course, he wasn't always lucky, but the times he were had been extraordinary. "And I ain't talkin' Chinese Water Dragons either before you give me that hassle,". With no credibility to his name yet in these lands, Feliks at least hoped to start off strong, he just didn't want to go after someone who was innocent.

Someone declining his treats caused an invisible eyebrow to raise, irises flickering over towards the Bengal that had approached him. "Suit yourself," he clacked his beak as his shoulders struggling, not feeling all too glad that the other wasn't filling his body with all of those nasty sugars. What they did and didn't want to consume wasn't any of his business, as long as they weren't eating other sentient beings Feliks couldn't make the effort to state his opinions. How'd you get your scar? Instinctively the beast turned his head, looking back towards his hind leg where no fur seemed to grow around the 'knee' joint. It wasn't visible from his angle though, tucked behind puffed up feathers, and the male was quick to realise that he was on about the one on his face. The cockiness on his expression lost just momentarily, the gryphon's nostrils flared as thoughts began to envelop him. Would a youth really understand how big of an impact loneliness had on him? A sharp sigh escaped from between an initially sealed tight beak, tail lashing as he tried to keep himself cool. It's not their fault. It was his own for enabling such nosiness, it was always his fault. "Punishment," he rasped, keeping it vague. "A guy who was an absolute nut job thought I deserved it, you know how creatures are. If they're angry, lost, sad, they like to take it out on others, sometimes even themselves if they ain't got no one else to hurt". He forced arrogance back into his tone after that, talons sinking into the floor. "Bird Boy's a good name though, I like it, much better than Feliks,".

Not that he'd ever call himself BB though. Too vague and simple, even more simple than his own name. At least he lacked an 'x' in his own, made others need to think just a little bit if they ever wanted to write a letter to him. BB just sounded like a kitten who didn't know the alphabet. Before he could finish thinking, a loud slam woke him up from his dreary wondering, head whipping around hastily to see what had made such a noise. Trying to ignore the fact that his heartrate had gone up tenfold at such a thing, Feliks offered a silent nod to Bakugou before turning back around to deal with his tiny crowd. A wave of silence had fallen upon them, perhaps because he had already answered their questions, but it wasn't long before the privateer's voice entered his ears. Grateful it wasn't another bang, Feliks turned to face them, managing to smile a little more genuinely at the easier question. "Nah actually. I was born a little wolfie, about as big as a husky because I was a fussy little fucker who didn't want to hunt,". Cringing just slightly as he realised he'd cussed in front of the young, Feliks hoped they wouldn't pick up on it. Last thing he wanted was a bunch of angry parents calling for his head because he'd forced little Timmy or Tilly to grow up too quickly, the gryphon wanted his life to be a little easier than that. "Only got this body when this bear decided he didn't like me. He uh, well lets just say he was a bit of a racist towards anything that wasn't totally mortal,". Hopefully that bear would leave these lands alone.

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - ikaia - 08-31-2018

IKAIA | current shape: oncilla | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
"What's so badass about that?" The boy inquired, ears flicking.  His lips were quirking up into a small smile, unable to quite remain as stoic as he had tried to sound.  Of course, the petite oncilla was not entirely impressed yet.  As a shapeshifter, Ikaia figured he could also, easily, take on a title like 'dragonslayer' if he turned into something big and  strong enough.  "Besides... Sounds... Kind of evil, really.  Not all dragons are bad." What was so great at being known for killing a specific creature?  Made you sound genocidal, in his opinion.

The child cocked his head sideways, brown orbs gleaming with legitimate curiosity, though it could perhaps be said he already had an opinion on the matter.  Ikaia would prefer to befriend dragons than murder them.  Dragons were awesome.  Maybe he could figure out how to shapeshift into one and show him just how cool they were.  Absently, he focused on the cookies, puzzling over them.

All his time alone, Ikaia had never seen or heard of cookies.  They smelled good, he supposed and somewhat warily, he reached for one, deciding to nibble quietly while he waited for Feliks to answer his inquiries.  His smile turned into a grin sharply, "of course, being evil is a form of being badass, I guess."
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - Grey - 09-01-2018

A real badass wouldn't gloat, huh? He doesn't quite agree with the griffon's statement. Sure, one would be an absolute fool to overprice their strength and power but it was far more satisfying to be cocky and have all the reason to be cocky in the first place. Sanguine eyes continue to watch the male's beak tap as he spoke, his irises glistening a reflective gaze - cold and like a mirror. It was hard to look into his hues and tell the storm of thoughts which shrouded and roamed within the temples of his mind. Bakugou's lips were sealed, quietly judging the male and observing the way his features morphed and returned to life. His ears raise tentatively when Feliks answered his question, not expecting the male to answer the way he did. The lion-bird looked so comfortable in his own skin but now that he was aware of the truth, he could see the way the male's feathers ruffled and how he moved so often. His clasping beak, moving tail - Bakugou straightens his posture. He must be adding meaning to the griffin's movements, noticing things that weren't intentional or subconscious.

"Totally mortal." Bakugou's grips on his own mortality wasn't quite something he was proud to think about or even associate himself with. He felt himself to be subject to death, he'd felt it once, but now it was like a recurring dream that haunted him in his wake. He was beginning to doubt his original humanity, as if it were all an illusion. Bakugou feels mildly uncomfortable. He's not fond of diving into realms unknown. "So you reincarnated into that body or what?"

Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - Luciferr - 09-01-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Or perhaps possession, I'd assume?" he found it slightly distasteful on that - but maybe because his own will had been subsummed to a backseat when dear ol man needed a meat puppet to carry out his will in the material world.

so yes, he did find it put a bad taste in his mouth.

reincarnation wasn't that bad conversely even if he and his own kin were bound to it usually - never did they know any elysian ever after, no, they were cursed with immortal age and on the rare event of death, they just cycled back again.

though he would admit he hadn't thought he would again after last time,

the dragon sniffed idly, settling down - mercurial eye glancing from Baku to Silus to Linux to Ikaia and then back to Feliks in his own version of headcount-partial greeting - thugh he hummed idly with Ikaia's words "I'd like to think i'm proof we're not all mindless" was his dry tone - though he did still see himself in truth a monster, he wouldn't deny it.


Re: BURN ALL THE BABIES | cookies + ama - no more - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Punishment. The word seemed strained as it parted his beak, devoid of the arrogance which curled about his voice within prior sentences, speaking of something more behind it. Within the back of his skull that word lodged, though the rest washed over him, found a perch for a brief moment before they were slipping beneath the stream of ever present conscious thought, left to be regarded at another time if such proved necessary. Yet his teeth found his lower lip and chewed upon it for a short span of time, in a similar fashion to his mind as he wondered if such fit his own actions, his want to feel pain for acts he never truly committed yet felt too real, fragmented memory murmuring gently of reality.

Dark ears flick as Feliks speaks of the name, a slip of the tongue, nothing more in truth, faint the chuckle drawn from his lips. Indeed it was vague and unsure, a simple thing for one like him, all so young yet forced to grow at a pace no child should. He had been forced to see more than any child might at his stage of life, felt broken bone and helped to mend it, been present when death had seemed no far off idea but rather an old friend, lingering about the shoulders whispering in his ear, asking him to simply give in and allow things to run its course.

“Hmm,” drawn up the single eye held a hint of curiosity at the remark of him not being fully mortal. Was this odd mix like him, one who bore something beyond this mortal realm, given a title for the mere fact his soul was split between two, or might it merely be a wishful desire to find another outside of those he deemed family. “How're ya not... totally mortal.”