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storm of blood / joining - Printable Version

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storm of blood / joining - cyantist - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]There is a story about a being called the Kindred. They say that all must meet the Kindred, in time, the eternal hunters that track those destined to die whether they accept or reject their fate. To those that accept death, there is the lamb, a kindly huntress that ends their life with an arrow and a soft, warm embrace. But should one run from death, the wolf, a snarling beast that could tear even gods apart would descend and shred them.

Hyoyeon doesn't know why the tale of the Kindred resonates with her, but there is one thing that she relates to. Originally, the Kindred were one person, and they were so lonely. Nobody wanted to face this person, although they would all do in time, whether they liked it or not. So, despairing, desperately wishing for someone to keep him company, they took an axe and split themselves in two, splitting themselves into the wolf and the lamb - so they would always have each other.

Hyoyeon was unsure whether who she had been born from had split themselves in two because they were lonely. But she knew that she had been split into two, and her "wolf" was Tiamat. The two made an odd pair, a small domestic feline and an even smaller dragon, usually perched on Hyoyeon's shoulder. Tiamat is still on Hyoyeon's shoulder by the time that they have arrived, and by the time that the two have reaffirmed their promise to each other.

"So we would always have a friend."

"So we would always have a friend."

The two wait outside of the observatory, waiting for someone to find the pair. She doesn't know what awaits her here, but Tiamat and her need somewhere to stay. Where better to stay than under the stars?

Re: storm of blood / joining - Zjarr - 08-28-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]One would expect the demon to be selfish, to want to exist as long as he could possibly permit it, but the case was far from what it seemed. He could spit in the face of death, aggravate it and taunt it like some snarling beast secured by chains, yet he held utmost respect for it, and he knew that he could not run for much longer. Even those once deemed immortal would meet their end. He could recall this from recent experiences, even within the Ascendants' domain.

As such he could not fear the reapers of each realm, mortal or not, in spite of any disguises they may bear. This did not mean he didn't have his suspicions, but for now he would suppress them in the face of a newcomer—two newcomers, it seemed, as the cyborg wolf began to approach them tentatively.

He figured that the female was merely a joiner or some traveler, and the little dragon a sort of companion, and thus he didn't pay much thought to it. "Er, 'ey, ya need somethin'?" the canine inquired the feline as he sauntered his way over. "I'm Zjarr, by the way." These Ascendants folk had a thing for making introductions to strangers right off the bat, a custom he assumed he should get a hang of.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: storm of blood / joining - cyantist - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"][abbr=deeper in your heart, i'm your sweet russian roulette ♡]니 심장 더 깊은 곳 달콤한 너의 러시아어 룰렛

He looks strange.
Should we leave?
Nah, I'm curious.

The pair exchange a glance at each other, before looking back to Zjarr. Their exchange is kept between themselves through their bond, and the two stare at Zjarr as if he is something strange. Tiamat in particular seems to be wary, her tail curling around Hyoyeon's shoulder like a protective presence, the same way that someone would place their arm around someone's shoulder to show their support.

"Uhh, yeah, hey, I'm Choi Hyoyeon and this is Tiamat, we're looking for somewhere to stay? Also, you wouldn't happen to know of a place called Coerthas?" She has a vague feeling that nobody will know where Coerthas is, but that doesn't mean that she can't ask. There's always the off chance that somebody might know and then the pair can go home and finish their training instead of being lost in an unfamiliar place. "We're together, Hyoyeon and I. We would not wish to separated."

Re: storm of blood / joining - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

,You forgot the script jam jar - 'name and business' remember? Tha' show it goes" rumbles a raucous voice as a much larger frame strides closer, golden spines glinting against the light like ornamentation a against an obsidian scaled hide.

The spins queen squints down at the two of them from where she stops beside Jamjar and tilts her head - a cat and a baby dragon by the look of it right? Well that ain't the first fuckin drake she's ever seen, of course her mentor hardly compared to most - massive lich dragon he'd been.

His fat ass couldn't ever fit in the meeting halls she remembered - even just bones as he was.

She snorts quietly at the memory and then answers "well I ain't never heard of wherever that place is - but if yer no trouble her allowed to stay, open border policy n all Chorizzo"

She shifts idling "names EternalWar or eternal or whatever fun nickname you can come up with - keep it PG though or you'll probably offend someone's delicate sensibilities" the last she says with a fake high voice and a slight splayed claw in a parody of some dainty nobles dignity, feh.

Who'd ever wanna be like that anyway, no fun.


Re: storm of blood / joining - Feyre - 08-29-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
[color=#3f5351]"Is that a dragon?"

Feyre did not attempt to mask the wonder that laced her tone as she teetered forward. Lavender eyes were stretched wide and an ever-so-slight smile curved delicate lips- she was the air of intrigue, her childlike curiosity revealed in its full extent by Hyoyeon and Tiamet. She had only ever heard fables and tales of dragons, and even those promised beasts of grandeur that made her feel small and insignificant in comparison. It was almost reassuring to look upon a supposed dragon that even she managed to dwarf in size, a certain unbridled delight coming to life upon her grayish blue features in spite of herself. [color=#3f5351]"Can yours breathe fire? I can make it!" She half-inquired half-boasted, a fluffy chest puffing out in a way that she did not intend; bragging was a new and unfamiliar (yet fun) concept for the child.

To further demonstrate her ability, Feyre drew in a deep breath, those vibrant eyes of hers flickering shut for the briefest of moments as she first recited the spell in her mind and then, verbally. [color=#3f5351]"Phasmatos Incendia!" The embers that lit the ground in front of her were nothing more than a parlor trick in the eyes of Feyre and yet, she watched them with wonder as well, expression almost begging for acceptance from the dragon. [color=#3f5351]"I'm Feyre Josephine and I'm a witch! It's nice to meetcha!" Her introduction was short and sweet, a paw raising to dismiss the flames that she had so easily beckoned as she sat back upon her haunches, [color=#3f5351]"I can also talk to ghosts but playing with fire can be so much more fun!"

Re: storm of blood / joining - cyantist - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"][abbr=deeper in your heart, i'm your sweet russian roulette ♡]니 심장 더 깊은 곳 달콤한 너의 러시아어 룰렛

The spinosaurus is the closest thing that the pair have seen to another dragon since they've got here. It causes Tiamat's head to lift, fanning out her wings and puffing out her chest in an attempt to seem much bigger than she, undermined slightly by the fact that she's small enough to be able to fit onto Hyoyeon's shoulder. "You talk strangely for a drake." It sounds like Tiamat is near... Sulking? She expects something more from Etty, that's for sure, whereas Hyoyeon is busy focusing on how big Eternal is.

Will Tiamat get that big? I will eventually be large enough to blot out the sun. Sweeet.

"Okay, I'm gonna call you... Goldie. Are your spikes made out of gold? Are you a golden dragon? Tiamat is a silver dragon, I didn't there were dragons outside of Coerthas! That's so cool!" Hyoyeon practically glows as she talks, grinning from ear to ear in direct contradiction to her more stand-offish companion. Tiamat gives a huff - Hyo wouldn't like it so much if this stranger decided to eat them both, now would she?

Fire. It's mostly unheard of for silver dragons to breathe fire, unless their dragoons happened to have souls tempered with fire. That's the term they use to refer to what magic a dragoon can tap into, the blood of the dragon within the dragoon rarely ever matches that of their dragon. Neither Tiamat or Hyoyeon know what her soul is tempered in yet, and it will be a strenuous process to find out. It always been.

Is it disheartening to find a stranger that can conjure fire with ease? Definitely. She's a witch apparently, whatever that means - she's also magically it seems. So why doesn't she have a dragon? Where's her familiar? "Tiamat is too young to have her breath yet..." She trails off, caught off guard by trying to process Feyre. She can talk to the dead? Why would anyone want to do that?

"Where's your dragon?" She asks, genuinely sounding confused, weren't dragons the source of all magic?

Re: storm of blood / joining - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

her eyebrows rise and she cuffs a laugh "and you've met many to make that assumption? We're from all walks a' life out ere" if the tiny dragon wanted to see a real strange drake, he shoulda been around back in the exiles - nothing like a large swearing skeleton-dragon to put any misconceptions to rest, ah but she missed ol man van.

At the nickname though eternal grins "well hey now, you are the secon person actually given me a nickname back - or maybe everyone else couldna imagined one, I don't fuckin know" she shrugs before squinting idly "ah Chorizzo sorry to disappoint that I'm not a dragon - though who knows maybe we're related species most em seem to be looking back on evolution - as for the spikes? As golden as they come" she winks and pauses.

"though last I knew, pretty sure typhuck had a big ol black dragon" she snorts
