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we move like the ocean / mdc prompt - Printable Version

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we move like the ocean / mdc prompt - JUNJI - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it had only been about a week since the attack. only a week, but he was up, forcing himself into therapy so he could resume his work. an injured healer was not much use, and the though of possibly being demoted for taking time off to recover gnawed at him, made him antsy and restless. he didn't want to be useless. he wanted to help people, save lives, make a difference.

be a good angel.

the words tasted bitter on his tongue now, the taste of his own blood that he just couldn't get out. no matter how much water he drank or spit out, no matter how much food, copper seemed always present on his tongue. he hated the words and wished he didn't. he wished he could continue on in his mother's image. he wanted to make her proud. junji wanted to be her little angel, to keep going being pure and lovely, heavenly as she believed him to be. he didn't know how long he would last going in that direction, if he managed to sprout wings; just thinking about it made him keel over, struggling to keep himself calm. how many panic attacks had he had lately, thinking about what would happen if that hound found out he had wings, if he ever got them? would he come back for him? finish the job?

junji exhaled shakily and continued limping along, ocean eyes flitting around him. it wasn't very smart to leave his hut alone, but it wasn't like he had many visitors. just luca and an occasional visit from the other necro mambas to check in on him, but they knew he was recovering, thus more capable to treat himself. he'd be fine on his own; he always was.

the boy slowly made his way through the jungle, finally slipping out of the trees and pushing his toes into the sand. oh, he'd missed the ocean these past few days. he had yearned to hear its waves crashing against the shore and the cry of seagulls so close, but within the thickness of the jungle, so far in, all he heard were rustling leaves and the strange calls of the other creatures that lived on this island. he never used to spend much time in his hut, always out and about, preferring to lay by the ocean and beneath the stars rather than the solitude and darkness of his lonesome little home.

in the distance he saw a figure, scrawny and swaying from side to side as it moved. junji squinted to get a better look, shuffling a bit closer; when his eyes focused and could finally make out the animal's features, his heart dropped.


a breathless whisper, chest clenching in disbelief, sadness, happiness, so many emotions he couldn't quite process. on three paws he ran to her, nearly tripping several times, but he managed to make it to her without much trouble. shaky paws skidded in the sand and his good leg shot out as she collapsed against him, barely able to keep herself standing. ocean eyes scanned her, and his heart pounded more and more at the sight of her wounds, the stench of blood both fresh and stale. he swallowed thickly.

"what happened to you?" junji asked with a breaking voice. "who did this?" the angel pulled her closer, tears brimming in his eyes. it had been so long since he'd seen her, and their reunion, he knew, would be the last. his lip quivered with a sob at the thought. why is this happening? he leaned down, ignoring the flaming pain in his back as he did, and pressed his muzzle into his mother's crimson stained fur.

"mother," he whispered again. he dared to shift his broken leg, wincing at the pain it brought, but continued. with a trembling paw he lifted his mother's chin, glad to see she was still breathing, but he knew it wouldn't last long. his brow knitted and his vision blurred, sniffling softly as a tear plopped on her face. "wake up, mama." the boy pleaded.

he sobbed into her fur, pawed at her helplessly, until a touch on his cheek startled him up. he stared down at his mother while she stared back, smiling so wide at him as if she were seeing the light. more tears formed and were wiped away by her gentle paws, a soft touch he hadn't realized he'd missed so much. "dulce meum angelus," she cooed to him, leaning up to press a kiss against his wet cheek. "quare te clamantem?"

"nolo perdere te, mama," junji cried, nuzzling his forehead against hers. silence passed between them, comfortable but oh so tense, filled by the sniffles of the boy and the labored breathing of his mother. she hugged closer to him, resting her head against him, and closed her soft blue eyes.

"meus venit tempus, amica mea." she murmured. "nolite flere pro me. i'll be with your father soon." the woman opened one eye to meet junji's gaze, smiling despite the sadness in his eyes. another gentle touch to his cheek, a soft kiss upon his wet nose, and she settled into his embrace, speaking no more.

junji held her until she passed.

he managed to keep his sobs silent, staring blankly down at her lifeless body, limp in his arms. "mother," the angel wept into her fur. "don't leave me." he curled her closer to him, ignoring the blood that seeped into his pelt, quietly begging for her.

"please, come back."

Re: we move like the ocean / mdc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-28-2018

Caesar had no idea about Junji being attacked, although if he was told, it was unlikely that he'd care. After all, Junji was just another face here that he didn't care about and, to him, he was just a weak link to the demon. That was practically everybody here though, save for maybe Argus, but the former Quartermaster was nowhere to be found nowadays and besides, the only reason Caesar remotely liked her was because she knew shit and that was something that he didn't like.

Caesar quite liked the jungle so it was no surprise that he was here, but what drew him closer to where Junji was, was hearing the boy's annoying cries and voice. With a scowl, Caesar followed the sound of Junji's voice echoing across the jungle, coming across the young kid over a body - his mother. The Officer's ears flicked and he let out a snort, probably revealing that he was behind Junji. "Stop your crying." The demon hissed sharply as he pushed through the ferns of the jungle, glaring down at Junji as he walked up to the kid, briefly casting a glance to the body that lay in front of them.

Re: we move like the ocean / mdc prompt - Luciferr - 08-28-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Your capacity for compassion astounds me Ceasar - if you'e no more use than rubbing salt in a wound, you should leave since you despise these 'displays' so" rumbled behind the officer, as the greater bulk of a far larger beast meandered through the jungle treeline - hunkered half low as a predator's stalking grace.

mismatched eyes went from glancing in silent disapproval of ceasar to the quivering from of Junji and felt his own echo in sympathy - ah, he knew the pain of losing a parent, his sole parent and step father to be precise were long gone now but he felt the echoes like yesterday.

he missed them, missed them all terribly.

Obsidian claws shifted as the dark god stepped past the dream demon, the dragon sweeping around the scene and extending one abyssal wing to offer what silent comfort he could - suddenly feeling the weight of all his millennia at once.


Re: we move like the ocean / mdc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-01-2018

Of course Lucifer would be here and commenting on his actions. Caesar rolled his eyes as the large dragon came over, his tail flicking irritably at the male's words. "The kid should learn to control his damn emotions." He snapped back. "Rubbing salt in the wound, as you say, helps them mature." Or that's what he believed, anyway.