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LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - Printable Version

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LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - EROS - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Today his assignment was to clean the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. A place he knew as he had been there on one separate occasion to see some of the grueling sparring matches. It hadn't fascinated him in the least how claws ripped and tore into flesh and he merely watched as if bored by the occasion. Brutality had never set well with him and when one opponent had went down was when the slave had looked away. But that was how things just were and he never commented on it but today he was just cleaning the place up before some other members came in for training. It had taken him a while to find a few small scrubbers for the floor but he had manage and it took him even longer to go about filling up buckets of water. Though the river was close by and that helped him out a bit. As he was bringing in his fifth bucket of water to set down with the others he admired the outside of the pyramid. Pink marble hues shifting over the exterior before he entered and gazed at the dragon like pillars that gave the training grounds a sort of grandeur to it. To the long legged beast it was something to behold. Well, if it wasn't for the blood stains all on the ground.

A light sigh left him as he set the bucket down and he picked up one of the scrubbers, dropping it in one of the buckets. Well the place wasn't going to get cleaned on it's own and he proceeded to move around after getting his scrubber well doused. Lucky for him it didn't seem to be too much and he set to scrubbing the flooring, paws pushing and pulling over a rather thick stain of blood. It made the water run red in no time and he frowned a bit, the smell of old iron hitting his nostrils. A fluttering in his heart began but it was something he was used to, an old need he had pushed aside long ago. Though his tongue swiped over his teeth behind closed lips he pushed his scrubber back into the bucket and then back onto the floor with fresh water as he continued to clean up the mess. His throat felt a little tight though and he closed his eyes for a moment to control himself before he flicked his long, thick forked tail gently through he air. He could get through this and even if he couldn't he'd still have to do it. But as he turned to the right to get at the spot at a different angle his tail accidentally knocked over two of his buckets full of water, sending it everywhere. A groan left the canine like creature as long ears shifted. "Great..."

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - guts - 08-28-2018

Cosette herself was accustomed to such labor. She was often given the task of cleaning or fetching things for her superiors, though she had never done heavy lifting and the like, which was one reason why she was so thin and fragile-looking. It was mostly because she rarely ate, even now, but that was another story.

She had taken to wandering about the camp, still trying to map it all out and find her way around without getting lost. It was somewhat difficult, since she refused to ask for directions or where things were, but she was managing. Everyone here was too intimidating, anyways. She didn't think many of them liked her so far, either. While they were all gritty and tough, she was the oddball, the quiet and squeamish one. She couldn't complain, though; she was used to being looked down on, so it didn't bother her much at this point.

As she entered yet another pyramid, she quickly noticed Valkyr as he scrubbed at the floor. When she noticed all the blood, however, she had to avert her eyes. She took a breath, calming herself before turning back, although her heart still beat quickly in her chest. She just tried to ignore the stains, padding over to the male's side as he knocked over his buckets.

"D-Do you need any help?" Cosette offered with a somewhat shaky smile, not aware that this was supposed to be one of their slaves. It was funny how she didn't think about such things after escaping the same situation. Nevertheless, she still wanted to help out, make herself useful finally.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - melantha - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]Odd though it may seem, Melantha is among the few who dislikes slavery. Though she does not outright condemn the practice, the young huntress does very little to disguise her disgust for those who turn labor which could have been easily done themselves onto a slave who already suffers the burden of their rank. Even though slaves generally are captured enemies, that does not deny them of basic rights, though there are many who would disagree with her. Melantha is of the opinion that people work better when treated better. It is simple logic, though the Pitt is unfortunately populated with an abundance of individuals who prefer violence over common sense and rationality, if not compassion. The strong arm already possesses a reputation among the slaves that she is amongst the most forgiving, and that she will share food and other supplies when she can.

Which is why the plain-faced predator does nothing to prevent Cosette from offering her aid to the unusual slave she has seen every so often. "Careful, Girl," she warns, though her tone is light. "Dante might have an aneurysm if he catches you interacting with a slave." It is clear from the way a snarl tugs at the edge of her lips as she speaks that she hates the aforementioned male with a passion. She would punt him all the way to next week if Yes Man would allow her. But she is a careful, calculating creature with an affinity for structure and rules. She prefers not to draw attention to herself unless absolutely necessary, though Dante absolutely deserves a good ass kicking.

The female does not move to offer assistance, though she takes a stance that could be interpreted as a watchful. Perhaps on the lookout for unsavory individuals. Briefly, pallid olive eyes flicker over the form of the Sha slave, intrigued by his unique appearance. "What is your name?" she asks after several moments of quiet study, her gaze intense. Although Melantha is shorter than the male, he is more lean than he is sturdy. Built for speed and agility, and less for sheer physical prowess. Or he is simply emaciated, which is entirely plausible. Perhaps she will reward both Cosette and the slave for a job well done. She likes to give gifts in exchange for good work.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - EROS - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He hadn't expected anyone to come in here, let alone ask him if he wanted any help. That wasn't right, not when directed at him and he almost seemed flabbergasted at the question. Though he immediately went into submissive stance as was accustomed of him, as was right for him to do. His long rabbit like ears shifted, pulling back against his skull. Head lowering down and body slumping a bit as he tucked his thick forked tail between his legs. His breathing had become quite quick paced and so he was also working on fixing that and swallowing a few hard lumps in his throat he focused on what was asked of him, keeping his pink marble colored eyes away from his betters. It was always a good idea never to make eye contact, he wasn't supposed to and these rules that he had forced upon himself were what was keeping him alive. He appreciated the kind gesture but it just wasn't right and he stumbled over his words. Not wanting to correct her because he wasn't the one in the right but he had to let her know that this was his job and he was supposed to do this work on his own. " Wait..." He was a bit flustered and he closed his eyes for a moment keeping them the ground in front of him. "You can't...mistress. This is slave work..."

He managed to get through it but then someone else showed up and he took a small step back. Feeling his body go a bit lower in his submissive stance. His gaze lifted up but remained on the far wall, breathing much more even. He'd been in positions like this before. It was easier, more natural and he allowed himself to relax but just marginally. Tilting his head to the side he managed to catch a view of the thicker set feline, a wild cat. Something he had seen before but he didn't look too long for fear of catching her eyes and so he merely arched his ears forward a bit when she began talking. Yes, that was right. She shouldn't be offering to help a slave with his labor. After all that was why he was here to ease the labor off the betters so they can go about with their leisure. It was right. He swallowed thickly though when she addressed him and he was quick to answer back. They didn't like waiting and he wasn't about to keep her waiting for his answer. "Valkyr..." He spoke up even though his tone was soft it was loud enough to carry in the training room they were in and he glanced down to the buckets of water, shifting to begin scrubbing once again. He could talk and work at the same time. His work was never finished and he couldn't slack off now.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - guts - 08-30-2018

She frowns at their objections, but ends up backing off anyways. Slavery in itself was not fair, but she didn't know that. In her mind, it made sense, it had been drilled into her mind that people were not equal. Others were made for great things, while others were made to serve them. It was how she was taught. Still, she felt like she needed to do something, at least.

So, turning to Melantha, Cosette addresses her somewhat sheepishly. "Um, is there anything I can do? Around camp?" since she wasn't meant to be doing work with a slave, maybe she could do something elsewhere. She wasn't sure what, though, unless it was cleaning or something of the sort. She had never really hunted before, at least not on anything that was alive, but she doubted there was much to hunt in the desert. Either way, she wasn't of much use in that department.

She looks back at Valkyr as he states his name, a smile curling back onto her face. It was a nice name, albeit a bit odd. She was used to simple names like her own. "I'm Cosette. It's nice to meet you," even if she wasn't allowed to help him, she didn't see why she couldn't at least be polite to him. It made her a little sad to see him cower so much.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - ; albion - 08-30-2018

the trade or use of slaves in the pitt had never occurred to benny. whenever he saw valkyr, he just assumed he was a shy fellow. a bit battered and bruised, maybe beat up a bit. skinny, but then again when was there really anything good to eat around here. it was certainly the last thing in his mind to call valkyr a slave, though.

he had no defining opinion on slavery for his part. benny was a believer and follower of social darwinism. if one could not survive society's standards and cruel events, then so be it. though he was also hypocritical in that part, his opinions mostly swaying to what benefited him most. though if valkyr could withstand the life of slavery, perhaps he could one day overcome it and become something greater.

coming into the pyramid, benny had been attracted to the scent of blood. maybe something was left here for him to scavenge and call a meal for the day. instead, he found melantha, cosette, and valkyr. the social fox felt compelled to join in whatever they were talking about, and approached them with a casual smile.

"ain't it a bit late for spring cleanin'" was his opening statement, looking at the spilled water bucket and sponge. "is it even worth really takin' care of it? 'm mean..." blue eyes gesture to their surroundings of the obvious violence and injuries that have occurred here.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Gabriel wished distantly that Valkyr wasn't a slave to The Pitt. There was far too much pride in his heart to ever admit such out loud, but the sentiment of liking the poor sha creature was still very much present. Sure, he was timid, but he did have a good heart and seemed like someone that Gabriel could have a mutually beneficial relationship with if he played his cards right. How did slave purchases work again? He might just go to Valkyr's owner.

Though no matter how much he did like the slave, cleaning was benign and boring work. Work that he didn't want to talk about or be involved in. Hell, just thinking about if gave him the worst sweats of his life since the beginning of it. He avoided commenting on Cosette's offer to help out, and instead opted to verbally target Benny. "Never too early or late to be pristine," he responded sharply. Though Gabriel hated cleaning, he was familiar with the fact that people would judge you for uncleanliness. And for someone whose ego was massive, that was a pretty big deal.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - melantha - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]There are many dynamics at play here; so many that young Melantha takes a moment of pause, considering thoughtfully which path she should take lest she threaten the treacherous balance between duty and morals. In response to Valkyr's introduction, Melantha nods. "I am Melantha," is her simple reply. Had Benny and the others not arrived, she might have said more, but Melantha dislikes large groups and clams up in the presence of those she does not know or trust. Cold olive hued eyes sweep over to inspect the faces of the new arrivals. Benny's appearance inspires a subtle rage within the mountain lioness--she never really liked people like him. However, she maintains a neutral composure as she understands that she cannot behave based off prejudice. Unless it's Dante.

Gabriel's words earn an approving nod from the strong arm. "I agree," she says in that low voice of hers. Finally, her gaze returns to Cosette, and the female thinks long and hard about how to respond. "If you truly want to help, how about you and I go fetch some more water so that Valkyr can finish his duties in time?" It makes no sense why they would just let him handle it on his own while they were all standing around and watching, anyways.

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - guts - 09-06-2018

Cosette would glance over as Benny and Gabriel arrived, offering them both a small smile and a nod. Then she turned back as Melantha addressed her, eyes lighting up at her suggestion. Why hadn't she thought of that? "Oh, yeah. Okay!" she responds before coming over to pick up one of the over-turned buckets, grabbing the handle between her teeth. She made a face at the taste, but quickly pushed it back, looking over at the larger female with an expectant look. She would let her lead the way as usual.

short post sRRY

Re: LITTLE TROUBLE - open; cleaning - CHERRYWINE - 09-07-2018

Cherry had to be honest, she really liked this slave guy. He was about her only source of entertainment about here, with his constant groveling, so she had to appreciate him for that. However, sometimes, his level of obedience and passiveness became more pitiful than anything else. He was a pathetic creature, and had never really expressed any sort of personality outside of submissiveness and mild fear. Arriving at the scene after Gabriel, Cherrywine spared a look in Cosette's direction, lips pressing together ever so slightly as she observed the other femme. Cosette was a pretty girl, someone the former crime boss would not mind spending more time with, though she seemed to be like one of those people who tried far too hard to make themselves useful. That was kind of good, though, she guessed- after all, with all the lazy people (including herself) in the world, they might need some like Cosette to push them to actually do shit.

"I can help you with that, too, darling," purred Cherrywine as she stepped forth, a gentle, very much not-Cherry smile upon striking features. Did she actually care to help the laboring slave? Not at all, but things had been so dull lately, she may as well try wooing a pretty girl, and this seemed like a good place to start.
