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I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - Printable Version

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I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-28-2018

//Trigger warning in the 9th paragraph for small amounts of gore!
Oh, and tl;dr: Caesar was up at night fighting his feelings of remorse over his actions and eventually left his room to distract himself and found an invading rogue and killed them. The sun should be rising by now, so Caesar and this rogue can be seen in daylight.

After seeing Goldenluxury kill that person that was supposed going to cause harm to The Typhoon, Caesar found himself craving the feeling of somebody's flesh beneath him, the blood flowing out of the body as their life slowly ebbed away. The demon had started to get antsy, his claws digging in the dirt as he fought the feeling of just wanting to lash out at his Crewmates. That was something he absolutely could not do, only because of the position he had here. Caesar was pretty sure that he was on his second strike, and if he fucked up again, he would be demoted to Crewmate - or, worse, exiled. Although the Officer wanted to get exiled at some point, now was not the time. He had to lead this place before the latter happened. Pincher was already starting to wither, if the meetings were anything to go by, and Caesar was practically the next in line, considering Argus had stepped down.

The moon was high in the sky and Caesar was in his room, fighting back emotions of regret as they came washing over him like they did every night. The memory of his parents flashed in his mind, the look of pure fear and sadness in their eyes made him recoil, surprised not to see pain and suffering in their gaze. They were upset at him. Understandable, considering he had been the one who set the Dimension to flames, but Caesar had expected them to be angry at him, not... sad. He expected disappointment, but he found none, almost of if this event was expected. And sure, Caesar had warned them but they decided not to listen, but the demon hadn't been prepared for the look they gave him before their den crumbled on top of them, crushing them beneath it and leaving their corpses to burn.

Caesar coughed, spitting out black blood that had started to rise in his throat as he tried forcing the memory to the back of his mind. It doesn't matter about that. The demon mentally growled to himself. You warned them, remember? They deserved to die. He had to keep telling himself that. That's what he told everyone: that he was proud of himself for destroying his Home Dimension and killing his parents during it, when in fact that was a lie. Everything about that situation was a lie! Caesar had wanted to destroy his Home, yes, but he never expected himself to fully go along with it. In fact, he figured his parents would show a little more care and not shrug off his threats, however they just told him he was being ridiculous and everything would pass in time. But Caesar knew it wouldn't, not for him, and went off on a rampage that ended up killing his parents. Caesar regretted that, mostly in part because now it left their family divided, to the point where Vigenere didn't want to associate with him anymore and Atbash feared him.

And Caesar told him that he was glad she was scared of him. That fear was the key to success, but it truly wasn't. Respect was; true and honest respect, not respect earned by fear. But Caesar had to keep telling himself that fear was what he wanted, what he needed to succeed. He knew it wasn't, and that's what hurt: the fact he had to lie to himself constantly to make himself happy. The demon's body convulsed as blood rose in his throat again, and he ended up vomiting the black substance on the floor. I've had enough of this, Caesar growled to himself, ears pinned to the back of his head as he shakily rose to his paws and marched out of his room, heading towards the beach. Getting his mind off this shit would be best and what better way to do that than to hear the ocean pound against the sand?

As Caesar headed towards the water, movement towards the end of the beach, where it faded into the jungle. The demon narrowed his eyes as he watched the figure move, frowning in thought. Of course, they were too far away for him to be able to properly catch their scent or see who they were in the darkness, but the way the slunk around the beach was suspicious. They didn't seem to notice Caesar, likely due to the darkness of the night, but the demon knew that the sun should be coming up sometime soon and from the way this creature was walking, they seemed to have ill intent. Slowly, the demon moved closer, just enough to try and be able to see this person.

However due to him being on the beach and coming closer, the person spotted him - or, rather, heard his paws crunching about in the sand. The NPC let out a hiss as Caesar neared and the demon narrowed his eyes at them.
"What are you doing here?" Caesar growled at them, abandoning his hunting crouch and rather moving to get in a defensive position. The NPC did the same, fluffing their fur out in an attempt to intimate the Officer that stood before them.
"That's none of your damn business." It was a female, a younger she-cat by the tone of her voice. Caesar's ears flicked as he heard her answer, a frown crossing his maw as he stared at her. She hid pretty well in the darkness, with dark brown tabby fur, but Caesar was close enough to be able to see her and track her down, if he needed to. She didn't hold the scent of any clan, though the fact that she seemed to be lurking around told Caesar that she probably just wasn't some loner that wanted drinks.

Caesar could practically taste the fear that came from her pelt, having been startled by the savannah's presence. A grin slowly moved its way on his face and his claws dug into the ground as he realized what he could do now. This she-cat was trespassing and clearly had some sort of intention of being here, though it definitely wasn't a good one. Which gave him a reason to attack her. After all, she shouldn't be so close to camp anyway, and if he let her go, well... she could tell everybody how to easily sneak into their camp. And we can't have that, now can we? The Officer hummed to himself, studying the she-cat carefully. Without warning, Caesar leaped, which caused the NPC to let out a yowl of alarm that was quickly interrupted by Caesar placing his paw over her mouth. His claws dug into her skin as he held her down, his left front paw dangerously over her neck.

The demon could feel her heart pounding in her neck and he felt adrenaline start to course through his own body. Oh, the urge to just end her life now was there, but he had to toy with her first. Make her afraid, make her beg for her life, make her believe she had a chance in surviving. "You shouldn't be so close to camp." Caesar hummed, his tail flicking as he stared down at the she-cat. She glared back at him with one eye, though the Officer could see fear in her gaze. Good. That was exactly what he wanted. "Now," The demon spoke again, his voice cold and demanding. "I will ask you one more time: what is your business here?" Slowly, he removed his paw from her mouth and held it above her head, though his other front paw still laid over her neck.

"... Nothing." The rogue hissed in reply as much as she could with the pressure on her neck, her ears flattening as she spoke that word. Caesar let out a tsk, tsk sound, shaking his head. He dug his claws deeper into her neck, making her cry out in pain. The Officer could feel blood come from the holes he had created, and it felt great, adding onto his urge of just wanting to end her life. To which he gladly gave into. Swiftly, Caesar replaced his paw with his jaws, crushing her windpipe as he bit down onto her throat. Blood practically poured into his mouth as he bit down on her neck, the iron tang of her blood making him crave more. With a wicked grin, Caesar pulled back in one quick motion, ripping skin as he moved. The she-cat had gone limp by now, blood splattering on the ground and onto the demon's yellow body.

Caesar spat out the skin that he had grabbed, his tail still flicking back and forth as he stared down at the dead female's body, watching as her blood came out of her body and onto the ground and his own body. Satisfaction coursed through his veins, his heart pounding from the adrenaline rush he had created. The blood felt warm on his body for a few seconds, though of course it would start to become cold as the seconds ticked by and the wind blew. The Officer was idly aware of the sun rising in the sky, though his focus was on the rogue he just killed. Caesar frowned, deciding to act like he hadn't done this out of impulse. To his Crewmates, he did this because she was spying. To his Crewmates, he would be a hero and saved the clan from a potential enemy knowing their secrets. But the reality of this situation? Caesar done this out of impulse, wanting to feel the adrenaline rush and get his memories out of his head. He wouldn't admit that, though. If he was still seen as a murderer, that was fine, but being a murderer for selfish gain is usually what made people hate you, and he definitely didn't need more of that.

Re: I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - Luciferr - 08-28-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Found a rat did we?" the rumbling voice of the dragon spoke up as his dark shadow fell across the scene before him, casting Cesar and the dead rogue into shade - no he didn't judge for murdering where there was right to and even when not he was aware he'd once been among tat counting - warped and bent to another's wills as he had been at the time, he'd still done his fair share of atrocities, right minded or no.

so upon finding what was likely ceasar taking care of a threat - whether for the good of the clan or more likely with Ceasar's persona his own desires - well he hardly batted an eye in judgement on what had driven him - the dragon merely hummed overlooking the corpse - maybe stringing up the corpse along the border like the days of an older harsher clan would give more rogues pause then to wander through to them.


Re: I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - the trash man - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]typically it was the tangy metal scents that excited linux; the prospect of decaying machines running pure adrenaline through the milk-white child veins and setting them on the edge for an exciting surprise. typically. it was odd just how context could change everything - it could shift pure exhilaration into deep innate fear seizing you in it's tight grips. context could also just flip flop on the whim too, leaving no room to brace it's impact. it wasn't always so dramatic though.

pink, blush nose flaring at the scent of something metallic, linux's ears piqued at the sounds of shuffling and scuffles from outside of their room, the young child daring to adventure out with hesitant steps and ears lain flat upon her skull. curiosity got the best of her in the end. the kitten slunk her way through the typhoon's territory as she came up behind the form of lucifer, the smaller child slowly peering from behind the larger male to get a look at what the other was looking at. the thing that smelt so distinctly of iron. a dead body - ew. "rat? that's a rat?" incredulously the child probed at the male's choice of words, blush pink hues travelling towards caeser as if to get confirmation this was indeed a rat from the hunter himself. "large rat.. why did you kill it?" naive tones almost sung the question to caeser, the kitten mostly unaware of how exactly she was supposed to react to this sort of situation. instead the kitten opted to ponder why.

Re: I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-01-2018

As Lucifer approached, Caesar at first glared up at the dragon, assuming the guy would end up scolding him for doing such an action. The Officer's body visibly relaxed from his defensive position as Lucifer mused about his kill and Caesar gave a flick of one of his ears as a response. "Yeah. Don't know what their purpose was but it's better to make sure shit doesn't get said, y'know?" He gave a shrug before looking over at Linux as she came over. The demon snorted, rolling his eyes at the child's question. "It's a feline, not an actual rat." Was she really that fucking idiotic, or was she blind? "I killed it because they were likely a spy." He went on to explain. "Can't have our secrets just being out there."

Re: I'M WAY TOO AGGRESSIVE // murder - MIAMIHORROR - 09-01-2018

/oof rushed

Miami has been drifting too long; even after joining this place he's hardly spent any time within their border.  He comes and goes with the wind, moving in whatever direction interests him most.  Today that direction happens to be in that in which he catches the scent of blood from his parted jaws and the balmy summer breeze.  The canine is drawn across the beach, large gray paws pressing into the coarse sand.  He's still getting used to living by the shore and not within the forest or on the outskirts of a city, but as he saunters to a halt Miami finds himself shaking the grains from his fur with faint distaste.  His pelt is remains disheveled and scruffy all the same, and the frame beneath it still youthful and lean though powerful yet.

Miami and Caesar are monsters of two different kinds.  Miamihorror is blunt, he is aggressive and he revels in the chase and the struggle, the thrill of the fight and not the death itself.  Yet he still feels his the itching of his skin and the pulsing of his veins just below — his copper gaze flickers across Caesar and the blood splattered across the other's pelt.  He inhales the metallic tang that hangs heavy and damp in the air like a cloud and shifts his weight agitatedly upon his paws.  There's a fire that churns deep within Miamihorror's stomach; he craves the rip of tearing flesh and the surge of blood from puncture.  There's a part of him that swells with jealousy — he wishes he got here first.  The wolf licks his lips, running his tongue idly across his canines and begins to regret not bringing any cigs to help quell the restlessness.  "A spy?" he echoes.  Miamihorror speaks with casual mildness, but there's a slight edge to his words, a subtle wryness.  His attention turns to Caesar with a smirk touching at his maw.  He doesn't know whether or not to buy into the suggestion that the rogue was indeed a spy — then again, he neither cares nor does he linger on the thought.  "Maybe you should up the security 'round 'ere," he suggests, completely deadpan.