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And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - Printable Version

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And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - MirrorEdge - 08-27-2018

It had taken the young leopard a bit of time to realize something with Suite's death: That this is what she was supposed to have felt when her own mother had died.

Pale blue eyes looked down at the crumpled body of her mother, the usual look of indifference in her eyes, and smile beginning to fade from the young cub's face. "Sorry, mom. But you weren't strong." No tears, just staring at the body of the person who had raised her for a few long moments, before beginning to make her way down the road, back home.

No. No. Thea could almost feel her heart ache as the feelings of grief and despair hit her. She wanted her mother back. Mom was dead. Suite was dead. And that wasn't because they weren't strong. If the strong could die, could be hurt like that, what was the point of living? What was the point of her goal to become strong?

Thea's world was finally crumbling, and the young Fireball let out a shriek, claws digging into the sides of her head and slowly raking down them, as if that would rid her of the pain in her heart. "Mom... Suite..." Both were dead, and it wasn't because they had been weak. And the guilt just wracked at her now, for being responsible for her mother's death, and now, for not being there when Suite died, and it was for more than those two lives that had been lost. No, it was stronger, the feeling of having somebody you cared about ripped away from you just as you had lost another, that feeling was there too, and it was too much for Thea to process, especially since she had never felt such strong negative emotions before. So this was what it felt like to grieve. She didn't like it. She didn't like it at all.

//Basically she's going a bit crazy, and will most likely lash out if you try to restrain her
Template by Quill

Re: And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - WINTERWOLF - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Winterwolf saw everything in dull colors. There was little in the world that grabbed his attention and reeled him in, little that warranted more than a glance. Life was easier to navigate when the world was shades of gray — he saw with a precise clarity that doesn't come from the sunset and the ocean waves. Lately, the world had bled back in. Bits and pieces, but he's beginning to understand how blue the sky is. To feel it. In the same way, he had never experienced the other emotions that came with life. Anger, irritation, some amusement, but everything was felt in halves. Yet that wasn't to say that on some level, he didn't understand them. He knew how deeply pain could bite, sharp teeth sinking in and tearing at your heart. He knew it like he'd felt it in another life, knew it instinctively, in a primal, ancient manner. Everyone must, even if it's new.

When Winterwolf sees Thea there, crumbled to the ground with her claws in her head, he knows what she's feeling and senses some returning emotion twinging in his chest. Empathy. How sickening. The lion is slow in his approach, because even though she was much smaller than him, she was still grieving. "You won't solve anything like that," he murmurs, though his voice is gruff as he reaches with one heavy paw to attempt and guide her own away from her head. Whatever she did in retaliation, he can take it. After all, he's felt worse.

Re: And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - MirrorEdge - 08-28-2018

Eyes narrowed at seeing Winterwolf approach, and Thea aimed to send claws raking down his own at his attempts. "What was the point? Mom died for nothing. And Suite's gone. She was strong, and kind, but she's gone. So what the hell was I working for if in the end, it's for nothing?" Anger and sadness laced the young leopard's tone, and her voice raised with each word, as if that would help solve anything, and would aim to swipe claws clumsily at the lion again, as if that would get him to go away.
Template by Quill

Re: And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - Feyre - 08-28-2018

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Grief was not a concept that Feyre so readily understood. She saw the effects that it had on others, watched as sadness and melancholy ripped an individual apart, but could never trace the source of such agony to anything but death or loss. Both forces constantly presented her with one question: why? Death was hardly considered a finality in the eyes of the young witch, especially given how vibrant her ancestors were to this day. They whispered to her now as she stepped closer to the pair, confusion gleaming within bright blue eyes. There it was again, that burning inquiry that she could never resolve. Obviously this leopard was torn apart by the weight of grief, but Feyre, out of lack of comprehension, could feel no sympathy for her.

Instead, she was met with a wave of anger as Thea lashed out, her own claws escaping their sheathes even though she was practically useless when it came to physical combat. [color=#3f5351]"Phasmatos-" The air had just begun to heat around Feyre when she cut herself off, suddenly processing the words that the Fireball spoke. [color=#3f5351]"Gone? As in dead? Because if they're dead, they aren't gone. I can talk to them," She extended in an almost casual fashion, behaving as if it was entirely normal to communicate with spirits that had crossed over to the other side. She wasn't so sure that she wanted to offer her services to Thea though, not after witnessing her small-scale assault on Winterwolf. In her eyes, she didn't deserve the gratification of her ancestors' time, not with that attitude anyways. But  despite that, Feyre was curious. Curious about Thea's mother. Curious about this 'Suite' person. And curiosity and Feyre were often a dangerous mix.

Re: And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - WINTERWOLF - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]For all of his many faults, Winter was a patient sort of creature. Claws digging into him did nothing to deter him, and he simply took the stabbing pain without a change of expression. After a moment, gently shakes his paw away from hers to listen with the same gentle silence. Unlike Feyre, he finds no anger sparking in his chest. Like he'd said before, he's patient. Thea hardly seems like a bad person (no, he knows what bad people look like). When she swipes at him, the lion moves to direct her paw elsewhere with a backwards bat of his own, the soft, already bleeding backside a clear, distinct opposite of the scarred pads and strong claws. "It wasn't nothing if you got time with them," he says, reproachful and firm yet oddly gentle, for him being who he is. Some small fragment of him begins to ache with more familiarity, but Winter is older than even he recognizes, and he will not allow himself to grieve like this.

As Feyre speaks up, ice blue eyes narrow and he turns to face her fully, rounded ears pulled backwards. He wants to tell her that she shouldn't have offered this hope if she couldn't ensure she would follow through, but the words are out now, and the consequences will be hers. He glances back at Thea. "If anything changes with their deaths, let it be how you see who you are. You act for them."

Re: And are just now grasping what pain is like (Open, breakdown) - ONISION. - 08-29-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
"Live for Suite, then. She died peacefully, agreeing with her wife. We can't mourn her for too long." Came Oni's meow from a distance as the wounded feline limped over, ears swivelling despite the pain that made shoot through his missing eye. He wasn't one to talk about not mourning, when he couldn't even sleep in his own home without their scent anymore, as stale as it was. He couldn't sleep without a lullaby, or their soft talking. Onision could die to listen to Suite's lullaby one last time. To be able to get a decent sleep without constantly having to sleep with Bastille or Alexander. Not that he minded, of course, but Oni could understand how the scent of his older brother and crush could soothe him, even temporarily.