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Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB!(closed) - Printable Version

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Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB!(closed) - vvintersoldier - 04-05-2018

Ahh so recently, I joined the Ascendants with a Roy Mustang themed character, who was formerly human adn from Amestris! He accidentally got in some mess with a weird transmutation circle that changed his species and landed him up in Ascendants territory! I thought so he wouldn't be alone, and have his hawkeye, Riza could join after him!

There are just a few requests I have if you decide to make my Mustang's Hawkeye:
- Please stay active in the Ascendants!
- Please try your best to stick to Riza's personality(if you need to look at anything for reference, her wiki page helps a lot: I use Mustang's for his personality lol )
- I would prefer it if you considered yourself advanced!! I consider myself to be advanced. c:
- Have fun rping Riza!
Also if you're interested, there can be some royza :0

also, riza was originally rped by Una but dropped her due to school. Riza was a lioness with a bit of a mane and was already apart of ascendants!

If anyone is interested, please comment below!! Thanks! <33

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - Roy Mustang - 04-05-2018

Track on sub !

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - Una. - 04-06-2018

I'm interested! Even though I have a character in The Ascendants, I can probably have her have a dual-membership between The Ascendants & Snowbound! And yes, Riza & Roy :ooo

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - vvintersoldier - 04-06-2018

Ahh yes that sounds good!! And about the dual alliance, Roy will probably be very wary about it since he doesn't know the other groups well enough(though she can still go through with it, since he might just follow her lol). xD yesss royza

Also what animal would you plan to make her?? Roy is a tiger if you want to get anything close or similar !

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - Una. - 04-07-2018

Sounds good! (Lmao she'd be like "Roy i swear to god ill be fine)

And she'll be a lion + her sub will be up tonight but it'll be finished tomorrow

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - vvintersoldier - 04-07-2018

Okay sounds great! c:

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - Una. - 04-16-2018

Sadly, I´m going to have to drop Riza. School has been stressing me out and I can´t keep up with her. I hope you find someone else to roleplay her! <3

Re: Roleplay Riza Hawkeye from FmaB! - vvintersoldier - 04-16-2018

Aww okay, thanks for letting me know, good luck in school!!